Chapter 72

Fan Jiannan carried Long Ge down the mountain with amazing perseverance, but the mountain was dark under the heavy rain, and there was no car on the road.

"Damn it!" Fan Jiannan cursed secretly, while running in the rain with Long Ge on his back, he was making calculations in his head.Gandui is Jin Zhen Sunda... walk through the gate of life! !Fan Jiannan's expression changed, Shengmen meant endless life, and this might be a glimmer of life for Long Ge.He gritted his teeth, turned suddenly and ran in the opposite direction.

It was still dark, but there was a faint light flickering at the opposite corner.Fan Jiannan finally knew what the lifeline of Shengmen was. A car drove over on a rainy night.He walked to the middle of the road, opened his arms...

The truck driver, Lao Zhang, suddenly saw a person stepping out of the road ahead and stopped in front of his car. He was so frightened that he stepped on the brakes.The road was slippery in the heavy rain, even an experienced driver like Lao Zhang braked quickly, and the car slid on the road for a while, barely stopping at a place less than one meter away from Fan Jiannan.

"You're courting death!" Old Zhang yelled angrily after he had recovered from his shock.Only then did he see clearly that standing opposite him was a young man with a frighteningly white face. This young man was soaked through, and he seemed to be carrying someone behind his back.

"You..." Before Lao Zhang finished speaking, Fan Jiannan had already opened the car door and stuffed Long Ge into the back seat, while he got into the passenger seat. "Drive! Go to the hospital!" He said wearily.

"Hospital? My car can't enter the city. I can't enter the city with a truck. I can't enter the city until after twelve o'clock in the evening." Lao Zhang explained.He didn't know why he had to explain it to the young man. According to his usual temper, he might have already yelled at him.But for some reason, this young man made him feel a little cold.

"Don't talk nonsense with me!" Fan Jiannan said impatiently, "I'll drive, you find a way to pick up the car at the gate of the hospital."

"No... I just drove the car, and I still have your stuff in the car... I can't explain you..." Lao Zhang stammered, feeling annoyed in his heart. Could it be that he ran into a robber?
"The man behind is dying. Do you want him to die in your car, or let me take him to the hospital?" Fan Jiannan stared.His eyes were bloodshot, with unspeakable horror.Lao Zhang looked at the unconscious bald man in the back seat, and then at the pale young man with terrifying eyes.As if he understood something, he suddenly took out his wallet and mobile phone and put them on the driving seat.The corner of his mouth twitched and he said, "I won't call the police... I don't know you either..." After speaking, he opened the car door and jumped out.

"Hey! Why are you running? Come back to me, I won't drive!" Fan Jiannan shouted angrily.As soon as he yelled, Lao Zhang ran faster, and ran into the green belt beside the road in the blink of an eye.In the violent wind and rain, where can I find his figure.

"Damn it!" Fan Jiannan slapped the steering wheel hard, his heart was in a mess.Long Ge's vitality is getting weaker and weaker, and it can no longer be delayed!Fan Jiannan gritted his teeth, climbed from the passenger seat to the driver's seat, and fumbled around. "Even the prison robbery, I don't care about driving without a license anymore!" Fan Jiannan gritted his teeth.

In the rainy night, a large truck made a frightening sound and drove along the road like a city.It was the first time for Fan Jiannan to drive a car. Since his father forbade him to learn to drive, all his driving experience came from computer games.So the big truck was full of dangers along the way, and almost drove under the road several times.Especially when there were other vehicles on the road, Fan Jiannan became nervous.His response was to honk his horn wildly to warn other vehicles.

So all the drivers who passed this road that night were surprised to find that there was a heavy goods vehicle howling all the way on the small lane.He also created a miracle in the local driving record. He drove all the way and bumped into five or six cars in a row, but did not cause a miracle of traffic accidents.His abnormal behavior made the traffic police very nervous. They received several calls to the police in succession, all saying that a truck was rampaging in the urban area.Although it was night, there were still a lot of vehicles in the urban area. The traffic police immediately took action, and several intersections joined forces to chase and intercept, vowing to bring this lunatic driving to justice.

The siren blared behind him, several cars were staring behind him, and two police cars ahead were intercepting him across the road. "Listen, people inside, pull over!" the traffic police shouted from the car.

Fan Jiannan's face was pale, and he couldn't help wiping the sweat off his forehead.The fear along the way made him decide never to drive again.The hospital was just around the corner, and now he could only rush through it. He gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator.Like a drunk monster, the big truck rushed crookedly towards the police car blocking in front.

The speed of the car was not fast, so there was no shot of the flying car in the movie, but they collided heavily.The big truck made an extremely unpleasant sound, pushed against the two police cars with difficulty, slowly squeezed out of a passage, and continued to drive forward.The captain of the traffic police who shouted in the police car didn't even have time to jump out of the car, and just watched helplessly as the front of his police car was being squeezed and deformed. "Madman, this man is definitely a lunatic!" Looking at the crooked truck moving forward, a policeman was covered in cold sweat.

The big truck finally stopped at a turning intersection, and the traffic policemen who were chasing after it one after another surrounded it.The car was bumped and bumped along the way, the glass was shattered, and the engine was belching black smoke.Looking at the wretched truck, the traffic police did not dare to take it lightly. After confirming that the car had been completely turned off, they rushed up to open the door.Surprisingly, there was no one in the cab at all!

"Where are people?" the squadron leader growled.

"I think maybe he ran away." A policeman hesitated and said.

"You can run people, but you can't run a car! Find out for me! Find out the owner of the car for me!" The traffic police captain roared with extreme anger, making Fan Jiannan, who was carrying Long Ge on his back into the hospital in the distance, feel a little guilty.He murmured, "I hope that driver is okay." With great effort, he lifted Long Ge up, carried him into the hospital, and shouted, "Where's the doctor? Doctor! Emergency!!"

"What's going on?" The doctor rushed out, looking at the young man covered in rain.

"He needs to be rescued." Fan Jiannan gasped.

The doctor glanced at Long Ge's condition, his face turned cold, and he quickly shouted to other doctors and nurses, "This person is in a very bad condition, his vital signs are weak, and he needs immediate rescue. Prepare a ventilator and a cardiotonic."

Seeing the doctor put Long Ge on the stretcher and push him in, Fan Jiannan finally breathed a sigh of relief.He felt that all the strength in his body had been exhausted, and his fingers could hardly hold it together.He reached into his pocket and took out his mobile phone, only to find that the pocket had already been filled with rainwater, and the mobile phone was yearning for water seepage. "Sorry, my phone got wet. Can I borrow it?" He turned to a young nurse.

The nurse looked at this young man who was covered in water and seemed to be in a daze, and took out her mobile phone and handed it to him.

After Fan Jiannan dialed the phone, he said in a low voice, "Old Lin, it's me. What's the matter, has he come out? Just come out, find a way to take him to the People's Hospital, Lao Long is dying...Okay, I'll wait for you."

When returning the phone to the nurse, his fingers touched the nurse inadvertently.The nurse took a step back with the mobile phone, and said in surprise, "You have a fever... Hey! What's wrong with you? Doctor, doctor..." Fan Jiannan had already fallen limply on the ground, the excessive consumption of mana and high mental tension, He is already at the end of his strength.Coupled with the heavy rain, he couldn't bear it anymore.Fan Jiannan looked blankly at the ceiling of the hospital, muttered something vaguely, and passed out completely.

(End of this chapter)

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