Chapter 95
"There is a way, but it will be more troublesome. We can't use brute force to deal with them, otherwise it will hurt the people they possess."

"Can't you force them out with those spells?" Xia Qi couldn't help asking.

"Nightmare is a ghost living in a dream. It seems that you still don't understand what I mean."

Leng Yue shook her head expressionlessly, looked at Xia Qi and said:

"Dreams don't belong to our world at all, they exist independently, so the spells of this world are useless to them."

"Shang Fang's sword from the previous dynasty can't kill the officials of this dynasty?" Xia Qi suddenly thought of a line from a movie and couldn't help saying it.

"Well, the meaning is similar. If we want to get rid of them, we must enter the world where they are. To put it bluntly, it is to enter the dream world where they are."

"Dream world?" Xia Qi let out a sigh:
"I'm stunned. Is there really a world in the dream? Even if there is a world in the dream, everyone's dream is different. How can we find the world of the three nightmares?"

"This world is far more complicated than what you see. You underestimate the spiritual level of human beings."

What Leng Yue said made Xia Qi have nothing to say, he was indeed a noob, and he knew almost nothing about supernatural things.

"Moon God, is it alright if I call you Moon God? I admit that I am Xiaobai, so you just say what we should do."

Xia Qi said in a cowardly manner.

"The three nightmares are obviously together, so they must come from the same dream, in other words, if we enter the dream of any one of the three, we may find the three nightmares.

do you understand what I mean? "

"Almost. But do you still want to tell me that there is not only one world, but many? Just like the three-dimensional world, four-dimensional world, and various parallel worlds predicted by scientists?"

"I don't know what the three-dimensional world and the four-dimensional world you are talking about, but you are right about one thing, there is indeed far more than one world, and to exaggerate, their number can even be countless.

It's just that we can't intersect with these worlds under normal circumstances, we can neither see nor touch them, and only when we are in some special state, we will enter them for a short time.

And those special states include dreaming. "

"You mean that the things we dream about in our dreams are actually things that exist in the real world?"

Leng Yue's words really shocked Xia Qi, he always thought that the things he usually dreamed in his dreams were the product of day-to-day thoughts, but he never thought that they were all real.

This was too shocking for him.

But thinking about it is also true, many times he can't dream even if he desperately thinks about it before going to bed. On the contrary, when he doesn't think about anything, he will dream some things that are related to life, or some weird dreams.

Leng Yue didn't answer him, but continued to say to herself:

"The reason why we enter those worlds is that when a person is asleep, the consciousness will temporarily leave the body and randomly enter those worlds. But when we wake up, the consciousness will quickly return, and then separate from those worlds. "

"Your statement is a little untenable. I often dream, and the scenes in my dreams change. Many times, there are several different dreams strung together."

"That's because during your deep sleep, there were many signs of waking up.

As I said before, every time you wake up your consciousness of leaving the body will return, but when your consciousness returns, because you have entered a deep sleep state again, so your consciousness leaves the body again, and after a while you have After seeing the signs of waking up, your consciousness returns again, and this goes on and on, so you dream of many scenes and are very chaotic. "

Hearing what Leng Yue said, Xia Qi scratched his head, thinking that it really seemed to be the case, looked at Leng Yue who was still expressionless and asked:
"Isn't this what you thought again?"

"No, this is the truth. Including that we occasionally feel familiar with a certain scene, and feel that we have experienced something before. These are actually because our consciousness has traveled to the future to see."

"Okay, let's put aside these things about time travel, you haven't made it clear what we should do."

Xia Qi admits that he has indeed seen some remarks about consciousness traversing, but he always feels very uncomfortable when such remarks are said from Leng Yue's mouth as facts.

It was as if the more he knew, the farther he would be from the world he was in.

He suddenly thought of many famous scientists and scholars throughout the ages, most of them became theists in the end, and some of them became lunatics directly.

I dare not imagine how many shocking secrets they have discovered that are hidden by this world.

Leng Yue glanced at the time on the honor watch, thought for a while and said:

"Since they have already occupied your friend's house, it proves that they want to continue to survive as humans, so the possibility of choosing to escape now is relatively small, but if it is later, I think they will probably escape."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go there quickly. If they escape, it will be difficult to find them."

Xia Qi didn't dare to delay any longer, and hurriedly urged Leng Yue to drive.

Soon, the two drove back to Qinghe community where Cao Jinhai's family lived.

After getting off the car, the two of them didn't have any conversation, because Xia Qi was hurt on his back before, so Leng Yue didn't let him go to resist the equipment this time, and carried his bag on his own, and ran upstairs with Xia Qi one after the other.

After arriving at the floor where Cao Jinhai's house was located, Leng Yue kept tidying up Xia Qi, and then took out a writing brush and a bottle of cloudy liquid mixed with red and yellow from his backpack.

Xia Qi didn't bother to ask Leng Yue what was in the bottle, he put his ear on the door at this time, and could clearly hear the occasional conversations inside the door, as well as the sound of chaotic footsteps.

"It's still inside, it seems like it's really packing up from this posture."

"Once the ghosts are discovered after being possessed, they either choose to kill to silence them, or choose to escape. They can be said to be a kind of alien among ghosts, possessing human thoughts."

"We must not let them escape, otherwise, when they escape, even if I call the police in this situation, the police will never believe it."

Leng Yue didn't say anything, at this time the hand holding the brush started to work on the door, dipped in that neither yellow nor red liquid, and quickly drew a big circular symbol on the door.

After finishing these, Leng Yue signaled Xia Qi to back off, then he took out a few more paper talismans, whispered, and pasted one on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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