Take a plane to the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 408 Riot Rebellion

Chapter 408 Riot Rebellion
Large-scale mining ensued.

Zhu Changyuan transported a lot of machinery and necessary oil from modern society, as well as the rations needed by the army, and he didn't worry about their safety.

Because although the army is divided into eight teams, the distance between the eight teams is not too far away. If you contact them by phone, they can support each other at any time.

After all the supplies were needed, he leisurely began to educate those native nobles in the city of Myitkyina.

First, let them wear Han Chinese costumes uniformly like myself, and hold various gatherings every day, let them first get tired of their own national costumes on big occasions, and then, without Zhu Changyuan's teaching, they will naturally take this A chic toga with big sleeves is worn on the body.

Clothing culture is just an opportunity. Next, Zhu Changyuan brought many teachers from the mainland to teach Chinese to local children and even the upper class.

Moreover, in order to cooperate with Sinicization education, Zhu Changyuan issued a military order: within one year, all people in the Kachin area must speak Chinese, and all the characters used in the Kachin area can only be Chinese characters, and other languages ​​and characters will be considered illegal.

The vigorous movement to change customs began here.

However, everything has advantages and disadvantages. Even though many people in northern Myanmar accept Zhu Changyuan’s education and willingly become his lackeys, there are still a small number of people who feel sorry for the loss of their national culture and want to pick up a hoe against alien civilizations.

For example: Dali, the patriarch of the Shan nationality, after being persuaded by the elders of the clan, secretly gathered a small team of more than 3000 people, and slowly extended his claws to the inner city of Myitkyina where Zhu Changyuan was stationed.

In a secret room inside the Shan tribe, the three elders and the patriarch Dudley were still meeting secretly.

"Patriarch, hurry up and make a decision. Once the prince of Ming Dynasty gets a foothold here, our descendants will be their slaves in the future." An elder of the Shan nationality suggested to Dudley.

"That's right, patriarch!" Another young elder looked at Dudley, held hands and gritted his teeth, and said, "These outsiders are horrible, they are digging our mines everywhere, you have never seen them, but But I have seen with my own eyes how powerful those monsters are, they can dig up a big rock in one fell swoop, and flatten a hill in a month."

"It takes more time for them to mine our emerald stones in one day than what we have been mining for decades. If it goes on for a long time, we will really become slaves of the Ming Dynasty."

Why didn't Dudley know this, but, looking at the Hanfu he was still wearing, and thinking about the tragic scene when Sanarao died, and what happened to the four thousand guarding troops, his heart ached. A piece of ice cold.

"I know!"

Dudley rolled his eyelids tiredly, shook his head and said, "In the whole of Myitkyina, our Shan people are a small family with a population of less than 10,000, while the Kachin people are a large family with [-]+ people. Dare to act rashly. If I make a move, I'm afraid it will bring disaster to the entire Shan people. You haven't seen the tragic situation when King Yanming killed those soldiers."

The few people below suddenly lost their anger.

That's right, not to mention the soldiers guarding the city, but the common people. In the past month, more than 40 people had their feet cut off because they didn't wear shoes, and their ears were cut off because they didn't tie their hair.

"Also!" Dudley said, "Although King Yanming kills people without blinking an eye, as far as I know, there is a reason for everyone he killed, and he didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately. As long as we abide by the rules and regulations he made, no and no What's the matter? Besides, when he is here now, we only need to pay for 4000 military rations, and we don't need to pay another [-] gold!"

Unless it is a last resort, no, it should not be said that the country will be destroyed, Dudley really does not want to have even the slightest unhappiness with Zhu Changyuan, because he often goes to some parties with Zhu Changyuan recently, he knows what kind of person the other party is ?

He kills without blinking an eye, is cold-blooded and ruthless, and at the same time he has many stinky rules!After seeing him, even if you are still some distance away from him, you can feel the demonic aura emanating from him.

"Patriarch!" The young Gu Chang stood up, his eyes full of ambition, and said: "Although our resistance is full of risks, once we succeed, we will have a lot of credit!"

Seeing that the patriarch did not speak, Gu Sheng continued to analyze: "Now there are only 1000 defenders in the entire Myitkyina city. If we can catch him by surprise and capture King Yanming, then we will play King Talong at that time. It is possible to surpass Ava and become the master of the entire Myitkyina."

After hearing what he said, Dudley's eyes flickered, and finally he couldn't make up his mind.After all, Zhu Changyuan is too powerful.

