star robber is a little sweet

Chapter 243 Mecha Fusion

Chapter 243 Mecha Fusion
Bewa, the God of Thousand Hands, passed Peanut and Chen Yuejian to Beka's side.

As an exchange price, peanuts need to make 3000 catties of fried sea melon seeds and send them to Beiwa, so Chen Yuejian and his group stayed here for the time being.

After purchasing the raw materials, head straight to Bewa's lair.

Unlike other cities that Pizi and Bei Lei have seen, the area where the Thousand Hands God is located is as vast as a grassland.

There are almost no tall buildings, and the scenery still retains its original ecological appearance, like a beautiful grand canyon, far away from human habitation.

"This area is only inhabited by the Kouzhu clan, so it is very sparsely populated. Even the Yanglie Babu clan, which is also a big noble, cannot enter." Peanut explained to Bei Lei.

The place where the God of Thousand Hands lived was not far from Beka, and it was a very high mountain. Bele thought that as the spiritual leader of the Zerg, the place where Bewa lived must be heavily guarded.

But, no.

Bei Lei and ruffian stood at the foot of the mountain, looking up at the huge plaque, both were speechless.

"Did we really... not go to the wrong place?"

I saw a domineering stone plaque carved with a stone axe, and only a few big characters of dragon, phoenix and phoenix dance were written on it.

Food for the people

It looks like a farmhouse built in the mountains.

The entire valley is covered with tall and dense vegetation, and there are no birds in the sky, and the silence is scary.

"That's right, Becca's home is here."

"Why isn't there a gatekeeper?" The ruffian didn't expect that a legendary figure would live in such a place.

"No one dares to come over—to be precise, birds that fly through the air will be taken down and eaten." Peanut's explanation made ruffian and Bai Lei think that what they want to meet may not be one of the legendary platinums.

In fact, this is the site of starving ghosts, right?

The scenery along the way is very good, and Bei Lei even saw a waterfall in a mountain stream, which looked hundreds of meters high, and the water splashed down from above, which was very spectacular.

When Peanut came here, he stopped silently, looked up, and said with nostalgia.

"I used to play here a lot when I was a kid."

Before it was chosen by Bewa as the mansion, it was just an ordinary mountain. The huge palace in Beka was the original location of the Kouzu clan.

Because Peanut was too useless when she was young, no one taught her, so she often ran all over the mountains and plains, and she often came here.

"If you think this thing looks good, I'll get you one in the yard when I get back." Chen Yuejian didn't realize what was wrong with her words at all.

"No, there isn't such a big place in the yard."

"I started Jinglei and carved out a piece of the mountain in the backyard. It's no problem to make a man-made waterfall. When it's hot, we can soak in water any way we want."

Ruffian and Bei Lei looked at each other again shocked by this weird conversation, why did Mao feel like a domineering president driving an excavator to level a fish pond?
Talking about the dialogue between Chen Yue and Peanut, it's frightening to think about it carefully. I didn't know that Peanut was a woman before, so they didn't feel good getting along like this.

But since the ruffian and Bei Lei knew that Peanut was a woman, it seemed so weird
After passing a section of the mountain road, there was no road ahead. There was a large cliff, and an inverted triangle-shaped platform floated in the sky. There was a huge palace on it, which looked very similar to the one Becca lived in, except that it was more Bigger.

"How does this thing go up?" The ruffian checked visually, and the height exceeded 50 meters.

I really can't see that the God of Thousand Hands will live in such a dreamy place, as if living in his heart is a dreamy boy who likes to dance with the white clouds.

But when the ruffian tried to take a step closer to take a closer look, he immediately felt a huge pressure rushing towards his face. Chen Yuejian pulled him back and backed away from that distance, and the oppressive feeling disappeared immediately.

Chen Yuejian summoned her own mecha Jinglei from the bracelet, and signaled everyone to go up, this is the first time the ruffian and Bei Lei saw this kind of high-level mecha.

"This palace is supported by Beva's mental strength. Mechas lower than S-level cannot be used. Yu ruffian, you should be thankful for the genetics your father gave you. Those that are a little weaker will not be able to get up if you encounter this kind of mecha. Energy, smashed to pieces, leaving no residue."

The people sitting in the mecha couldn't feel this wave of energy. Chen Yuejian's mecha washed away most of the power, but the ruffian still had lingering fears about the terrifying mental power just now.

