Mr. Feng's sickly daily life

Chapter 372 047: Skylark and Mr. Xie

Chapter 372 047: Skylark and Mr. Xie (rumor)

Recently, people from Light and Shadow Media discovered that there was a little wolf dog beside the beautiful boss.

The reason why he wasn't a little milk dog was because the little brother's appearance belonged to the glamorous and noble type, not the fresh and cute type.

However, although she looks like a stranger and is difficult to be tamed, she is extremely obedient in front of the beautiful boss, following behind the boss like a small tail, not letting her speak or even yawning.

The little wolf dog has a very Two-dimensional name, Skylark.

Many people in the company speculated about the relationship between him and Xie Tunan.

Although Mr. Xie claimed that the little wolf dog was her bodyguard, none of the people working in Light and Shadow Media believed it.

Even the cleaning aunt didn't believe it.

Aunt A said that she had seen hickey marks on Mr. Xie's neck with her own eyes, and Mr. Xie and Skylark were there before she entered the office.

Aunt B said that she once saw Yunque holding Mr. Xie's face in the parking lot and trying to kiss her. Mr. Xie didn't know whether it was moved or forced, but he was crying anyway.

Auntie C said that she had seen Lark carrying Mr. Xie away from the company more than once, and she didn’t know where the two of them went together.

That day, it happened that Jiaxi came back to the company to do something. Hearing the rumors about Xie Tunan and Skylark flying in the company, she couldn't help being a little curious. After finishing her business, she went to Xie Tunan's office. It was only later that I heard Xie Tunan's slightly unnatural voice, "Please come in."

With a "click", the doorknob was turned down and the door was pushed in, and Wen Jiaxi's footsteps were followed by a pause.


Did you inadvertently interrupt something?
I saw Xie Tunan sitting on the swivel chair with a reddish complexion, his hair was a little messed up, and Yunque was standing next to her, the neckline of his suit was a little wrinkled.

Seeing this picture, and thinking about what he had heard before, Wen Jiaxi felt that he might have ruined their good deed.

She wanted to find an excuse to leave quickly, but Xie Tunan suddenly said, "You go out first."

"Okay." Wen Jiaxi nodded and turned to leave.

Unexpectedly, Yunque also walked towards the door, and even said to her, "She asked me to go out."

Wen Jiaxi was taken aback.

She subconsciously turned her head to look at Xie Tunan, and seeing that she had no intention of stopping, she turned around and walked back.

Yunque walked out of the office and closed the door intimately.

There were only the two of them left in the office, and Wen Jiaxi was much more comfortable speaking, without even laying the groundwork, she came up and asked, "Boss, what's the matter with you? Are you really a little wolf dog?"

The blush on Xie Tunan's face had faded, and he was back to the usual decisive Xie.

She picked up a contract and looked at it, "What do you want from me?"

"It's nothing, I just heard some rumors, and I want to say something to care about you." Wen Jiaxi walked to the lounge and opened the refrigerator to find something to eat. There is a lot of rumors about the story, is it true?"

"What did it pass?"

"Hmm..." Wen Jiaxi chewed on the crispy noodles, and recounted to Xie Tunan what he had heard from the aunts.

After Wen Jiaxi finished speaking, Xie Tunan looked at her with a foolish expression.

She couldn't help but slow down as she chewed the crispy noodles, "What, what's wrong?"

"Do you believe such unreliable rumors?"

"No wind, no waves."

"Fake." Xie Tunan looked calm, and told Wen Jiaxi another version, "The real situation is like this..."

The hickey on the side of her neck mentioned by cleaning aunt A is actually a bit itchy when she was bitten by a mosquito. Skylark said that she has a quick way to relieve the itching. Moving towards his neck, his round nails pressed a cross on the mosquito bag.

Afraid that the anti-itching effect would not be enough, he pinched twice with the pulp of his thumb and index finger.

Then, it became the so-called "hickey" in the mouth of the cleaning aunt.

"What about the kissing in the parking lot?"

