Mr. Feng's sickly daily life

Chapter 382 057: Jiaxi and Xingchen

Chapter 382 057: Jiaxi and Xingchen (Variety Show)
When Wen Jiaxi was 25 years old, her career continued to grow and she became a popular floret.

Several TV dramas rushed to the top of the ratings, and the two films also won the Best Newcomer Award and Best Supporting Actress Award respectively. For a while, the scenery was endless, and the endorsement was soft.

Recently, she accepted a variety show called "Wonderful Journey", which is a nondescript outdoor large-scale reality show that is half touristy, half adventurous.

This resource was not obtained by Xie Tunan for her, but the program team directly approached Wen Jiaxi after identifying several other MCs, and the director said righteously that she must be the last MC.

Because looking at the entire entertainment industry, she is the only female artist who has cooperated with all the other six male MCs.

The actor Shen Zhuo, the chief professional accountant Tang Yi, the news anchor He Bin, the sketch king Xu Chao, the rock godfather Liang An, and the popular niche student Huo Xingchen.

This lineup is so strong that the program group just released the list of personnel, and this Weibo was sent to the top of the topic list.

Compared with the previous few, the most controversial ones are probably Huo Xingchen and Wen Jiaxi.

The former is an idol singer in the men's group. He is good at singing and dancing, and has a variety of musical instruments at his fingertips. However, compared with the previous few, there is still some flow.

The same is true for Wen Jiaxi.

Although the strength is obvious to all, standing with those few people still makes people feel that they are a bit inferior.

But if you want to talk about substitutions, it seems that you can't find a more suitable one than Wen Jiaxi.

Her award-winning movie was made with Shen Zhuo, in which she played Shen Zhuo's daughter.

She and Tang Yi had filmed an idol drama together, playing his younger sister.

She was the host of a certain party with He Bin, and collaborated with Xu Chao in a sketch at that party.

Liang An is her fan, and even wrote a song specially for her, and the two sang together and recorded it in his new album.

As for Huo Xingchen...

In the years when Wen Jiaxi's career just started, she played the leading role in the MV of Huo Xingchen's songs.

To sum up, among a group of male stars, it is easy to arrange a female star to play games together, so the program team must choose someone who is already familiar with them and does not need to spend time getting used to them.

And Wen Jiaxi happens to be that existence.

Among these six people, some of them are called Uncle, and some are called Brother, and they all have good personal relationships.

Except for Huo Xingchen.

The only time the two of them collaborated was two years ago. The last time they met was at the previous awards ceremony. Because the seats were next to each other, although they talked and laughed, they didn't have a deep personal relationship.

But the two of them have already made up their minds, because compared to Wen Jiaxi, Huo Xingchen has almost no connection with the others.

In this way, Wen Jiaxi's role was revealed.

But when the first program was recorded, the director team discovered a fatal problem.

These two people can basically avoid direct contact without direct contact, completely using their lives to avoid suspicion.

Miss Wen understood clearly, she said in her heart that my life is about to reach its climax and peak, so I can straighten my back and go home, if at this critical moment, someone mistakenly thinks that she is going to fire CP with Huo Xingchen and gets scolded, then what? How wronged she is, she probably wants to kill Huo Xingchen when the time comes.

Therefore, regarding the more interaction proposed by the director team, Wen Jiaxi said, "I think our show, with those brothers in it, the ratings are already guaranteed.

In fact, even if they don't do anything, some people are willing to watch just sitting there eating melon seeds and chatting, so I think you better not kill yourself. "

She will not shy away from the essential communication in the game, but she doesn't have to if there is no necessary contact before that.

So after the first episode of the show was broadcast, the fans of both sides were satisfied but also felt a little sad.

[Wen Jiagan: I'm not a Duwei fan, but I also like Huo Ouba very much. Seeing the two of them usually standing so far away, I feel depressed. 】

[Wen Jiajun: My sister avoided suspicion and escaped from the sky. 】

[Huo Yueliang: My brother is so handsome!Brother, you can be more natural, we all understand, boldly play games with Miss Sister! 】


Probably these two avoided suspicion too much. After the whole episode of the show, both hands can find out what was said. As a result, the barrage style of this variety show is very different from other people's when there are boys and girls.

