star robber is a little sweet

Chapter 251 I am such a child who has milk and is a mother

Chapter 251 I am such a child who has milk and is mother

Belle couldn't wait to find out who she really was.

Peanut also wanted to recognize this daughter.

"Can't we do a paternity test?"

Even on an earth with backward technology, there are ways to identify children. The technology here is so advanced, who is the biological mother, can't an identification come out?
But things are far from as simple as imagined.

Peanut shook his head.

"Can't do it."

"How is it possible?!" Are you kidding me?

"The Kou spider is a very complicated race. Our arrangement is different from that of ordinary families, because the family has had the custom of intermarriage between close relatives for thousands of years, so the genes are very similar."

The intermarriage of elder brother and younger sister is hardly news among the Kou spider clan.

That's why Beka hooked up with Bewa so anxiously.

Because of the special (yin) and special (luan) customs of this family, their genes are different from those of other races. Becca and Peanut are very different in age, but they have the same father and mother. Becca's child and Peanut's child, It cannot be detected by ordinary detection methods.

During the time when Bai Lei was in a vegetative state, Peanut also tested it.

The test result of Bei Lei and her being a mother and daughter is 95.3%, and the test result of being a mother and daughter with Becca is 98.9%, both of which are probabilistic.

"I really beeped the dog!" Bei Lei was anxious, and all the indecent words ran out.

"Is there really nothing you can do?"

"Usually children of the same father and mother will see who the child's worm body looks like. Each worm body has its own unique characteristics, but you have mutated"

It is neither Beka's worm, nor is it a peanut that does not have a worm.

All the coincidences happened to Bai Lei.

Seeing Bei Lei's anxious look, Peanut patted her distressedly, "Whether you are one-sixth of me or not, I will treat you as my own child, whether it is related by blood or not is what matters."

Even if he knew Belle, there was a high probability that it was Becca's child, but Peanut had devoted all his mother's love to this child.

Not only because it was the child of the man she loved.

More because of a feeling of congeniality.

When Bai Lei was not awake, she liked this child, but it was far less than the touch that Bai Lei brought to her after she woke up.

Watching her grow up a little bit, watching her and the lieutenant general go from being at odds to burying their old feud, is a very satisfying feeling.

Peanut's biggest wish is to be able to be a family together one day. Whether Bei Lei is her daughter or Becca's daughter, she likes this child.

Bai Lei shook her head and pushed Peanut.

"Important, this is important!"

Things turned out to be different from what she thought!
Bai Lei walked back and forth in the room anxiously, thinking about what to do next.

Peanut is a little hurt.

"Could it be that I'm not your biological mother, so you refuse to get close to me?"

When the child called her mom just now, she really wanted to cry, she was so touched.

That's right, how can a good-for-nothing like her deserve to have such a good daughter? Leilei probably despises her too.

She can't fight, she's just a follower, nothing can be given to her
"Stop! Stop it! Don't cry, I don't want you to cry!" Whenever Peanut cried, she felt uncomfortable.

Bai Lei came over, holding Peanut's shoulder, shaking it back and forth.

Peanut was a little dizzy from being shaken by her.

"Don't belittle yourself, don't care about the damn paternity test, I said you are my mother, and you are!"

Now Bai Lei has entered a state of not accepting the facts.

"Then why do you say it's important whether it's your own?" Peanut was still a little aggrieved.

In fact, she is a more emotional and fragile woman who often cries.

Bai Lei's actions just now really hurt her a bit.

"Of course it's important! This is related to my counterattack plan!" Bei Lei scratched her hair.

She had thought that Peanut was sure to be her biological mother so that she could carry out her plan, but now, something went wrong.

"Counterattack? What counterattack?" Peanut was stunned. It turned out that Leilei didn't dislike herself, and she was a little happy again.

"I'm going to kill that old witch Becca. If you are my own mother, it's easy to handle. I'll just play a trick and kill her, but you're not sure—forget it, I'll go back and continue thinking about it."

Bai Lei took two steps, then turned back suddenly, hugging Peanut.

"I said you are, you are, mom, mom, mom! I called you, you have to admit it if you don't!"

When Peanut was called by her, he was moved and wanted to laugh.

Why is Lei Lei's tone so similar to Yu Siwen?

People have been together for a long time, and it is true that they will be contagious to each other, and Lei Lei is also angry.

"But I only have a one-sixth probability. Judging from your current state, you should belong to Beka—"

"Go to one-sixth of it, no matter what the real result is, I think you are 6%, I was not in this body from birth, so I don't care how the physiology defines it."

Bei Lei suddenly kissed Peanut on the cheek, just like all daughters do when they treat their mothers like a baby.

"Whoever treats me well is my real mother. Yes, I am such a child who has milk and is a mother!"

Becca did so many bad things to her, poisoned her brother Yuan Xiaoyao, tried to kill the ruffian, and called her a mother, all of which insulted the definition of a mother.

Peanut was hit by Bei Lei, and stood there happily for a long time, unable to move, feeling completely paralyzed.

"Don't you care that I can't do anything for you?"

"When I was born, regardless of your own danger, you made a one-sixth replacement and gave me 6% hope. That's enough."

Bei Lei wiped away Peanut's excited tears, "Now our family is busy fighting the war, we can only let go of the love between our children, but I promise, when I get this mess done, I will help you become my rightful mother."

"No need, this is already very good." She just wanted to stay quietly by the side of the person she liked, and her status was not important.

To be able to see that both he and Bai Lei are doing well is already enough.

"You don't have to worry about these, I just want you to remember one thing, you don't have to do anything to be my mother, I will definitely do what you should win for you, and you don't need to be so strong, because I am you Daughter, I will protect you and my dad."

"Leilei, you—" Peanut broke down in tears.

What a wonderful child, I really hope this is really my own child.

Bei Lei was afraid that what she said would cause her to lose control of her emotions, so she pretended to say it lightly.

"I'm afraid that when that day comes, you will despise my father for not raising anything."

"No, Lieutenant General is normal, he—" Realizing what he said, Peanut shut up in embarrassment, and pushed Bai Lei out.

"You have to keep what happened today to the lieutenant general a secret, don't tell him, or I will get angry!"

 Thank you Zhenzi for your peace talisman
(End of this chapter)

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