Mysterious country

Chapter 66 He Died in a Dream!

Chapter 66 He Died in a Dream!
Zhao Kuaizui groped and got off the bed, then lit an oil lamp and went outside the door of the outer room.Looking in through the glass on the door, he can vaguely see his wife hugging his son who is less than two years old and sleeping soundly.

Speaking of which, the reason why the husband and wife slept separately was not unrelated to the nightmare he just had.

The similar nightmare has been going on for many days, and every time he suddenly wakes up in the dream, and then finds that the room is full of blood, and there is a disgusting smell of blood.

His body was tightly confined on the bed, only his head could barely move.Every time during this process, he would see a woman crawling on the ground like a gecko, approaching him with a ferocious face...

This was the seventh day in a row that he dreamed of the same content, and every time he woke up suddenly when he was about to be killed by that woman.

Because he woke up several times, he was terrified, so considering that he would not frighten his wife and children, he temporarily moved from the outer room to the inner room, planning to sleep for a while to adjust himself.

But in the past few days, he still hasn't improved. On the contrary, he became more and more fearful and desperate in his dream.

"What the hell is wrong with me? Didn't I just sleep with a little bitch? As for torturing myself into such a bird?"

Zhao Kuaizui picked up the cigarette bag, lit it, and habitually sat at the table and smoked, his face full of tension and anxiety.

He really didn't know what was wrong with him, why he had the same nightmare for so many days, and he dreamed of the same person.Oh no, to be exact, it should be the same dead person!
It was the woman who was forced to have a relationship with him, and ended up with a weird floating corpse in the Hulu River, Boss Chen's nominal daughter-in-law—Xiao Li.

Although he took advantage of Xiaoli, he was not the one who planned it. Speaking of it, he just accepted Hu Daniu's kindness. After all, there was such a young woman who gave him a white sleep. How could he be a normal man? Can resist?

Of course, he also admitted that Xiaoli's subsequent suicide probably had this factor, but the more reason should be on the side of Boss Chen.If Boss Chen doesn't buy him from the traffickers, bribe the villagers to watch her, and marry her to his stupid son, will she be threatened by Hu Daniu?Will she have sex with them?She will commit suicide by jumping into the river?

These are obviously not possible, so there is a grievance and a debtor. In Zhao Kuaizui's heart, he always thought that even if Xiaoli turned into a ghost and came back to take revenge, she should not take revenge on herself, but should go to Boss Chen, Hu Daniu and the others. .

"There is an injustice and a debtor, please stop torturing me."

Hu Daniu murmured, in this silent rainy night, only the sound of "squeaking" rain outside kept responding to him, as if reminding him of something.

"Hey, it's fucking terrible."

Zhao Kuaizui sighed sadly, he extinguished the pipe, then took off his shoes and climbed onto the bed.

Sleeping on a somewhat damp bed, listening to the sound of "swooshing" rain outside the window, I don't know how long it took. Can't hear it at all.

Zhao Kuaizui thought that he would fall into such a deep sleep, but suddenly his drowsy brain suddenly became clear.This diametrically opposite contrast was so great that Zhao Kuaizui even forgot why he was lying on the bed.

There was pitch blackness in his vision, and it took a while for some blurred shadows to gradually flood in.

"Has the rain stopped?"

Zhao Kuaizui stared at the ceiling for a while, and there was no sound in the room during the process, as if he was the only one here.

Facing the darkness alone, my heart is full of negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, restlessness, etc., and I really want to escape quickly.

Zhao Kuaizui was tortured by his current state of mind and wanted to yell. He struggled to sit up from the bed, but he was horrified to find that his body was as if he was unconscious and unable to move. Only his head could move. Reluctantly deflect some.

At this moment, Zhao Kuaizui felt that his whole body was soaked in cold sweat, and his body was as cold as frost, as if he was in a river in severe winter.


Zhao Kuaizui didn't know whether he was asleep or awake. He clearly remembered that he was not asleep at all, and his brain was abnormally awake, but the scene in front of him was like the nightmare that haunted him a few days ago.

Zhao Kuaizuo kept screaming, trying to wake up his wife who was in the outhouse, and then ran out to comfort him, saying that he was just having a nightmare.

However, no matter how much he yelled, he still couldn't see his wife coming out of the outer room, but there were strange noises in the room since he didn't know when.

And... there was a bloody smell that made him retch!

"Dream! It's that nightmare again!"

Zhao Kuaizui screamed in fear. Although it was not the first time he had experienced such a horrible nightmare, it felt like this time was more frightening than ever before.

It was as if... everything that was about to happen was not just a nightmare.

The disgusting smell of blood was getting stronger and stronger, Zhao Kuaizui turned his head with difficulty at this time, and saw a hideous woman lying there with her head raised high near the window!
There is no doubt that the woman is looking at him maliciously at this moment.

Soon, the woman began to slowly crawl towards the bed where he was, and it really looked like a gecko crawling with its whole body stiff.

The "hissing" sound made by the crawling made him feel even more creepy.

"It's a dream, it's just a nightmare."

He kept comforting himself in his heart, and watched the woman crawling over bit by bit, approaching him, and then crawling onto his body like an appointment.


The woman's hands and feet were firmly pressed against Zhao Kuaizui's body, and Zhao Kuaizui's shouts seemed to have become hoarse. It suddenly lowered its head, and a string of bones scraped against its neck.

During the process, Zhao Kuaizuo kept his eyes wide open in fear, watching the woman's wet arm, slowly stretching it over, and grabbing his neck.

At this moment, he only felt a strong sense of suffocation covering every pore of his body, and his clear consciousness was also being pulled away rapidly during the process.

The feeling of suffocation is getting stronger and stronger, and Zhao Kuaizui's eyes are also getting bigger and bigger uncontrollably...

Until his consciousness was completely wiped out by the coldness of this world.

"I should have woken up, right?"

"It's supposed to be just a dream, right?"

"I must be dreaming... must be dreaming..."

"How can a person be killed by a ghost... in his sleep!"

This is the last question Zhao Kuaizui left to the world.


Looking at Zhao Kuaizui's distorted face due to extreme pain, Xia Qi couldn't help but think of a picture of a drowning death he saw on the Internet before, which was similar to Zhao Kuaizui's death.

When they arrived at Zhao Kuaizui's house, Zhao Kuaizui had already drowned on the bed. There was a lot of blood flowing out of his nasal cavity and even his ears, obviously he was drowned alive.

Once again they came a step late.

Xia Qi clenched his fists a little depressed, and then said unwillingly:
"Let's move on to the next family, I really don't believe it, that female ghost will beat us every time!"

(End of this chapter)

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