Mysterious country

Chapter 15 Inquiring

Chapter 15 Inquiring (Favorite Recommendation!)

After the woman left, Xia Qi also drove to find a nearby hotel to rest, and slept until noon the next day before he got up from the bed with sore body.

The experience of rolling down the stairs last night left many bruises on his body that he couldn't bear to look at.

"Damn it, my skin and tender flesh are all ruined!"

Xia Qi posed for a few narcissistic poses in front of the mirror, but in the process, he accidentally twisted his foot, and immediately cried out in pain "Ouch, Ouch".

Taking the time to wash up, he called his mother again full of expectations, but the result remained the same, there was still no news from his grandpa, so he could only wait for his grandpa to come back after having enough fun outside.

But this time is really out of time, because in Xia Qi's memory, his grandfather would go on a trip for several days almost every year.

If it is short, it will be back in about a week. As for the long time, it is hard to say, three to four months, or even more than half a year.

Because his grandfather has always been like this, so his parents are used to it, not to mention, they don't dare to control it at all.

After talking on the phone for nearly an hour, Xia Qicai hung up the phone with red eyes, and his heart suddenly became empty.

In the past, he was always unwilling to listen to his mother's nagging, but this time he strongly hoped that his mother could talk to him for a while, because he was really not sure whether he...would be able to walk out of Qihe Women's College alive.

"To live! I must live! To live!!!"

Xia Qi clutched the phone tightly, raised his neck and roared several times, until his voice became hoarse, and he stopped panting.

But my heart is not as blocked as before.

After simply washing up, Xia Qi checked out and left the hotel, and drove to a temple he knew.

Although there are a lot of negative news about monk corruption and other negative news on the Internet, he can only burn incense in the temple as a living horse doctor when he can't find a Taoist temple or meet an expert.

At this point, even Xia Qi himself felt that he was sick and went to the doctor indiscriminately.Of course, he really has nothing to do right now.

After wandering around the temple for almost an entire afternoon, until it was almost dark, Xia Qi came out with a long sigh, carrying a bag full of "talismans" in his hand.

These amulets were all "invited" by him at a high price, and he almost lost all his belongings.Not only the paper talisman, but also the mahogany ax and mahogany sword hanging around his neck, all of which he packed and brought back.

After all, he was pursuing the idea of ​​using a dead horse as a living horse doctor. If it was useful to deal with ghosts, he would have made money. On the contrary, if it was useless, it was normal.

In addition to these preparations, he also thought about the last power outage, so he bought two small flashlights that were more convenient to carry.This time he didn't prepare for other newcomers either. After all, the lesson from last time reminded him that it's not easy to be a good person, so it's better to be selfish and try to protect yourself.

In layman's terms, it means that whether other people die or not has a **** relationship with him!

Xia Qi not only bought two flashlights, but also bought an oil-burning lighter and a bottle of kerosene, which made him feel heartbroken.

Buying these things is also just in case, so that he can set fire to it when the time comes.

After finishing the preparations, he drove to an Internet cafe near Qihe Women's College.

The reason why Xia Qi didn't go to the hotel to surf the Internet was mainly because the hotel's Internet speed was too low, and it was inconvenient for him to search for something.

Of course, another more important reason is that he has a nickname called Internet Cafe Little Prince, so he really has to go in every Internet cafe to try the Internet speed.

Because this place is already very close to Qihe Women's College, there are... a lot of punks inside, and it seems that they are all staying here to pick up girls.

"A bunch of bad guys, is there an Internet cafe in the college?"

Xia Qi despised the gangsters in the Internet cafe in his heart, but he also had a cigarette in his mouth, and after a long puff of smoke, he said to the bar member with a non-mainstream hairstyle:
"How much is the night package?"

"8 yuan." The woman replied with an unkind expression.

"Holy shit, it's so cheap, it's only 8 yuan for a night package!" Xia Qi couldn't help being surprised when he heard that, because the cheapest internet cafe near their school was 15 yuan for a night package.

"You're so excited to fuck, I mean the machine here is 8 yuan a night!"

Seeing Xia Qi's humble expression after hearing this, the woman couldn't help emphasizing it.

"I know it's a machine, do you think I want to cover you? The little girl's family, it's fine to learn the tattoos of men, just stop opening your mouth and fuck, shut up and fuck, it's really uncivilized."

The bar clerk looked about eighteen or nineteen years old, a typical young lady, and there were a few punks sitting around who looked like they were going to heaven.

"It's up to you! My wife is willing, whether I will listen to you or not!"

"Then you make me a night bag, make me some noodles, add some sausage, yes... add two eggs."

"Just put yours in instant noodles! It's a lot to ask for."

The bar clerk glared at Xia Qi after hearing this, and obediently went to make instant noodles for him even though he was muttering something.

Taking back his ID card from the bar, Xia Qi found an idle machine nearby. His purpose of coming here was very clear, which was to search the information about Qihe Women's College on the Internet, and inquire here by the way.

Turning on the computer, Xia Qi searched a few keywords about Qihe Women's College on the Internet.

Such as [Qihe Women's College is dead]

【Qihe Women's College is Haunted】

【Major Events at Qihe Women's College】

【Strange things about Qihe Women's College】


It can be said that he tried to search for all the keywords he could think of, but the results he received were minimal.There is no information on the Internet that can show that Qihe Women's College has ever had, or is now, something relatively unorthodox, not even a death due to an accident.

"I don't know if it really didn't happen, or...the news was blocked."

Although no valuable clues for him were found on the Internet, Xia Qi still felt that something happened to Qihe Women's College before, after all, there is no storm without waves.

This kind of situation is very common, because there have been very bad cases in his school, but it has not been disclosed by any media. It is obvious that the school used the relationship to "solve the siege".

"It seems that reality is reality, and the set played in the movie doesn't work at all."

"Looking at you, you thought it was a special character, but you also have a dick. What's the matter, are you here to study the route over the wall?"

The bar staff didn't know when he was standing behind Xia Qi's sofa, holding a box of instant noodles and said sarcastically.

"Little sister, don't speak so harshly. **.si means ** hair. No matter how bad my brother is, I won't become a ** hair."

Xia Qi took the instant noodles from the bar staff, then turned his head and asked with a smile:

"I want to ask you something, if you know, how about I give you a pack of cigarettes?"

"What's the matter? Ask me if I have a partner? If it's this kind of thing, I suggest you forget it, because you can't get into my sister's eyes at all..."

"Stop it, I'm not asking about this, usually there should be people from Qihe College here to surf the Internet, right?" Xia Qi interrupted the bar staff and asked.

"There's a fucker, who's idle and ran out to surf the Internet, right? That's a lot of shit! The people who come here are all from the surrounding auto repair colleges, look at how bad they are."

As the bar staff talked, they still didn't forget to take Hei Xia, a few youths who looked like gangsters sitting opposite Xia Qi.

Xia Qi laughed a lot after hearing this, and felt that this young bar member was getting more and more interesting, so he changed his mind and said on purpose:
"Did you know that the women's college recently died, and I heard it's quite evil."

"Why, you also know about this?"

The bar staff couldn't help opening their eyes wide after hearing this!
(End of this chapter)

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