In addition, some scolded each other in the barrage, and some kept yelling "you two stay away" half-truthfully, etc. It is rare to see such harmony.

And compared to other variety shows with female MCs, the girls are the favorites of the group, but when they come to them, they somehow change.

Probably the few of them are not very familiar with each other, but they are all familiar with Wen Jiaxi, so except for Huo Xingchen, the biggest joy of those few people recording the program is to play tricks on Wen Jiaxi.

Others are group pets, she is group bully.

For example, the partner tricked her into deciphering the password, directly snatching the clues she got, and so on, which makes people laugh and feel distressed.

Because it is a half-adventure and half-travel program, they usually record two days in each episode. The first day is for everyone to go out together. It can not only take advantage of the opportunity of work to travel, relax and relax, but also increase the familiarity with each other. In order to have a better understanding in the subsequent recording.

The official recording was the next day.

In fact, the content of the game is nothing new, it's nothing more than a change of soup, but the key point is that these people are too interesting, so the ratings have been soaring.

Wen Jiaxi looks like a well-behaved and cute little girl. Everyone thought she would be the type who is easily shy. I didn't expect that she would be a beautiful girl who dared to think and speak. She can play games and can afford to lose. The key is IQ is always online when playing games.

In contrast, Huo Xingchen was like a real "female MC", being protected and courteous, for fear that the child would be wronged a bit.

When the program was broadcast to the third episode, there was a scene in which one of them needed someone to use his face to break the stretched plastic wrap on the picture frame. It was said that this was the quickest way to test whether a person had plastic surgery.

Under normal circumstances, boys would definitely take the initiative to show that they are gentlemen, but when it comes to them, the style of painting changes suddenly.

Except for Huo Xingchen, several people turned their gazes to Wen Jiaxi's direction at the same time.

Wen Jiaxi: "..."

She knew it would be like this.

"Father Zhuo... the love between father and daughter, don't you want it..." This is Wen Jiaxi's nickname for Shen Zhuo.

A lot of people think she started calling it that way after she finished filming the movie, but it's not.

Shen Zhuo and Wen Jing are old acquaintances, they have known each other for a long time.

"Then are you ashamed to ask old father to come here?" Shen Zhuo countered, "Look at my father, they have already said that I am a talented person, if I come here again, maybe how many emoticons will be intercepted."


"Let's take off the makeup first, otherwise it will be even worse if the makeup gets dirty after a while." Tang Yitian raised the flames.

As soon as he said this, Wen Jiaxi asked Wen Jiaxi to hold him down and beat him.

This teammate is too pitiful!
Huo Xingchen listened by the side, endured it again and again, and finally couldn't hold back and opened his mouth, "That... that, let me do it..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he picked up a picture frame and slapped it on his face.

In fact, the news about his plastic surgery has never stopped since his debut, and a traffic niche like him is always very gentlemanly and polite in front of the camera, no matter what he does in private.

Or it should be said that he must be a gentleman and polite, otherwise he must be scolded.

Tang Yi and Xu Chao can do the same trick on Wen Jiaxi, but he can't because he will be scolded.

Now that Wen Jiaxi saw Huo Xingchen acting like this suddenly, she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Oops, it's hard for a child.

Just thinking about not needing to spend a lot of trouble removing and putting on makeup, and not having to be intercepted by netizens for emoticons, he heard He Bin quietly say, "Jiaxi, Jiaxi, accompany one, accompany one."

Wen Jiaxi: "..."

Drink it, and accompany one!
"Jiaxi, I think the highlight of this show is you.

What's the point of playing this old man, netizens must want to see you do it. "The director also echoed.

Wen Jiaxi thought to herself, after the show, I will go to my brother to complain and let him kill you!
In the end, Miss Wen finally took off her makeup and tore the plastic wrap with her plain face.

Even without makeup, she still has good looks, but she can't stand the plastic wrap that kills her. All kinds of exaggerated and weird expressions are magnified. Overnight, the emoticons produced by Wen Jiaxi became popular all over the Internet.

Her fans felt sorry for her while laughing.

[Wen Jiaxi: Please extend your friendly little hands and buy idol bags for sister for one dollar each. 】

[Wen Jiaqian: Crowdfunding to raise my sister, we won't record this shit show!But it's really funny...hahahaha...]

(End of this chapter)

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