Take a plane to the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 430 Zhu Yousong's Sarcasm

Chapter 430 Zhu Yousong's Sarcasm
To be honest, talking about gambling with a famous general in China, especially when this general is still his idol, Omu felt uneasy, but in the end, this uneasiness was overcome by curiosity.

"How does the prince gamble?" Da Mu asked timidly.

Zhu Changyuan's face was calm, but he smiled slightly in his heart, revealing a hint of joking.

This big wood has not grown up yet, when he saw him just now, he still looked fearless, he heard that his name could still be strong, but now he heard that he was going to bet against him, and finally lost his momentum.

But it's no wonder he is like this, after all, he is only a teenager, if it were another person, it would probably be even worse than him.

"My king speculates that there will be a tsunami hitting the shore tomorrow night. If you guess wrong, you will lose. If you guess right, you will lose, how about it?" Zhu Changyuan said casually.

Damu's back was covered in cold sweat at the moment, and the nervousness on his face was even more obvious, but the education he had received since he was a child was not as rigid as ordinary people. Although Zhu Changyuan is famous now, he still firmly believes that the tide will not come.

Because Zhu Changyuan's speculation has no basis at all!
Unless he is a god and has the ability to predict the future?

"If I win, you give me the boat outside!" Da Mu himself didn't understand why he said such excessive words, he seemed to be able to hear his own heartbeat after he finished speaking, and he didn't dare to look up at Zhu Changyuan s eyes.

Too much, is it too much, how could I make such a request?

Oki himself despises himself.

However, what he didn't expect was that Zhu Changyuan immediately agreed heartily: "Yes, if there is no tsunami tomorrow, this ship will be given to you. Hehe, you dare to speak."

real?He really agreed?
At that moment, Omu was going crazy with happiness!

"However!" Zhu Changyuan said with a slightly serious tone, "If you lose, just follow me and be a bodyguard for me, and obey my orders for the rest of your life!"

After hearing Zhu Changyuan's words, Damu trembled slightly.

To obey him for life?This is an incredible bet. If you lose, you will become someone else's slave in the future.

"Of course, you can still go back on your word now!" Zhu Changyuan's words fell into Damu's ears again.

Do you want to go back on your word?Is the stake a bit high?

Besides, my father has already surrendered to Emperor Hongguang, if I follow Zhu Changyuan, I will be in trouble!
However, betting on my own personal freedom with a big boat does not seem to be profitable for Zhu Changyuan!

In an instant, thousands of thoughts flashed through Damu's mind, and finally he looked up at Zhu Changyuan's playful smile, as if he had been underestimated, and blurted out: "Bet, I bet!"

I really don't believe you can predict the future!

"Okay! You can go now, come here the morning after tomorrow, and be ready to follow me." Zhu Changyuan nodded, looking at the busy people, "I'm going to change places soon, and I have to mobilize people elsewhere."

"Yes!" Damu bowed and stepped back.But he was hit by Zhu Changyuan's self-confidence.

What does he say to make me ready to go with him the morning after tomorrow?Why is he so confident?
No, there is something strange, maybe the tsunami will really come!
Thinking about it, Zheng Damu raised his head and said to the soldiers following him: "Go, notify all the sailors to assist King Yanming to move the people. All coastal areas in Fujian must be notified before tomorrow morning."

"Yes!" The soldiers behind hugged the big tree and left.

Zhu Changyuan smiled slightly: The Damu family has a great influence in Fujian and Taiwan. With their help to inform the local people, the persuasion and mobilization ability should be much better.

At the same time, in the southern part of the Shandong Peninsula, the ships from Riyue Island were the first to land here, and they arrived at the shore more than three hours earlier than Zhu Changyuan.

As soon as they arrived at the shore, all the soldiers on board separated to mobilize and organize the local people.

"Folks, we are under the command of King Yanming. The sea is about to get angry. A tsunami is about to hit. The once-in-a-century tide will hit fifty miles along the coast. All villagers living by the sea must go to high places to take shelter temporarily!"

At the beginning, these soldiers shouted with loudspeakers, but there were very few responders.

Immediately, they changed their strategy. Not only did some people shout with loudspeakers, some went door-to-door to do ideological work, and some even went directly to the local county government to seek assistance from the stewards.

Although the Ming Dynasty is no longer subjugated, the county government agencies in various places are still relatively sound and have not suffered large-scale devastation.

"Young man, what are you talking about, a tsunami is coming?" an old man asked while pulling a soldier.

"Yes, sir, King Yanming specially asked us to come here to tell us, please take your family belongings and large animals, and go to a high place to take shelter first, and the tide will recede in the morning of the day after tomorrow." The soldier explained earnestly.

The old man nodded and said, "Yes, although I haven't seen a big tsunami, I've heard old people say it before! Okay, I'll move tomorrow! No, I'll find my son to move now."

