Mysterious country

Chapter 47 Preparation

Chapter 47 Preparation (recommended for collection)

Although there is very little information about Hulu Village on the Internet, Xia Qi still searched tirelessly until midnight, so that he slept until almost noon the next day.

After washing up, he casually looked for something to eat in the refrigerator, and hurried to Nangong Yun's room. After knocking on the door, he saw a pale face protruding from the crack of the door.

"Fortunately, I know you, otherwise I would have thought it was a ghost!"

Xia Qi was taken aback by Nangong Yun, which also made Nangong Yun cover her mouth and laugh, and hurriedly opened the door to welcome him in:
"Isn't this a new batch of cosmetics, I'll try the effect."

"Well, your effect is quite obvious."

Xia Qi came into Nangong Yun's living room and sat down. After sitting down, he couldn't help taking a peek at Nangong Yun's plump chest. Can't help sighing:

"It's really big."

Nangong Yun only wore a small vest on her upper body, and a pair of fitness pants on her lower body, which set off her figure even more unevenly.

"I haven't seen you in the past two days, did you go out for an appointment?"

Xia Qi had just picked up the cup and took a sip of water, when he suddenly heard Nangong Yun mention this, he couldn't spit it out, so he subconsciously denied it:
"Do you think I look like that kind of person? I'm not that pervert like Minmin."

"Well, you are indeed a little different." Nangong Yun smiled comfortingly, then changed the topic and asked:

"You should be looking for me for something, right?"

"Actually, there is something I want to ask you for advice." Xia Qi lowered his posture, after all, he was indeed asking for advice.

"Oh, what you said made me feel embarrassed." Nangong Yun covered her face pretending to be shy, and her chest was shaking again.

"Ahem..." Xia Qi didn't dare to look at Nangong Yun again, because he felt that his concentration was not too strong, so he had to go straight to the point and say:

"It's like this, the new event has been released, because the execution location is very remote, so I will leave tomorrow. So..."

Before Xia Qi finished speaking, Nangong Yun interrupted him in surprise:
"Have you received a new event?"

"Well, we have to go to the place of execution before September 9th." Xia Qi said helplessly.

"But I remember that you have only been a regular for a few days, why so fast?"

"Who knows, it might be my luck."

Regarding the execution of the incident so soon, Xia Qi was actually full of doubts, because as Nangong Yun said, he had only become a regular for a few days, and the time between these two incidents was indeed a bit short.

"Well, you can also understand it this way. After all, the frequency of executing events is high, the speed of obtaining honor points is also fast, and the growth will be faster."

Speaking of this, Nangong Yun added another sentence:

"Of course, the premise is that you have to survive."

"That's why I came here to ask you for advice." Xia Qi said through Nangong Yun's words:

"Because I just became a full-time employee not long ago, I have never executed this kind of official incident, so I don't know if there is anything worth noting in the execution, and there are also some tips for solving the incident smoothly?"

"There is definitely no trick to solving the incident, but there are some things worth noting, such as the reason for entering the incident. To put it bluntly, it is what capacity you entered the incident with."

Having said that, Nangong Yun paused and asked Xia Qi:
"Is there a special indication on the honor form that you entered the event in what capacity?"

"No." Xia Qi shook his head.

"That proves that you need to figure out your own way, and the company has not arranged for your identities."

"What do you mean?"

"Think about it, if you want to participate in the execution of the incident, you must have a reason to participate. Otherwise, why would those people related to the incident talk to you?"

"Well, it makes sense." Xia Qi nodded understandingly, and continued to listen to Nangong Yun:

"Furthermore, we need to pay attention to some abnormal details in the incident. The so-called details determine success or failure. You must know that for us now, we should not think about excellent grades. After all, we are still very weak and killing ghosts is not very realistic.

Therefore, it is very important to use insight to capture details and then analyze the truth of the incident. "

Xia Qi thought of the last time when he and Leng Yue were in Qihe Women's College, to be honest, it was just luck to kill the possessed ghost, and what really worked was because he discovered the truth of the illusion, so that he could get along with Leng Yue from it. survive.

So it is self-evident how important this kind of insight and the ability to analyze and reason are in the event.

Of course, if one day he was really strong enough to kill ghosts in minutes, he would naturally not need to consume too much brain cells, just kill the ghosts in the incident directly.

But this kind of dream is what he is doing now, because it is conceivable that while his ability is improving, the ghosts he faces must be more powerful than before, otherwise he will be like a senior executive, manager, or even a ghost. A person at the level of a director is not completely without threats.

"One last thing to remind you."

When Nangong Yun said this, her originally relaxed expression suddenly became tense, and she said word by word:

"That is, you must not have any feelings for the people involved in the incident, otherwise it will be very detrimental to the resolution of the incident."

Although Nangong Yun didn't say anything about this, Xia Qi heard it very clearly. Nangong Yun was reminding him that in the incident, everything should be done to protect himself. After all, you are going to participate in the incident to survive, so don't What kind of explosion of the halo of the Virgin is playing, and desperately save those people who seem to you to be very pitiful and need protection, lest they fail to save and put themselves in it.

Remind Nangong Yun of these three points in his heart, Xia Qi wanted to thank him and leave, but was stopped by Nangong Yun:

"Let me see the details of your incident."

Hearing that Nangong Yun wanted to see the content of his incident, Xia Qi didn't hesitate, so he opened the event reminder on the honor watch, and handed his wrist to Nangong Yun.

After Nangong Yun saw it, she couldn't help reminding him:

"Tasks involving two people like this are generally more difficult, so it's best not to separate the two of you. Even if someone rests at night, it's best to leave one person to watch the night."

"This can only say that I try my best."

When he thinks of Leng Yue's radiant and humble appearance of the Virgin, he has no idea at all, and it's hard to say what kind of moth will come out at that time.

After sitting at Nangong Yun's place for a while, Xia Qi went back to his side on the grounds of preparation. Now he was a little confused, after all, what was about to come was another near-death catastrophe.

"It's okay, I can definitely solve it!"

Xia Qi secretly decided in his heart to wait for him to solve this incident before going home, and he did not go back for a while.Of course, when he goes back, he has other thoughts in it...

(There are too few recommendations, thank you all for your support.)
(End of this chapter)

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