Chapter 339
Dodo has nothing to do.

Watching the extremely arrogant Zhu Changyuan go out with a gun, and then looking at the dozens of bloody corpses lying on the ground, he couldn't help but feel a chill.

"Zhu Changyuan!"

Gritting his teeth, he said three words, took a sudden breath, and said, "Bring me the rhubarb crossbow."

"Fifteenth brother!"

Dorgon knew what Duoduo was going to do and wanted to stop it, but unfortunately, it was too late.

Duoduo quickly went out with a huge bow and crossbow, chasing after Zhu Changyuan.

Of course, with a lot of confidence, Doduo's martial arts are not bad at all. I thought that even if I couldn't beat Zhu Changyuan, I wouldn't be at a big disadvantage. But after seeing Zhu Changyuan's skill, I realized that defeating him is almost impossible. possible.

However, what does it matter, besides martial arts, another strength of Duoduo is archery, within a hundred steps, he can hit every target, and he is strong enough to pull the big yellow crossbow that requires the joint efforts of several people in the army.

However, he didn't know until he left the mansion that although his archery skills were superb, Zhu Changyuan ran so fast that there was no one in sight.

Unwilling to be reconciled, Duoduo rode a fast horse and chased him all the way until he reached the city wall, but he didn't see the other party's shadow.

"Which of you saw Zhu Changyuan leaving the city?"

Duoduo asked the soldiers guarding the city.

"Return to the prince's words!" A little leader ran up to Duoduo suddenly and said, "The general has seen Zhu Changyuan, but he has already left the city."

"How long have you been out of the city?" Duoduo continued to ask.

"It's been a while, he's riding so fast, I'm afraid it's hard to catch up."

+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
Of course, Zhu Changyuan would not give Duoduo a chance. He rode his horse and ran all the way. After leaving Ningyuan City far away, he found a hiding place and put the horse into the system. Then, using modern society as a medium, he traveled to Riyue Island superior.

Originally, even without Ningyuan's peace talks, Zhu Changyuan planned to visit the island.

Some time ago, through the subsystems in the system, I saw that Kong and the fleet that had gone overseas had returned to Riyue Island. Zhu Changyuan called again to confirm, and it was true.

He was about to go back to Riyue Island to see what Konghe had achieved this time, but he didn't expect Huang Taiji to come out and make trouble, saying that he wanted to negotiate a peace.

Let's negotiate a peace. After the matter is over, I will definitely go to the island to see it.

As usual, the pretender flashed down from the sky and landed on the altar of Sun Moon Island.

Seeing the changes on the island, Zhu Changyuan couldn't help feeling a sense of time.

Now, this small delta near the sea at the southernmost tip of Riyue Island has been completely transformed by him into a small town. Not only are all the buildings constructed with brick and concrete structures according to modern specifications, but even the main road A series of ancillary facilities such as sidewalks, roadways, central dividers, street lights, and sewers have also been designed.

Electricity is available everywhere and lights are everywhere.

From time to time, one or two mechanical sounds can be heard.

It can be said that even a modern small town may not be as beautiful as Zhu Changyuan. The key is that the early planning is very good.

"What Grandpa Mao said is right, it's more powerful in numbers." Zhu Changyuan stepped down from the altar with emotion.

To be honest, if tens of thousands of people were not mobilized all over the island at once, it would be impossible to build a town of this size in just two years.

Even counties in the remote mountainous areas of the motherland may not be as well-developed as Riyue Island.

The only bad thing is that there is not a single high-rise building on the entire Riyue Island, and the tallest building is only six stories high.

But Zhu Changyuan doesn't care about these, as long as a modern city is built, the system didn't say that there must be high-rise buildings, did it?

After stepping down from the altar, he returned to his office and sent a text message to each of the three major government affairs: a meeting!
In less than 10 minutes, the three major government officials arrived at the door of Zhu Changyuan's office.

Zhu Changyuan signaled them to come in, and the meeting was held in the big office.

The number of people is small, so of course there is no need to go to the conference room.

"Your Majesty!"

The three met Zhu Changyuan and saluted at the same time.

"En!" Zhu Changyuan stood up, poured a cup of tea for each of the three, and said, "Sit down, I'll come back to briefly understand the situation, and you can also briefly report to me."

Bringing three cups of tea in front of everyone, the three of them took it with sincerity and trepidation, and said: "Your Majesty Zhesha is under you."

Zhu Changyuan smiled and said, "It's okay!"

To treat subordinates, sometimes you need to be strict, but sometimes you need to be caring.

Many people understand the truth of slapping a jujube to eat, but unfortunately, many times, once they become a leader, they often implement it with a slap and another slap, and have long forgotten about the jujube.

