star robber is a little sweet

Chapter 228 Destroy the old monster Becca, thank you Dad!

Chapter 228 Destroy the old monster Becca, thank you Dad!

The ruffian's ridicule left Bai Lei speechless.

"Stop talking nonsense, can you concentrate!"

The ruffian curled his lips, look at you protecting the calf, no, protecting your father!

However, you still have to listen to what your daughter-in-law says. The ruffian took a step back and raised his mental strength to the highest level.

"Hi, Lei Lei, I'm here again!" Swinder, who has become a long-haired ruffian, has obviously stepped up several steps, blowing a lock of small yellow hair hanging from her forehead, and throwing it at Bei Lei vigorously. winking.

The two fought to the highest level, not afraid of the disgusting old woman dripping with unknown mucus.

At this moment, Beka lost his patience because of the ruffian and Bei Lei, and moved his long legs to attack the ruffian and Bei Lei for the second time!
The ruffian and Bei Lei quickly attacked from two directions. Suddenly, a thunder appeared in the sky, and Beka's silk was instantly broken!
The moment she was astonished, the ruffian's fist came over and hit her face that looked exactly like Bei Lei!
"Oh, yeah!" The ruffian made a victory gesture after a successful surprise attack.

Beka was punched several meters by the ruffian's fist, and the strength of the ruffian in the 4th form was already close to that of the golden warrior, not to mention that the thunderbolt had already caused some damage to Beka's body.

So the ruffian was very successful.

"Leilei, you did a great job!" The ruffian always complimented his girlfriend without concealment.

Bai Lei raised her hand in doubt, did she let go of the thunder?

What she shot was clearly a boomerang!
"Guys, your cooperation is pretty good, but compared to me, it's still far behind!" Beka stood up after being punched by the ruffian, and was about to make another move when she felt a cool breeze behind her. Turning sideways, several boomerangs passed by her hair.

Bai Lei nodded, that's right, this is her dart, who released the thunder just now?
"Damn it! You guys annoyed me!" Becca waved her silk and attacked the ruffian who was close to her again.

The ruffian struggled to dodge, and shouted behind him, "Leilei, support me!"

This thing is sticky, and it has a corrosive effect when it touches the body, and the angle is too big, it is very difficult for the ruffian to hide.

Beka herself was protected by countless spider threads, and it would be very difficult for a ruffian who wanted to attack her in close combat without cooperation.

After Bei Lei received the ruffian's call for help, she immediately shot out more than a dozen throwing knives, and the silk that touched Beka was all stuck, and then bursts of black smoke were emitted, and the flying knives were all melted!
"You don't have enough mental strength, you can't break my silk!" Becca said proudly, her legs danced quickly, and the ruffian couldn't dodge. When her silk touched his arm, he sank into it instantly, and his flesh was gone. Melted in a circle.

The ruffian took a deep breath in pain. He mobilized his mental strength and felt that his body could not move.

There was a large circle of black net-shaped shadows on the ground, and Becca actually released her domain!

In this spider field, all non-spider spiders are stuck!
This is a very disgusting field!

Now the ruffian is held by Beka, but Beilei can move, but she can't get close to Beka who is wrapped in tens of thousands of black silk!
The ruffian had fought the Beast God who was not wearing a mecha four times in his form, but it was obviously more difficult to deal with the Zerg with the golden bracelet.

Zergs don't need to drive mechas, but they have worms. The powerful Zergs are not inferior to other races who drive mechas when the full worms are turned on. At this time, Beka is already in the state of half worms. , not to mention, she opened the field!
However, Kou Spider's domain is still far behind that of Sea God, Beast God, and Silent Food.

Although this domain is disgusting and powerful, its scope is extremely small, as far as Belle's position is concerned, and there is no way to interfere in the future.

Even so, the ruffian and Bei Lei who don't have mechas are obviously at a disadvantage.

Seeing that Beka was approaching, and the ruffian was still attached, Bei Lei anxiously wanted to continue to use hidden weapons, so she heard Beka proudly say.

"It's useless, daughter, you are as fragile as a bug without a mecha, give up your fearless resistance, as long as you go with your mother, I will let this silly unicorn go, what?"

