rebirth happy life

Chapter 185 Full Moon

Chapter 185 Full Moon ([-])

Time passed quietly, and soon came the day of the full moon. Xu Hanwen, who had been forced to stay in the room for a whole month, was finally allowed to leave the room, but Hu Xiruo still prevented her from leaving the villa.

In the northern capital in winter, it is covered in snow and the cold wind howls. Xu Hanwen, who grew up in the south, is particularly afraid of the cold. Her cold tolerance is far inferior to that of Li Yiran, who grew up in N City, which borders the north and the south, so even if she is allowed to go out, It is estimated that she will still choose to stay indoors.

The one-month-old Zhang Ziyu's small appearance has gradually grown. Except for a pair of big eyes that resemble Xu Hanwen, exactly the same as Li Yiran, and have the demeanor of a mother, everything else is almost Zhang Lin's flip.Comparing the photos of Zhang Lin when he was a baby, if you don't explain it, you can really compare the photos of the father and son to the real ones.

According to the agreement, I informed Xu Fei and Wang Xiang, the two National People's Congress boys, and asked them to come from school early after no class in the afternoon.Although there is no full moon wine, my family still has to celebrate a little.

But today everyone is going to work, to go to school, and it is estimated that it will be around 06:30 when everyone arrives. It is cold and the children are young. Gathering in the villa.

For this reason, Zhang Lin took half a day off today, and together with Hu Xiruo and the others, they ordered three tables of banquets from outside.

The old man knew that today he would see the excitement of his children and grandchildren and feel the harmonious family affection. His old face was smiling like a flower blooming from the morning.

Xu Fei came here once when Xu Hanwen was just discharged from the hospital. He had no class today, so he went to the clubhouse to help out in the morning, and came to the villa before 02:30 in the afternoon. Looking at Zhang Ziyu after the full moon, he couldn't help but sigh how much the child had changed: "Wow , Sister, the baby is really getting cuter and cuter. It’s really different from the one I saw that day! I have to come and see it often in the future, hehe..."

"Xiao Fei, you should visit your sister more. Well, it's best to bring your little girlfriend along and let her talk to your sister more. Also, your sister wants to go to school again, say I will definitely become her alumni!" Zhang Lin took Xu Fei's words.

"Really, my sister is determined to go back to the stove? But my sister is going to school, what about the baby?" Xu Fei glanced at Xu Hanwen in surprise, and then at the baby on the crib, a little in disbelief.

"What is it? I'm not steel! In fact, I have been preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, and I have already signed up, but I don't know if I can pass it. After all, I have not been out of school for a long time. If I can take the exam Now, by the time I start school, Xiaoyu will be ten months old, so I don't need to keep looking at him." Xu Hanwen patted Xu Fei's head lightly, and then said.

"What major did you apply for?" Xu Fei really didn't expect that Xu Hanwen had already started preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination.

"Educational psychology." Xu Hanwen replied.

"Ah..." Xu Fei's hair was full of black lines. She really didn't know what was going on in her sister's head. She majored in business management in college, which are two completely irrelevant majors.

"Hehe, I'm just interested in the knowledge of educational psychology. It's not certain whether I can pass the exam." Xu Hanwen couldn't help smiling when she saw Xu Fei's mouth was wide open, with a surprised and unacceptable expression on her face.

"Xiao Fei, you don't have to be so surprised, don't you know that your sister graduated with a double degree? She has a bachelor's degree in educational psychology." Zhang Lin patted and was a little frightened Xu Fei.

"Really? I don't know this at all. Sister, you have such learning ability, why didn't you take the postgraduate entrance examination? You went to such a hopeless unit!" Xu Fei couldn't help blurting out.

After hearing Xu Fei's words, Xu Hanwen's face was a little ugly, but as soon as Xu Fei finished speaking, she realized that she had said something wrong, her heart sank, and her eyes frantically glanced at Xu Hanwen and Zhang Lin.

When he saw Xu Hanwen's embarrassing expression, he felt even more flustered. Fortunately, Zhang Lin's expression remained unchanged, which finally made him feel better.

"Your sister is only in her early thirties now, and it's not too late to adjust her future development direction." Zhang Lin stretched out his arms and put his arm around Xu Hanwen's waist, secretly making a little effort, and there was a little stagnation in his calm expression. The atmosphere was brought up.

Wang Xiang, who happened to have no class in the afternoon, also came early, greeted Hu Xiruo, who was busy downstairs, and went upstairs to Zhang Lin and Xu Hanwen's room familiarly.

"Auntie, you are getting more and more beautiful now, I want to see the baby..." Wang Xiang sincerely praised Xu Hanwen when he saw Xu Hanwen, and then he couldn't wait to go to the crib to see the baby, but directly He ignored Zhang Lin who was hugging Xu Hanwen.

"You, you have to see the baby as soon as you come, and you are not afraid to bring the cold air on your body to the baby. Go, warm yourself up before approaching the baby." Xu Fei said, grabbing Wang Xiang who was hurriedly walking towards the crib.

"Xiaoxiang, come here, don't rush to look at the baby, the baby will sleep there and will not run away. Let me introduce to you first, this is Ran Ran's aunt's cousin Wang Xiang, this is the baby's father Zhang Lin." Xu Hanwen looked at Wang Xiang who was a little embarrassed by what Xu Fei said with a smile, and at the same time, she could indeed feel that Wang Xiang still had a chill on her body, so she hurriedly opened her mouth.

