Chapter 526

This is a second-level divine art. The priest professional divine art is the same as a mage. You can learn the next level of divine art every two levels.

This lava messenger's unique magic is a growth magic. The higher the priest's professional level, the more powerful it is. If he can reach the legendary professional level, he can summon the seven-headed legendary lava elemental elder in one go, which is extremely terrifying.

Basically, as long as Ye Chen's priests have a professional level of three or more, their combat effectiveness is considered extremely powerful among priests of the same level. Small and medium planes.

After deriving this divine technique, Ye Chen didn't continue to deduce it. His current level of godhead is not high, and he can't deduce any good magic technique. He is going to wait for his godhead level to increase a few levels, and it is best to reach the level of godhead [-]. Deduce the weak divine power again.

In the following time, apart from comprehending and analyzing the godhood, Ye Chen spent his divine power to expand the lava lake and transform it into more lava elements.

He deduced the magic of lava messenger for his priest to summon lava elements not out of thin air, but from the lava elements he controlled. Fortunately, there are only seven priest believers, and the lava elements can still be supplied. Wait until Later, the belief spread that there were more priests, and this lava element was not enough.

And there is another advantage of expanding the lava lake, which can increase the scope of his domain.

As the god of lava, lava is his priesthood and home field. Ye Chen's divine power recovery speed will be many times faster when he is in lava. The bigger the lava lake, the greater his strength.

He doesn't have a Kingdom of God yet, and building a Kingdom of God consumes a huge amount of divine power. It is impossible to build it at this stage, so he can only build a home court first.

He slowly sank into the lava, and his body transformed into a golden glazed body again. Golden-red rays of light flew out of him and shot into the depths of the lava lake.

Looking down from the sky, you can see many huge bubbles appearing on the huge lava lake. From time to time, the bubbles explode, and a small lava element is drilled out of it.

A large number of lava bank elements flocked to the lava lake, and the terrifying high temperature gathered melted the swamp soil, expanding the scope of the lava lake.

I don't know how long it took, a golden light suddenly shot out from the center of the lava lake, which had expanded more than ten times, and exploded when it rushed nearly a thousand meters into the air. A bald man wearing a red robe and holding a gorgeous staff walked out of it. The face is exactly the same as Ye Chen.

He looked down at himself, a stiff smile appeared on his face, and the next second he stretched out his hand to wipe his face, and the muscles on his face softened, just like ordinary people.

This is an avatar that Ye Chen transformed with a drop of his divine blood. It is not an avatar of divine power, but a method similar to the avatar of divine power. It is far less powerful than the incarnation of divine power, but it is also legendary.

Although he can know the situation in this world through his followers, it is still reliable to see it for himself. Taking advantage of the opportunity that the real body is expanding the analysis rules of the lava lake, he separates out this clone and goes around the world to try.

This incarnation profession is Lava Warlock, which belongs to his unique spellcasting profession. The profession level is 25. At the same time, there are 22 priest profession levels, and the first-level alien crystal wall demon. The total profession level is Lava Warlock plus advanced professions. There are 26 levels of different crystal wall demon gods.

Legendary professions, both Warlock and Priest, have the ability to fly. He crosses the swamp directly from the air and flies in the direction where the seven believers left.

At this time, it has been more than a month since seven believers were inspired and left.

At the edge of the Feine swamp, a bald man in a red robe and a steel staff came out of the swamp.

Ye Chen stood at the entrance of a small village on the edge of the swamp, and adventurers passed by him from time to time. The village was surrounded by thick wooden fences, and there were five or six meter high arrow towers on each side of the entrance, and two archers stood on each side of it. Dan looked at the passers-by below.

Ye Chen raised his head and looked at the village. His eyes passed through the space and he saw a faint red beam of light rising from a steeple-roofed house in the center of the village. From that beam of light, he felt a message of divine power.

Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, he knew that it was a church of an unknown demigod. The breath of the sun god and the god of war was not like this.

Thinking of this, he looked up at the sky. In the sky, there were three suns of different colors hanging in the sky at the same time, looming under the scorching sun.

In the world of the gods, except for the main plane, there are no suns on other planes. The suns on these small and medium planes are all projections of the sun on the main plane. In addition, the other three suns with different colors are all from the true gods. The projection is not the real sun, and it will not bloom sunlight and heat.

These three suns are the projections of Phiniya's three true gods, and the aura emanating from them is different, completely different from the aura emanating from the small church in the village.

Apparently, this rural village on the edge of the Feine Swamp has been occupied by a certain demigod. The village guards in the village have more or less certain beliefs. In his eyes, the fire of belief is extremely thin, and most of them are pan-believers or pan-believers. Meet a few true believers.

Ye Chen didn't go into the village, so it doesn't make much sense to waste time here. His avatar is used to travel around, not to preach.

Passing by the village, he walked inland along a wide road outside the village. Instead of flying, he walked step by step.

This time, there will be 300 years of staying time, which is extraordinarily sufficient, so you can walk slowly without worrying.

Corey City is located in the east of the Fyney Swamp, about 20 miles apart. It is the largest city near the Fyney Swamp. It is the family fiefdom of Viscount McPherson. The current Viscount is Joel McPherson, a professional level [-] A super fighter, but also a devout follower of the God of War.

Fort Corey, named after the first head of the McPherson family, is located outside the city of Corey, where the Macpherson family has lived for generations.

In a remote small building in Kleborg, in a dark room, a young man with a pale and almost sick face was standing by the window, looking outside through the drawn curtains, he didn't know what he saw, his face There was a hint of anger on his face, he put down the curtains fiercely, covered his chest and coughed a few times, turned around and walked back and forth in the room a few times, turned around and looked at a man in a robe in the room, and said fiercely:
"You help me win the title of Viscount of the McPherson family, and I allow you to preach in Corey City?"

"Wise choice!"

The man in the robe in the room gave a compliment and continued:

"My lord is also a true god, not inferior to those in the sky. Believe in my lord and you will have eternal life!"

(End of this chapter)

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