His Royal Highness the prince is cute

Chapter 446 Close Appreciation

Chapter 446 Close Appreciation (2)

Yun Xi sensed the seriousness of the situation from Hua Xuan's sudden cruel eyes.

She winked at her, hoping to get her attention.

Hua Xuan looked at her. In the dimness, those narrow and beautiful eyes issued a stern warning:
Absolutely, absolutely no sound!
Absolutely not!

Yun Xi nodded viciously, and just barely raised her hand to swear to persuade her.

But before Hua Xuan let go of her hand, the conversation outside made the two of them stunned, and even forgot what they were going to do.

"I told you, I paid you to come here, and it's Hua Xuan who is the one to find! Not me!"

An angry female voice came from outside, Yun Xi's eyes widened, and she looked at the woman beside her with disbelief, but only met her instantly condensed expression.

The atmosphere in the tree hole dropped to freezing point in an instant, and even Yun Xi seemed to sense the deep hatred emanating from Hua Xuan.

It made her tremble.

However, regardless of the situation in the tree hole, the conversation outside continued.

"Second, don't listen to her! Have you forgotten what the boss said just now? The employer said, let's catch someone and 'do things' directly, no matter what she says, don't believe it."

Then there was another series of disgusting chants, and Yun Xi frowned fiercely when she heard it.

"Yes, you are right, hehe~"

Then there was another ear-piercing sound of cloth breaking, and Hua Yan's cry was so high that it could almost pierce the eardrum.

"Damn it, this bitch has such a loud voice!"

It was the male voice just now, followed by a few loud slaps, the sound of the slap was so painful just listening to it.

Yun Xi heard it, and finally couldn't help pulling away Hua Xuan's hand covering her mouth, and looked towards the gap.

With such a clear conversation, where are these people?

"Hey, if I had known earlier, I would have just done this, what a waste mother!" There was another string of smirks.

At this moment, Yun Xi leaned over, and happened to see that less than 10 feet away from her, she was already naked, revealing her white skin, just like that, being pressed on the ground by a short man, constantly heaving and falling.

Hua Yan frowned, her face was red and white, and her expression was very painful.

"Hurry up, brat, it's my turn!"

The male voice that appeared just now sounded again, and only then did Yunxi realize that there was a tall man in black standing one step away from the two of them.

He squinted at the two people on the ground, and the smile on his face was disgusting.

And the moment she saw his face clearly, Yun Xi's face also turned pale, because she had already remembered that this man was the wretched man who made her roll down the hill just now.

But at this moment, seeing the little man on the ground getting up from Hua Yan, he took off his pants and jumped on him impatiently.

Yun Xi closed her eyes in disgust.

"Don't watch if you can't stand it."

Hua Xuan's low voice came from next to her ear, Yun Xi turned her head and glanced at her.

Biting his lip, he chose to turn around.

Sensing movement nearby, Hua Xuan opened her eyes and took a look.

When her eyes swept over the tears that were falling from the corners of the girl's eyes, and her lips that were almost bleeding, she couldn't help but bend the corners of her mouth.

She knew that the innocent and kind girl in front of her was being condemned by her conscience. She was hating and ashamed of her powerlessness, and felt that it was her fault that she couldn't save Hua Yan.

The more Hua Xuan saw clearly, the deeper the smile that bloomed in her heart, but after she laughed, the bleak despair in those dark and beautiful eyes became deeper and deeper.

 3 feet = 1 meter, 10 feet is about 3 meters.

(End of this chapter)

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