"Don't even think about it!" Bei Lei threw out most of her hidden weapons, but there was no way, Beka had too many threads, and a throwing knife had clearly escaped the clues, but when it was close to Beka's body, it was caught by her. Her long black hair was curled up, and her hair was actually the same as her silk. With a little force, Bele's knife turned into black water.

"Your hair is dripping with oil. Wouldn't it be better to use some oil-controlling shampoo!" After blocking it, the unicorn arm was not corroded by silk, but Becca was already close at hand!
"You brat with a sharp mouth and sharp teeth! Go to hell!" Becca raised one leg, pointing at the ruffian's heart.

"Stop!" Belle screamed.

"How, daughter, after seeing the greatness of mother, have you been shocked by the powerful power of our Kou spider clan? Are you willing to let yourself contribute to this inherited power?"

Dedication and sacrifice exist in almost every Kou spider's heart, which is the instinct passed down from ancestors.

But what Bai Lei felt was deep disgust.

Nima, let my sister become this slimy look, it would be better to die!

"Why are you still hesitating! We Kou Zhu are the greatest existence of the Zerg race, give up the inheritance brought to you by Chen Yuejian, put yourself in the arms of your mother, and contribute to the strength of Kou Zhu!"

Beka spread out her hands intoxicated, crushing an object with both hands at the same time, and the gas emitting black smoke instantly enveloped the entire field.

Come on baby, wake up the instinct of dedication in your body as a Kou spider!

The ruffian was speechless.

"Can you stop being a secondary school student? If you fight, you will fight, and you will have a good time if you want to die or live. What does it mean to read such goosebump-provoking lines!"

It's over, it's over, if he fights for a while, he will definitely vomit!
No wonder Dad mentioned that Becca had that expression, does this guy need so many secondary lines!

Becca looked at Bei Lei with a sluggish expression—in fact, Bei Lei was covered in goose bumps because of her disgust—and was very surprised.

"Why aren't you moved by Mom's great declaration?"

She crushed the catalyst that would awaken the instinct.

According to the tradition, Bei Lei should be driven out of her blackened body by the stimulant, but why she still looked at herself with the expression of "Are you mentally retarded?"

Could it be that the catalyst is missing?

When Becca was about to order two more bottles, Beile had already shown a meaningful smile.

Behind her, a steady stream of power was transmitted into her body, and Bei Lei began to feel warm in her palms.

"Dad, lend me your strength!" Belle shouted to the sky.

The ruffian blinked twice, what's the matter, baby, why did you also call out the second line?

"It's useless, let alone your father who is still a kid, even if he is there, you can't break through my domain and break my thread!" Beka stabbed hard at the ruffian's heart!

Hearing a pop, blood spattered everywhere, and Beka smiled triumphantly.

"I said it's useless—huh?" How did her claw break?

The ruffian stood intact, while Becca's claw, which was raised in mid-air, was cut off in the middle.

The boomerang that fell on the ground exuded the electric current brought by the lightning, lying side by side with Beka's broken claw.

"Ah!" The pain made Beka yell out. She lost a leg, her balance was destroyed, and the domain collapsed. The ruffian instantly raised her leg and stepped on her broken claw. Beka's complexion changed greatly in pain!

"Old witch, don't be too oily, don't you have a lot of fun!"

The free-moving ruffian played Huan'er's ruthless hands.

Beka was caught off guard and was severely punched by the ruffian a few times, but immediately stood up from the ground and lashed out at the ruffian again.

Beaten by the brat!
This shame made Becca almost turn red.

"Impossible, how could you have the power to cut off my legs!"

Bei Lei pointed to the sky with one hand, her expression was the same as when the ruffian was at her most frightened, "Ruffian stay away!"

The ruffian jumped nimbly, and Bei Lei's hand fell, and there was a loud bang, hitting Beka's head. When she let go of her hand, the ruffian rushed over again, slamming his fist down on Beka's face.

Becca was lying on the ground after being beaten, her hair was messed up by Beile's thunder, and her eyes were full of unwillingness.

How could this be possible!
Bai Lei turned her head and smiled faintly at the man standing behind her who was sending strength with one hand.

"Thank you dad!"

(End of this chapter)

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