"Patriarch!" Gu Sheng said again: "We have recruited 3000 warriors. These [-] people have experienced many battles, and more than half of them grew up on the battlefield. Now there are our internal agents in the city, and we will attack the city at night. If you are caught off guard, you will definitely succeed in one fell swoop!"

"As long as King Yanming is captured at that time, those mobs under him will definitely not be our opponents, and those monsters that can dig mountains will be ours by then. You don't even know how many emerald stones they dug out, That is immeasurable wealth, if we dedicate the most exquisite of them to King Long, then the patriarch will seal the king and crack the earth, and it is not impossible to sit and guard this Myitkyina and become the king!"

Gu Sheng described a bright future to Dudley and brought him a lot of wealth, so Dudley's heart was moved. When he thought of Zhu Changyuan for the first time, he didn't have any fear in his heart, but a wildly growing desire.

"it is good!"

Dudley slapped the table and made a final decision, saying: "Hide the three thousand warriors, and start attacking the city after midnight tonight."

Standing up, he looked at Gu Sheng and said, "Relocate all the other men in the tribe to the canyon west of Myitkyina to prevent the soldiers who dig mines from coming to help."

It has to be said that huge wealth, as well as the supreme status, can lure out the darkest side of human psychology, and act as an engine, pushing some people on the road of no return crazily.

Dudley is just one of them.

"Yes!" Gu Sheng was excited when he heard Dudley's words, and said, "I personally led the men of the clan to the canyon under the Daqing Mountain to lay an ambush. Don't say that the reinforcements will not come, after they arrive, we will It will wipe them all out."

There is a distance of about [-] kilometers between Myitkyina and the entire ore mining area, and there is only a narrow valley that can be passed through.

So, that night, without any warning, the local Shan elites suddenly attacked the city of Myitkyina, which should be said to be the Myitkyina military base.

The gate of the military settlement was also secretly opened by the inside line, and the 3000 people from the other side almost drove straight into the city, and fought hand-to-hand with Zhu Changyuan's defenders who were caught off guard.

Really can only be described as caught off guard!Because except for the 700 soldiers who were patrolling the city, the other 700 people were all resting in the barracks.When the enemy invaded the city, the [-] people, including Zhu Changyuan, were all awakened by the sound of killing outside.

"Damn it!" Zhu Changyuan knew that the locals would definitely resist the foreign forces, but he didn't expect that the resistance would come so suddenly without any warning.

Quickly put on the clothes on the boat, put on the battle armor and stepped on the horse, with a silver gun across his chest, Zhu Changyuan rushed out.

As soon as he went out, he turned on the loudspeaker in his hand to the loudest, and shouted into the city: "Enemy attack, enemy attack, everyone, come out and fight!"

Fortunately, he had the toughest two hundred cavalry around him, so he wasn't too worried.

The only unpredictable thing is, how many soldiers defending the city died?

Following Zhu Changyuan's shout, two hundred cavalry quickly gathered around him. In fact, these people had already woken up, but just now they didn't see the general, so they fought on their own.

"General!" One-armed Fifth Brother Zhang saluted Zhu Changyuan.

Zhu Changyuan's face was stern, and he said, "Report the number!"

"One, two..."

200 people, a lot!
"Go, get on the horse, put on the armor, and kill with the widow!"

. . .

Dudley was really excited!
After listening to Gu Sheng's words, he led three thousand strong men to kill the Myitkyina army after midnight that night. Moreover, the journey was quite smooth, and many people and natives along the way even joined their ranks on their own initiative. So much so that when the army he led reached the city, its number doubled to almost 9000.

When he arrived at the place where the city was, he issued the agreed secret signal, and the four city gates opened at the same time. He led his army into the city, fought left and right, and killed no less than 200 people in one breath.

"All the people of Ming Dynasty, no one will stay, and all of them will be killed!"

Dudley shouted loudly as he walked: "Catch King Yanming, there will be a lot of rewards!"

This time, he must have the chance to win.

After all, the opponent King Yanming only had less than 1000 people, and now he killed so many people in one go, and then as long as he worked hard, 8000 people were against six or seven hundred, and the army of the Ming Dynasty would cry for their mothers without fighting?

Once the attack and defense change, people's attitudes will often undergo a huge change. For example, Dudley now has long since lost the fear of King Yanming in his mind. How to deal with this guy.

"A doll in his 20s also wants to fight with us? He led an army from the Ming Dynasty to our Myitkyina recklessly. I have to say, he is stupid!"

Just after Dudley finished speaking, a small leader next to him also echoed: "If he only guards one city, we can't do anything about him, but it's a pity that he has violated the taboo of military strategists and divided his troops to mine? "

(End of this chapter)

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