"Oh, hello Uncle! I'm sorry, I really want to see the baby, hehe..." Wang Xiang raised his hand and scratched his hair, and smiled embarrassedly.

"Hehe, it seems that our baby is much more attractive than me! However, she is a genius cousin who often mentions her in front of me! Although you have been in Beidu for a long time, we really only met for the first time. , I will come here often in the future, but they still have to rely on your tutoring for their homework!" After all, Zhang Lin is a roll in the officialdom, so it is impossible for him to care about anything with a junior.

After the coldness on Wang Xiang's body basically dissipated, Xu Fei let him approach Zhang Ziyu. The two big boys surrounded the small bed and commented... Zhang Lin and Xu Hanwen looked at each other and smiled, leaving them alone. Sitting quietly watching.

"Great-grandfather!" Li Yiran's crisp voice came from downstairs, it seemed that Li Yiran had finished school: "Grandpa, I'm going upstairs to see my younger brother..."

After a layer of cheerful footsteps of "dong dong dong", the door of the room was pushed open again, and Li Yiran swept in like a whirlwind.

"Mom, old man, I'm back! Wow, Uncle Fei and Brother Xiang are here, let me see my brother..." Li Yiran greeted Xu Hanwen and Zhang Lin in a low voice after entering the room. Xu Fei and Wang Xiang were huddling around the side of the crib, rushing to see her younger brother.

"Of course, you're cold, aren't you afraid that your younger brother will catch the cold?" Xu Hanwen rushed upstairs before taking off her coat, and now she was busy pushing her way to see her younger brother's daughter.

"Well, my brother is already full moon. Didn't you say that you can see the wind after the full moon?" Li Yiran has only a half-knowledge about confinement and the concept of full moon.

During this month, she went home every day, Hu Xiruo and the others only allowed her to enter Xu Hanwen's room after warming her body. I thought it was the full moon, and my brother would not be afraid of the cold on her body.

"Although my younger brother is full moon, he is still too young to stand the cold air. Even if it is your mother, it is best not to see the wind at the full moon. Otherwise, you will be sick, and you will be in pain." Zhang Lin stood up and helped Li Yiran took off her coat, then wrapped her little hand with her big hand and put it next to her mouth, breathing out so that her little hand could warm up as soon as possible.

Li Yiran was treated like a princess. Although she really wanted to go and see her younger brother, but after hearing what Zhang Lin said, she was even more afraid that the cold air on her body would make her younger brother sick, so she had to patiently let the cold air on her body dissipate as soon as possible.

"Why doesn't brother Tiantian come in? He is really a snail..." Li Yiran, who had calmed down, realized that Gao Tian, ​​who usually came with her to see her younger brother, hadn't come in, and looked at the door suspiciously.

As soon as her words fell, the door was gently pushed open. Gao Tian had already taken off his coat. It seemed that he had already returned to the room and came back only when he was warmed up. Then he saw that Li Yiran didn't have a schoolbag on him. It was Gao Tian who carried it back together, Xu Hanwen couldn't help frowning.

Zhang Lin looked at Li Yiran, then at Gao Tian, ​​then at Xu Hanwen, and seeing her displeased face, he quickly shook his head at her to prevent her from getting angry with her daughter, because he didn't want Li Yiran to be scolded, Second, I don't want Xu Hanwen to get angry.

"Of course, did you ask your brother Tian Tian to carry his schoolbag again?" Before the husband and wife could speak, Xu Fei over there realized something was wrong, and looked at Li Yiran and asked a little seriously.

"I, didn't I want to see my younger brother I threw my schoolbag in the car and didn't take it..." Li Yiran sneaked a glance at Xu Hanwen, and found that her mother's face was a little unhappy, and she couldn't help feeling a little flustered. He secretly glared at Xu Fei.

"Yo, you're still reasonable, aren't you? Your Uncle Fei can't educate you anymore? The little girl dares to stare at your Uncle Fei, huh?" Rebuke.

Li Yiran never expected that her mother would find out about her petty actions, so she hurriedly stood at attention and didn't dare to say another word.

"Okay, okay, it's not a big deal. However, in the future, you must remember that what you can do, don't pretend to be someone else's hands. The cross that is pressed down on your desk must be put into action! Alright, take a look at your younger brother with your Tiantian brother, and then go to do your homework. Zihao and Ziyan will come over tonight, and there will not be so much time to study." Zhang Lin quickly stopped Xu Hanwen from continuing to beat Li Yiran's little girl With the movement of the head, he rubbed the place where Li Yiran was hit by Xu Hanwen, and said in his mouth.

Li Yiran secretly made a face at Xu Fei, and Gao Tian lay on the side of the crib to look at the baby for a while, then went back to study in their respective rooms, and Xu Fei and Wang Xiang also went back to their rooms to discuss their problems. own topic.

The room suddenly became quiet again. Afraid that Xu Hanwen would be tired, Zhang Lin insisted on making her lie down on the bed again.Although the full moon is not celebrated today, my family still wants to have a small celebration together. Although it is just a family banquet, there will still be many people coming, and Xu Hanwen will be tired at night.

(End of this chapter)

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