"Uncle, if you fight with Qianshou, who is better?"

Chen Yuejian did not hesitate, "He, but he has been too hungry these years, and his movements have slowed down a lot. I guess I can fight him for a few rounds, but I couldn't last a few rounds in the early years."

How many rounds?Both Bei Lei and the ruffian were shocked, is the Thousand Hands God so strong?
Chen Yue saw that he was a person who could pretend so much, and his hair could be broken without messing up his hairstyle. Such a person readily admits that he is not as good as the other party, which shows that Qian Shou is indeed quite good.

"If it's a one-on-one fight, Qianshou Beiwa is almost invincible. Even if Aoman comes and doesn't get on the mecha, he will definitely be tortured to death by Beiwa within 20 rounds."

"Then, who is better, Bewa or Poseidon?" the ruffian asked.

"One-on-one is definitely better than Beiwa, but it is better than deploying troops. Sea God beats Qianshou by a few blocks, and Qianshou is only powerful in one-on-one. In fact, if the Zerg army he leads, if it is not supported by his force value, even The lieutenant general can't even beat him, and during the Star Wars period, the lieutenant general led Torre's team and fought hard several times, but they didn't let the opponent take advantage of it."

The answer is peanuts.

To the riffraff, Peanut is simply Chen Yuejian's super fan girl. When it comes to Chen Yuejian's eyes are shining, she has no sense of race at all.

"However, if the Sea God and his wife are united, even a thousand hands won't work." Chen Yue saw an objective evaluation.

"Although I don't want to admit it, Seagod's ultimate skill is really cool." Peanut rarely praised anyone other than Chen Yuejian.

"Why do Seagod couples need to be together to maximize their combat power? The people at the Blue Star Research Institute seem to have said the same thing." The ruffian asked.

"Theoretically, the combat power of Sea God is more than three times stronger than his wife, but he cannot do without his wife. Not only are the two people highly compatible in spirit, but their respective mechas are also highly compatible. They are currently the only fighters in the interstellar world that can fuse god-level mechas." , once the fusion technique is used, even Qianshoubeiwa can't beat it."

When Chen Yue saw the truth, ruffian and Bei Lei were stunned when they heard the words mech fusion.

so familiar.
When the gangster system led them through, he said, he and she have the conditions for mecha fusion?

"Dad, if the mechs are fused, how powerful is it?" Bei Lei's heart beat suddenly a little faster.

"To give the most straightforward example, if Bewa and Seagod are singled out, two Seagods may not be able to defeat Bewa, but when the Seagod couple merge, two Bewa may not be able to defeat one Seagod. Because of this magical skill, the beast god Aoman still dare not touch the sparsely populated Blue Star with an army of billions in his hands, do you understand?"

The several major races actually restrict each other, each has its strengths and weaknesses, and the three forces are intertwined with each other to create the current phenomenon of the tripartite confrontation. The peace of the interstellar world is also shaken by the three major families.

Beast God Aoman has the weakest actual combat ability, but holds an army of beasts and has the strongest military strength.

The Poseidon couple formed a long line of troops and possessed a super mech fusion move, but the population of Blue Star was small.

Qianshoushen is the number one in actual combat, but he is not as good as Seagod in using troops, and he doesn't have Aoman's ambitions, and he is too lazy to develop and expand his territory. He just wants to find a quiet place to sit facing the sky and eat.

Bai Lei suddenly had a particularly strange idea.

What would happen if she and the ruffian could also possess a god-level mecha and fuse together?
It sounds like a fantasy, but when you think about it, it is completely possible.

Silence should have had this idea long ago, so when training them in the isolated island, the last level was to use the mind-to-heart training.

"Dad, when can I have my own mecha?"

"You are 13 years old this year, and most people can own their own mecha at the age of 15, so you have to wait for 2 years, and you—" Chen Yuejian looked at the ruffian.

"You can do it next year."

The silent meal should have been prepared for his son long ago. Although the silent meal did not appear this year, Chen Yuejian still knew a little about what he did.

2 years? It will take so long. Bei Lei doesn't know why, but always has a strange premonition, an ominous premonition.

Not allowing her to think too much, Chen Yuejian had already brought everyone up, and Bewa's home was right in front of her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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