Mysterious country

Chapter 81 Strike

Chapter 81 Strike
The scene of the crime was the four-person dormitory where Xia Qi had left traces for three years.The reporter was Cao Jinhai. He got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and when he came back, he found that Yang Shucheng had been killed.

In the interrogation room of the police station, Cao Jinhai sat collapsed opposite Xia Qi and a middle-aged policeman, and narrated in a hoarse voice:
"Chang Ye didn't know what stimulated him these days. He was nervous all day long, and he didn't go out to eat with us. He just stayed in the dormitory alone, and didn't go to any class."

"Did he say anything to you? For example, you said you were stimulated." The middle-aged policeman asked at this time.

"Yes, he said that he has been dreaming these days, and he always has the same dream."


"Well, it's a nightmare, that's what he said, and he told me about it for two days."

"What kind of nightmare is it?"

"I didn't listen to the details, but I just heard him say that someone wanted to kill him."

Cao Jinhai repeated what he said to Yang Shucheng and the others during dinner that night.

"Is someone trying to kill him in the dream, or is someone trying to kill him in reality?"

"It should be a dream. How could someone kill him in reality? Besides, even if someone really wanted to kill him, he wouldn't let him know!"

Cao Jinhai's mood suddenly became very excited, obviously recalling the tragic scene he saw at that time.

"Da Hai, drink some water first."

At this time, Xia Qi handed Cao Jinhai a glass of warm water, and after he finished drinking, he signaled to the middle-aged policeman beside him to continue asking questions.

The middle-aged policeman nodded, then said again:
"One thing you need to understand is that we must implement every detail. Because this case is very bad and there are many doubts, I hope you can understand us and cooperate with us."

Cao Jinhai put down his water glass tremblingly, and looked up at the middle-aged policeman with a majestic face:
"They are all good buddies of mine, and I will cooperate."

"Well, thank you for your cooperation." The middle-aged policeman said something symbolically, and then returned to the topic:

"What did you do before the case happened?"

"Do you mean night?"


"In the evening, we went out for dinner first. Masano was still nervous, so he didn't go out with the two of us. We drank a little wine with Shucheng, and each had a bottle of beer. I can swear None of us were drunk.

Shucheng wanted to give something to his partner, so I went back first.After returning to the dormitory, I found Masano was sleeping, and I didn't wake him up, so I climbed to the upper bunk alone, and chatted with my friends for a while with my mobile phone.

At about nine o'clock in the evening, Shucheng also returned to the dormitory, and Changye was still awake at that time, and the two of us complained about him at that time, thinking that we must take him to see a doctor tomorrow, saying that if we were in Let him stay like this, everyone will be useless.

Because we got up very early in the morning, we didn't talk for too long before we went to bed. "

When Cao Jinhai was talking about this, the middle-aged man suddenly interrupted him and asked:
"Is Yang Shucheng asleep at this time?"

"I'm not sure, but I think he's asleep."

The middle-aged policeman nodded after hearing this, and quickly wrote two strokes in his notebook, signaling Cao Jinhai to continue.

"I was woken up by peeing, because I was too lazy to go down, I endured it for a while, but finally got out of bed."

"Do you know what time it is?"

"10:20, I remember it very clearly, because I checked the time on purpose."

"Did you find anything wrong? For example, Yang Shucheng or Li Changye."

"There's nothing wrong, because I heard Shucheng's snoring, Masano, I'm not sure if he's awake or not. But when I came back from the bathroom, I found... I found..."

At this point, Cao Jinhai's voice became knotted again, and it took him a long time to say it with difficulty:
"I found Masano was stabbing Shucheng one after another with a knife!"

"It was almost 11 o'clock at that time. It should be very dark in the dormitory. Why can you see it so clearly?"

The middle-aged policeman still asked very detailed questions, not wanting to miss any detail.

"The curtains were not drawn in the dormitory at that time. I saw it through the moonlight, but I didn't see it clearly at the time. I just saw two figures vaguely. Later, I pressed the light switch by the wall to see clearly."

"Don't you turn off the lights in the dormitory?"

"We have 24-hour power supply in our dormitory."

This time it was Xia Qi who spoke, as a student of the Elite Academy, he knew this very well.And their dormitory building also has a high-profile nickname - the city that never sleeps.

Hearing Xia Qi's testimony, Cao Jinhai also nodded and said affirmatively:

"Our dormitory building has no power supply."

Having said that, he added:
"You all know what happened afterwards. I was terrified, and I didn't realize that I called the police until I fled downstairs."

"Well, thank you for your hard work. You can go back now, but please ensure that your mobile phone can communicate normally in the past few days, so that we can contact you. Of course, if you think of anything during this period, you can also call us in time. I have given you my phone number before."

The middle-aged policeman stood up from the chair at this time, and then waved his hand at the monitor above his head. After a while, a policeman came in and took Cao Jinhai out.

Before going out, Cao Jinhai turned his head to look at Xia Qi, Xia Qi motioned him to go out first, and look for him later.

The middle-aged policeman also sorted out the records at this time, and said to Xia Qi with an ugly smile:

"There seems to be nothing to say about this case. There are all the witnesses and evidences. It was Li Changye who killed him. But we will make a mental diagnosis on Li Changye to see if he has mental problems or sleepwalking. some type of."

Although it seems that this matter is very clear, Li Changye has a mental problem recently, so he has been suspicious for a while, thinking that someone wants to kill him, and then kills Yang Shucheng by mistake.

Everything seems reasonable, but when I think about it carefully, there is still a doubtful point, that is, how could Li Changye have mental problems?
He couldn't understand Li Changye very well. He couldn't be described as optimistic in his daily life, but a typical heartless one. They had never seen him worry about anything since they knew each other for so long.

So it was hard for him to believe that a person like this would be mentally ill and kill a roommate who had a good relationship with him.

"I hope you can treat him well. I will come over tomorrow morning, and I have something to ask him face to face."

In the past, Xia Qi would not have dared to think that he was only talking to the police, but now, with his work permit, which is extremely powerful, he has done it.

But there was no joy at all.

After coming out of the police station, it was already past 1:[-] in the morning, and there was no car on the empty road. Cao Jinhai was squatting on the side of the road, with his head lowered as if he had lost his soul.

Xia Qi asked himself, if he hadn't had his recent experience and allowed him to witness this bloody tragedy with his own eyes, he would not have been able to bear it either.


Sighing sadly, Xia Qi walked towards Cao Jinhai with some humility.

(End of this chapter)

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