A villager who thought he was smart looked at the old man and said with a sneer: "Old man, don't listen to their nonsense. Whether the tide will come or not is God's will. Who can say for sure? He is very good at fighting, but how can he do this?" will know?"

"That's right!" The woman next to him thought that the women would also join in, and said, "Who knows if these people are pretending to be King Yanming? Anyway, I don't believe it. Uncle Sun, don't make people laugh at you."

The old grandson smiled and said, "I've lived such a long time, and I'm going to be buried soon, so I'm afraid of some jokes." After speaking, he ignored everyone and hurried to the house.

After running home, he saw his two sons and shouted, "Hurry up, come out, and transport the grain and cattle to the south slope. A tsunami is coming."

Old man Sun's eldest son listened to his father's words. Although he disagreed in his heart, he didn't dare to refute, so he had to take his wife with him to prepare to move.

But the second son said: "Father, they are all talking nonsense, who can say for sure whether the big tide will come or not?"

"Bah!" The old grandson spat and said, "Stupid!"

The second son asked, "Father, are you calling me stupid?"

"You are the one who scolded!" Old Suntou said, "If you are told to move your things to the south slope, you can go. There is so much nonsense. If the tide comes tomorrow, you will regret it later!"

"What if you don't come?" The old man was still stubborn.

"It's best not to come, how much trouble will it take to move things back?" asked the old grandson.

The second son suddenly realized, and hurriedly dragged his daughter-in-law over to help move things.

One family moves ten families. In front of the Chinese people, the power of rumors is infinite. For example, in the hometown of Zhu Changyuan, a later generation, he heard that an oil depot in the town was going to explode, and he could calculate the time clearly.

Then, people from the nearby villages started to take their children and dragged their animals all the way south. Then, wherever they passed, the names of the villages followed. When the people in Zhu Changyuan ran along, they didn't know what was going on. They thought it was a war. What?

Later, the rumors were broken, and everyone knew the truth.

Just like now, at the beginning, no matter how hard the soldiers tried, they couldn't say the name of the village, but once the old grandson took the lead, everything would be much easier.

Many people began to follow suit, and those who were originally ridiculed gradually became fearful.

As a result, villages were emptied, and towns and cities began to be relocated on a large scale.

From the southern part of the Shandong Peninsula all the way to the southern part of Fujian, all coastal existences and towns are demonstrating this phenomenon.

However, there are also some particularly sensitive areas where the relocation work is very difficult, and some people continue to obstruct it.

For example, the relocation of Huai'an and Yangzhou, which are the closest to Nanjing and near the sea, is very difficult, so that the results are very small.

The city of Nanjing is not far from these state capitals near the sea. After this kind of thing happened in the local area, the local officials immediately sent pigeons to Nanjing to report what happened.

Of course, Zhu Yousong had to stop the female talent show, attend the court meeting in person, and discuss with the officials.

Unexpectedly, more than half of the people in the court meeting supported the relocation order issued by Zhu Changyuan. This made Emperor Hongguang inexplicably angry, and threw the memorial presented by a state capital at his feet, saying: "Stupid!"

"These tricks to buy people's hearts are nothing more than to deceive the common people, but you actually use them to fool me!" While talking, he put on a full emperor's majesty, seeing that no one was talking anymore, nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Decree to the prefects of Huai'an and Yangzhou that local officials must keep the people safe and not allow anyone to move!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Ma Shiying bowed to receive the decree, drew up the decree on the spot, stamped it with the emperor's seal, and passed it to a state government office that night.

With a big belly, Zhu Yousong burped, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Let's leave the court." Then he said to Ruan Dayue, "Qing will accompany me to the side hall!"

Then, Ruan Dayue and Zhu Yousong walked into the side hall.

Zhu Yousong was blunt and asked, "King Yanming is so bold that he dares to take responsibility for me, and even ordered me to participate in the Xiangyang League on December [-]th. How should I deal with it?"

Ruan Dayue was startled, he had only heard rumors before, but now that the emperor himself said it, it was true.

"Your Majesty, absolutely not!" Ruan Dayue is also a well-educated person, knowing the power of it, and said: "I risked my life to report: Now the people in the world are unstable, and the former prince has disappeared. People with ulterior motives don't even regard Your Majesty as orthodox. Do not go to Xiangyang to meet the League."

"I also know that there is a difference between superiority and inferiority. If I go there, it is as if I was ordered. But the thief Zhu Changyuan is so bold that he dares to threaten me, come and say that someone will go or kill me. I am so angry!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the city of Nanjing is as solid as it is today, and there are thousands of guards in the capital, Zhu Changyuan can't do anything to you!"

"Yeah!" Zhu Yousong nodded, thinking the same thing in secret, and then, a sneer appeared on his face again, and said: "Zhu Changyuan is an idiot, he didn't even recognize the edict of Emperor Liedi; and this tsunami, such rumors Dare to spread it randomly, hmph, after tomorrow, his reputation will be ruined.

(End of this chapter)

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