"That's because my contact lenses are gone." The eyes were so worn that they couldn't open them, and Skylark just checked for her.

"Is that so..."

Xie Tunan nodded helplessly.

As for what Auntie C said about Lark either hugging her or carrying her home in the middle of the night, this is true.

But that was also because she was too tired and fell asleep. He couldn't bear to wake her up, so he simply carried her away, but after sending her home, he left. It wasn't like the two of them spending the night together. Drama.

Hearing what Xie Tunan said so much, Wen Jiaxi nodded clearly, "That is to say, the two of you are simply subordinates, employees and employed, right?"


"That...Tutu..." This is Wen Jiaxi's nickname for Xie Tunan. It was inspired by a cartoon "Big Ear Tutu". She always called her that when there was no third person present.


"You said it so, I almost believed it." Wen Jiaxi pointed to the collar of the shirt she forgot to fasten, and smiled very ambiguously, "But this must be some kind of mosquito, it only picks your collarbone to bite, It’s worth a few bites, why don’t you look in the mirror yourself, or button up your clothes?”

Throwing down this sentence meanly, Wen Jiaxi hurriedly rubbed the soles of her feet with oil, and fled away.

When she walked to the door, she risked being hidden by the snow and added, "And Tutu, you got the contract upside down."

Xie Tunan: "..."

Closing her eyes depressed, she slapped the contract onto the desk.

I don't know when it started, her originally peaceful and regular life became a mess.

Just as she was thinking, someone knocked on the door of the office from the outside, but before she could say "Come in", the door was opened, and a face like a skylark that could make a girl scream appeared behind the door.

Xie Tunan raised his forehead, "Sometimes I'm really curious, you don't seem to understand the meaning of knocking on the door, so why are you knocking on it?"

Hearing this, Yunque raised his eyebrows, "Didn't you ask me to knock, it's polite to say so."

"But I didn't say please come in!"

"Then you didn't say you wouldn't let me in."


Pressing his forehead, Xie Tunan couldn't help sighing.

Why did she think in a twitch that he was obedient and took him away from Feng Beiting?
Fortunately, the goods are sold, and they will not be refunded there. I am completely dependent on him.

"What did you come to see me for?"

"It's time for lunch." Skylark pointed to the clock, it was twelve past five.

Xie Tunan sat without moving. He took the contract just now and continued to read it. This time, he was very careful not to reverse it. "Go and eat by yourself. I still have documents to read."

"Let's see when we come back after lunch." Skylark stepped forward and took the contract from her hand.

"I'm not hungry."

"Eat even if you are not hungry, otherwise it will be bad for your health."

"...I don't want to go out to eat with you, so do you understand?" She looked up at him with a calm expression, not out of anger.

Skylark blinked, his brows were slightly cold, "Understood."

"Then you..."

Before she could finish speaking, she saw Yunque start to take off her clothes. The suit had been thrown on the sofa and she was taking off her shirt.

She hurried over to hold his hand, with a look of astonishment, "What are you doing?!"

"Take off and get out of your office."


Xie Tunan felt that his heart was "thumping" with anger.

It’s not that Xie Tunan has never been threatened by others, but when others threaten her, most of them will say "you are not good, so I will treat you or your family." It was the first time she met a person like Skylark who threatened her When I said, "You are not so so, I will do what I am".

And every time he "how how" is very strange.

At the beginning, Xie Tunan still held the attitude of being tough with him, but later found that she was really no match for him.

Skylark is really shameless.

If she didn't stop him, he would really strip himself naked and walk out of her office with a calm face.

Thinking about that scene, if it really happened, Xie Tunan felt that she might steal the headlines of her own artists.

The title is: Light and Shadow Media's boss's office is recruiting ducks, the battle is fierce, and there is not a single piece of clothing left for the little brother. Is all this a loss of morality or a distortion of human nature?

While Xie Tunan was thinking wildly, little brother Yunque moved very quickly, and he had already pulled out the belt...

(End of this chapter)

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