Sword wash the setting sun

Chapter 239 White Horse Golden Hoof

Chapter 239 White Horse Golden Hoof
On this day, the "Mighty Bodyguard" and "Renyi Bodyguard" of Tianyou Bodyguard Bureau left Luoyang City at the same time, and then headed towards Tongguan.

There was only a distance of two carriages between the two escort teams. Behind them, the people who had been watching separately gathered together, and the atmosphere immediately became tense...

As for the dumb dart who disappeared, according to the news from Tianmu Hall, he had already left Luoyang City a day earlier...

It takes two days to travel from Luoyang to Tongguan.

"Heroes of the Jianghu, my master doesn't know where he has offended you, so I would like to apologize to you all!" The guard paused and continued, "Our master took his wife to Chang'an for medical treatment, and he only brought some trivial things with him. Raise your hands high!"

After the guard finished speaking, the pale complexions of the gangsters who followed turned blue.

Tongguan is adjacent to the Yellow River in the north and on the mountainside in the south.The mountains are high and the roads are dangerous, and bandits are frequent.Rao is official, but also dangerous.

The four carriages were sandwiched among a group of guards, which was extremely eye-catching on the official road.The brocade curtain of the first carriage was lowered, and it was unknown who was sitting in it.

The three carriages in the back carried things, although they were wrapped, but from the deep wheel marks, one could guess that the weight of the carriage was not light.

"Third brother, when will you do it?"

"Wait a little longer! After a while, the eldest brother and the second brother will rob and kill from the front, and we will stop the tail behind..."

Two burly men pulled the brims of their hats down and spoke in a low voice.Holding the saber at his waist tightly, he looked a little nervous.

Behind the two, followed by a group of men in black, all of them dressed in military handles. From the wheelbarrow they were pushing, weapons that could not be concealed came out from time to time, and they quickly stuffed them in again.

Farther away, passers-by gathered in twos and threes.Like passers-by, all of them walked steadily, walking on the mountain road without panting.

These people consciously distanced themselves from each other and continued to a long distance, like a continuous flow of people.

However, appearing in such a remote mountain path is a bit dazzling!
If such a situation appeared on the official road, it would be more lively!But now, only the sound of chaotic horseshoes, broken footsteps, and the creaking of the wheels of the carriage can be heard...

It's dull and weird everywhere!
Suddenly, a white horse came oncoming!

The man on horseback was dressed in white with a gold ribbon around his waist.The horseshoes and the road made a crisp sound, which was especially obvious in the chaotic sound of horseshoes.What's more important is that the horse's hoof is flying, shining bright golden light.

With a neigh, the white horse man stood up and stopped in his tracks.

The guard walking in front of the carriage couldn't help tightening the reins, and the two guards behind rode forward, separating the two sides.

"What's the matter?" A low-pitched male voice came from the carriage, hoarse but majestic.

"Master, there is a white horse ahead!" A guard leaned over the carriage window and said.

"White horse? Is there a man in white on the white horse?"


"What else is special?"

"Golden palms are attached to the horseshoes, no, they are golden hoofs!"

"White horse and golden hooves?" The voice in the carriage became deeper, and after a while, words came from inside: "It's a blessing, not a disaster. It's a disaster that can't be avoided. Keep going!"


The reins of the horse gradually loosened, the sound of hooves broke, and the creaking sound resumed...

There was another neigh, and the white horse turned around and left. The horse's hooves were flying, the golden light was eye-catching, and it went extremely fast.In a blink of an eye, the white horse disappeared from everyone's sight.

The guard walked to the car window and said with a smile on his face: "Master! The white horse is gone!"

"Hey! Got it!" The voice in the carriage was hoarse, and no excitement could be heard.

"Master! Are you unhappy?"

"Happy? Do you know why the white horse left?"

"Subordinates are dull and can't figure it out!"

"Because someone more powerful than the white horse is about to appear!"

"What?" The face of the guard beside the carriage suddenly changed.

"It's a blessing, not a curse! Let's cheer up!" A hoarse voice came from the carriage.

"Cough—cough—" There was a rush of coughing in the carriage.

"How are you, ma'am?" The hoarse man's voice came from the carriage again, looking very nervous.

"I'm fine!" the woman gasped in a low voice...

Not long after the White Horse Golden Hoof guest left, a coffin appeared on the official road.

"Why did it stop again?" The hoarse voice of the man in the carriage was full of anxiety.

"Master! It's a bit weird!" The guard stepped forward and said.

"Tell me about the situation!"

"There is a coffin in front, but no one is there!"

"Oh?" There was no sound in the carriage, and it was unclear whether it was panic or deep thought.

"What's the sound?" The man in the carriage asked again.

"Sound?" The guard listened carefully, and there was indeed a whimpering sound.

"My lord! It's the sound of mourning!"

"No! Listen carefully!" The man's hoarse voice became a little frightened.

The guard listened suspiciously, and the more he listened, the paler his face became.

"What did you hear?" the man in the car urged.

Guard: "Master! All kinds of voices!"

The man in the car: "A child crying?"

Guard: "Yes!"

The man in the car: "Hearty laughter?"

Guard: "Yes!"

The man in the car: "The sound of the river flowing?"

Guard: "Yes!"

The man in the car: "The crunching sound of walking on the snow?"

Guard: "Yes!"

The man in the car: "The sound of burning wood?"

Guard: "Yes!"

"The sound of rain?"

Guard: "Yeah!"

"The sound of water droplets?"

Guard: "Yes!"

The man in the car: "Cat meowing?"

Guard: "Yes!"

The man in the car: "Who is screaming?"

Guard: "I don't know!"

The man in the car: "How many voices are there?"

"Crying, laughing, snow treading, burning, river water, rain, raindrops, cat meowing, screaming..." the guard counted with his fingers, "a total of... seems to be nine kinds of sounds !"

"Not good! Be careful!" the man in the car shouted.

"Be careful!" With the roar of the guards, all the guards stepped back and surrounded the carriage.Even those Jianghu people who followed far behind stopped in their tracks.

Just listen to the nine voices that are far and near, the sounds that were difficult to catch, but at this moment they can be heard clearly in everyone's ears.

"Mai Nine Boys!" Someone exclaimed.

Hearing Mai Jiudouzi's words, many of the gangsters following behind began to run back secretly.

"Master, is it really Mai Nine Doji?"

"It should be Mai Jiudou who can scare away the white horse and golden hooves!"

"I can only hear the sound but not the person, and the sound will kill him. Is it true that the rumor is true, as long as he hears the sound, he will die?" The guard asked with a pale face.

"The rumors are exaggerated, but if someone moves his coffin without opening his eyes, he will definitely die!"

"Master, what shall we do?"

"Tell them we're just passing by for medical treatment!" the man in the car said anxiously.


The guard agreed, cleared his voice that was a bit distorted, sank into his dantian, and sent out the words.

(End of this chapter)

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