Sword wash the setting sun

Chapter 454 Assault on Hidden Cloud Valley

Chapter 454 Assault on Hidden Cloud Valley

Regrettably, Tianxing let those men in black leave and did not pursue them, but chose to return directly to the camp.

Regrettably, Yingjie witnessed everything and was both happy and worried.The happy thing is that the man in black seems to have handed over the treasure map, but the sad thing is that Tianxing did not take advantage of the victory to pursue it, which shows that the dissatisfaction with him in his heart has exceeded his imagination, and it may be even more difficult to use him next time.

Yu Fu didn't expect that Hidden Cloud Valley used the trick of dredging the bottom in a critical moment.The owner of Hidden Cloud Valley attaches great importance to the treasure map, and being able to hand over the treasure map at a critical moment shows that he has escaped from the cage that the treasure map made for him.This will allow you to think about the whole thing more calmly.

This will undoubtedly bring another crisis to Yu Fu's plan.

"Cunning Hidden Cloud Valley!" Yu Fu cursed secretly in his heart, turned around and asked Shangguan Kai, "There is still no news from Bai Yuxiao?"

"Yes!" Seeing the murderous intent in Yu Fu's eyes, Shangguan Kai nodded lightly, not daring to touch it.

Regret Tianxing withdrew his troops and returned to the camp, and Regret Tian Yingjie hurried back to the camp with his guards.Now he still doesn't dare to get into a stalemate with Regret Tianxing, if he can't be noticed, he won't notice.

Regret Tianxing came outside Regret Tian Yingjie's tent, glared at the two guards and walked in.The purpose of Xitian Yingjie's coming here is for this picture, and Xitianxing does not believe that he has never been out in the camp.

"Congratulations to Uncle Wang on his triumphant return! My nephew is being polite here!" Regretful Yingjie looked excited.

Regret Tianxing didn't speak, but just took out the blueprint in his hand.

Xitian Yingjie didn't want to show the drawings on his body at first, but Xitianxing didn't intend to leave at all.Thinking that now I still have to rely on the protection of regretful stars, so I took out the other three treasure maps.

Regret Tianyingjie put the treasure map together carefully, the excitement in his heart is beyond words.The entire treasure map finally came into his own hands.

"What is this?" Regret Star asked.

"This is the treasure left behind by Xiang Yu at the end of the Qin Dynasty before he killed himself!" regretful Yingjie said proudly.

"You came here just for him?" Regret Tianyingjie was a little disappointed by Regret Tianxing's performance, but he still said, "Exactly!"

"In my opinion, this thing is ominous, you'd better give it to someone else as soon as possible!"

Regret Tianyingjie never dreamed of the treasure map he dreamed of, and it became an ominous object in the mouth of Regret Tianxing, and asked himself to give it away, almost unable to turn around in one breath.

"Uncle Wang, this is an incomparably rich treasure! You want me to hand it over to others?" Regretful Yingjie said in a low voice.

Regret Tianxing looked at Regret Tian Yingjie hesitant to speak, and finally left a word and turned to leave.

"I'm doing this for your own good. You can decide how to deal with it yourself. Don't involve my soldiers and guards in this meaningless fight!"

Regrettably, Yingjie rushed forward and slapped his uncle Wang two big mouths.Can you wish yourself a little better?I can say that I almost died several times because of this treasure map!Having said that, if he got this treasure, it would not be Miao Jiang's blessing, why would it seem to him that he has made a big mistake.

Fortunately, after regretting Tianxing finished speaking this time, he did not interfere with regretting Tianyingjie again.Regrettably, Yingjie finally got the complete treasure map, and he couldn't put it down, staring at him all day long.

Unfortunately, after looking around, he still didn't know what place was drawn in the treasure map.I want to find someone to help identify it, but I am afraid that the secret of the treasure will be revealed.

After struggling for a few days, he finally came up with a way to satisfy himself, that is to familiarize himself with all the treasure maps in his heart, and draw another treasure map by himself according to the description in the picture, only modifying the key points That's fine.

In this way, people who are familiar with the Central Plains can find out where the treasure is buried according to their own maps. As for the entrance to the treasure and other matters, only you know.

Another advantage is that the treasure map is all in your mind.In this way, even if those mysterious people caught him, as long as he destroyed the treasure map, he would be a living treasure.Not only can life be saved, but there is also a chance to make a comeback.

After thinking about this, Regret Tianyingjie couldn't help but want to praise himself, and immediately put it into action.While desperately memorizing the details of the treasure map, I began to draw the mountains where the treasure map is located according to my own understanding.I hope that I can ask others about the whereabouts of the treasure with my own paintings.


When Yu Fu saw that Zangyungu had given the treasure map to Regret Tian Yingjie, he realized that things had changed.

Waiting impatiently in the camp until the third day, Bai Yuxiao finally sent the news: he found the location of Hidden Cloud Valley.

After confirming the place Bai Yuxiao mentioned, Yu Fu immediately led people to set off, and using Emperor Liu Song's handwriting, he mobilized [-] elite soldiers from the prefectures and counties near Zangyun Valley to go with him.

The owner of Hidden Cloud Valley never dreamed that the Dragon Slayer League he had been monitoring was not about the treasures he cared about, but wanted to destroy Hidden Cloud Valley with all his heart.

When Yu Fu led everyone to approach Hidden Cloud Valley, Bai Yuxiao and others were already waiting in the dark.

Seeing Yu Fu's army, Bai Yuxiao appeared to meet him, and told the news he had found out.

Zangyun Valley is located in the deep mountains of Longnan, and has been entrenched here for many years.At first, they captured all the nearby hunters and mountain people into the valley, forming a situation where there is no human settlement within a hundred miles of Zangyun Valley.They act secretly, so they have not exposed Xingzang.

In the past few years, Xianbei has gone south, and the number of refugees has increased day by day.In order to survive, many people ventured to seek life in the deep mountains.So slowly found some traces.

Bai Yuxiao was also lucky. When he passed by a nearby village, he heard the villagers say that the mountain is haunted by ghosts, so he can't enter the mountain, otherwise his life will be in danger.

Bai Yuxiao was also full of chivalry for a while, after carefully inquiring about the weird things in the mountain, he took the brothers of Tulongmeng into the deep mountain.

It happened that the owner of Hidden Cloud Valley took people to Miaojiang, where the defense was lax, which gave Bai Yuxiao an opportunity.

When Yu Fu led his army into Hidden Cloud Valley, he saw that it had grown to a considerable scale.Grain and weapons are ready.After Yu Fu guessed that the owner of Hidden Cloud Valley planned to get the treasure, he recruited troops and attacked Liu Song.

Most of the people left behind in the valley were poor people, who became laborers who worked day and night after being caught here.Those soldiers who resisted and the scum of the rivers and lakes had already been dealt with when they entered the valley.

After Yu Fu saw the mansion of the owner of Hidden Cloud Valley, he couldn't help but went in to investigate.

In the ancestral hall, the ancestors of the Qiuchi Kingdom are enshrined. It seems that the owner of the valley is really a descendant of the royal family.

The surname of the monarch of Qiu Chi State is Yang, so Yu Fu asked everyone to check out the masters with the surname Yang in the rivers and lakes.Everyone racked their brains and couldn't think of relevant information, so they had to give up.

So Yu Fu secretly guessed in his heart: Maybe the owner of Hidden Cloud Valley is not from the Jianghu, but he has recruited some strangers from the Jianghu.It seems that the owner of Hidden Cloud Valley is really amazing at buying people's hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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