Chapter 456 finally came (1)

Yun Xi trembled, restrained her trembling heartbeat, pretended to be fierce and stared back at him vigorously, "Why did you kill me?"

Unexpectedly, the girl in front of him was not afraid of him at all, and the man with the scar was obviously taken aback.

At this moment, a female voice full of surprises exploded in the ears of the two at the same time:

"Brother, we are here!"


The man with the scar turned his head to look in shock, only to find that there was nothing behind him.

"Smelly woman, how dare you lie to me!"

Angrily, he raised his knife and was about to slash at Hua Xuan.
But at this moment, Yun Xi's stern voice came from the side:
"Look at the poison!"

He was startled, and subconsciously covered his mouth and nose with his sleeve.

Taking advantage of the man's distraction, Hua Xuan kicked him hard in the crotch. The man with the scar covered his face in pain and knelt down.

"Run separately."

Hua Xuan yelled at Yun Xi, and after the yell, she turned her head and dashed towards the depths of the woods, regardless of whether she heard it or not.

Yun Xi's first reaction was to look down at Hua Yan who was unconscious on the ground, but when she looked up, Hua Xuan had already run a long way.


After hesitating for a while, Yun Xi decided to follow Hua Xuan's example and ran in another direction.

God, please, help me!She prayed desperately as she ran.

The injured foot hurt more than before. She was sweating profusely from the pain, and she could hardly run anymore, but Yun Xi still didn't give up, she gritted her teeth and continued to run forward.

The man with the scar stood up from the ground again, the anger in his eyes was almost burning.

"Smelly cousin, I want to kill you!"

He roared angrily, looked down and saw Hua Yan who was still in a coma on the ground, kicked her fiercely as if venting anger, and rolled her around.

The man with the scar picked up the knife and ran towards the front. Coincidentally, the place he chose was in the direction Yun Xi left.


"Help me~"

Hua Xuan plunged into the depths of the woods, shouting desperately while running, hoping that someone would hear and save her.

Running, she stopped slowly.

Looking back, it was quiet, no one was chasing after him.

"Too bad, could it be..."

She froze for a moment, screaming in her heart that something was wrong, could it be that the man was not chasing her, but Yunxi?

"Miss Hua?"

Just when she was so shocked that she lost her mind, a nervous shout suddenly came from a distance.

When she looked up, the figure that was still in the distance appeared in front of her like flying.

The person who came was none other than the handsome young man who often followed Yunxi to protect her.

"Miss Hua, have you seen my lady?"

Sure enough, as soon as the boy opened his mouth, he anxiously asked her about the whereabouts of his young lady.

Hua Xuan froze for a moment, then nodded hastily:
"Yes, she is in the woods behind, you go and save her, someone is going to kill her!"


Hearing this, the young man's face changed suddenly, and the next moment, the black figure turned into a black shadow and flew past her, and ran towards the figure behind Hua Xuan.

Hua Xuan's hair was blown up by the wind blown by the young man galloping past.

When she turned her head to look, the tall and slender figure had long since disappeared.

Hua Xuan's body softened, and she suddenly slumped to the ground, panting desperately.

Don't, don't let anything happen!

After a while, she gritted her teeth, got up from the ground, supported her swaying body, and walked in the direction where the boy left.


(End of this chapter)

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