"Kong He, let's talk first, what did you gain from going to Europe this time?"

In order to facilitate Konghe’s communication with the locals, Zhu Changyuan gave him basic English skills books, basic Portuguese skills books, and other language skills books from several European countries before he went.

Therefore, there is no problem with Konghe's communication with Western European countries.

"Return to the Lord's Words." Kong He put down his teacup, bowed respectfully to Zhu Changyuan, and then said: "My subordinates have lived up to their trust. This trip to Europe has brought a lot of talents to our Riyue Island. "

Under Dennis's lobbying, coupled with the large amount of gold and silver belongings brought with him, Kong He easily won over 100 scientists within a month, oh no, it should be said that they were quasi-scientists.

Because although these scientists in this period were exploring the laws of the changes and development of various affairs, they could not get rid of the influence of religious thoughts, so they could only be quasi-scientists.

In addition to bringing more than 100 scientists to Zhu Changyuan, Kong He also brought hundreds of family members of these scientists from Western Europe, and even bought a batch of beautiful white female slaves.

Zhu Changyuan was naturally delighted from ear to ear, but what made him most happy was that the product also brought many plants unique to Europe, such as peppers and cauliflower.

China does not have these things.

Tomatoes had been introduced to the Ming Dynasty decades ago, but they had not been eaten as food before. Zhu Changyuan had also seen them. At that time, he guessed that the reason might be that the current variety was not suitable for consumption.For this reason, he even tasted one himself, and can only say that the taste is a bit different from the current one.

Now, however, Kong He brought some more edible tomato seeds from Europe.

"Very good!" Zhu Changyuan praised first, and then said to Yan Hong: "It's winter now, go and build a greenhouse, and plant these tomatoes for me this year."


Yan Hong replied respectfully.

Zhu Changyuan looked at Kong He, thought for a while and said: "The scientists and their families brought back from the West must be settled properly. Their living habits are very different from our Han people. Everything must be done according to their wishes. Treat it well, as for the rest of the matter, let Dennis manage it first."

"This matter should be in charge of Chang Ning, you must implement it!"

After finishing speaking, he continued to look at Yan Hong and said, "I have assigned you two important tasks."


Yan Hong stood up respectfully, expressing all ears.

Zhu Changyuan waved his hand, asked him to sit down, and said, "Take notes. First, organize the new foreign devils to build the steam engine designed by Dennis for me. Let those guys study on their own if they encounter any difficulties."

"Second, I'm going to build a steelmaking plant. This matter is also handed over to Dennis and the others for development. I don't care how he develops it. Anyway, I will see the design plan at the beginning of next year."

"Don't worry about the coke used in steelmaking, I will find a way, and I can also provide some technical knowledge and even basic theoretical knowledge, but I want to see results."

"Yes!" After Yan Hong recorded Zhu Changyuan's words one by one, he said, "My subordinates try their best to urge them to come up with a plan early next year."

Indigenous steelmaking is actually very simple. In the era of the Communist Party, ordinary people in China could smelt it. Now it is naturally not a problem. Moreover, if the organization is proper, the quality of the steel should at least catch up with the level of the year, and even Exceed.

In fact, Zhu Changyuan has a simpler way, which is to directly transport steelmaking equipment to assemble a steel processing plant, but he doesn't want to do this.

He was afraid that if he kept bringing things over from modern society, people would become dependent and lose their aggressiveness. If that happened, this nation and country would definitely not last long.

But now they are allowed to develop it by themselves, and Zhu Changyuan only provides them with some basic knowledge. Although the process is a bit tortuous, the result and impact must be much greater.The benefits and benefits brought to Riyue Island and the entire Han nation are not comparable to a mere ready-made steel factory.

These quasi-scientists transported from Europe in the early stage actually only played the role of leaders of the Han nation. Once science became the pursuit of the whole nation, the role of these people in the later period would become negligible.

Many people think that Chinese people are not as smart as Europeans and Americans, especially in natural sciences, innovation and research, they are relatively weak.

In fact, this is really not the case, and on the contrary, as long as the Chinese people work hard, the Han nationality will not fall behind in anything.

Back then, in that poor and white era, China’s technological power base was almost zero. Why was it able to break the monopoly of various countries in just a dozen years, not only sending satellites into the sky, but also manufacturing atomic bombs.

Because the country encourages and supports it, and because Grandpa Mao approves it with both hands.

Today, the slogan of the entire country is to develop the economy, and everyone from top to bottom is looking at money, which makes the technological atmosphere in China as a whole inferior to that in foreign countries.However, on the other hand, it is precisely because of the strong support and guidance of the state that China's economy can develop at such a high speed.

There is no right or wrong thing to do.

(End of this chapter)

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