Chapter 46
Fan Jiannan and Feng Yuan got up early and set off, planning to take the cableway to Wudang Golden Summit.Wudang Mountain is a tourist attraction, and there are also a large number of people at the ticket office for the cable car.Feng Yuan had never taken a cable car before, so he looked around the cable car, very curious.After Fan Jiannan purchased the ticket and she boarded the cable car, she became a little nervous again. "Passengers, please get ready quickly, the cable car will start running in 3 minutes." A reminder sound came from the radio.

The two fastened their seat belts, and the cable car began to run slowly.Fan Jiannan was actually more nervous than her. He clearly had a fear of heights, but he had to bite the bullet and climb up to look down.It is indeed a kind of suffering for him.On the contrary, the two men and one woman sitting opposite him were much calmer than them, chatting and laughing, contented.

"Taoism worships mountains. It is said that Wudang Mountain is a fairyland on earth, full of natural good fortune. What do you think, Mr. Zong?" A man on the opposite side said to another human being.

Another man smiled and said: "Fengshui culture is the soul of traditional Chinese architecture. Together with Chinese construction and Chinese gardening, it constitutes the three pillars of ancient Chinese architectural theory. The ancient theory of Fengshui strictly abides by the unity of man and nature, Yin and Yang The three classical principles of balance and five-element restraint. Speaking of which, do you know why this mountain is called Wudang?"

"Oh, why?" Another man asked suspiciously.

Mr. Zong looked at the wonderful scenery outside the cable car and sighed, "Wudang Mountain is located between Yizhen. It starts from Gandui and flows out of Zhengong. It has its own Taiji. The specific location is in Sanshe in the south of Junzhou. It was first named Taihe. One fairy house, one big mountain. Eight hundred miles around, there are 72 peaks, 36 rocks, 24 gullies, five platforms, five wells, three pools, three springs, four stones, three gates, three caves, and one blessing. After the truth, it was said that it was not enough to call it non-true martial arts, so it was renamed Wudang."

Fearing that he would miss the opportunity to observe the terrain from the air, Fan Jiannan was staring down the window, he was taken aback when he heard this, and turned his head in astonishment.Only then did he realize that the three people on the opposite side were all very generous.Especially the eloquent and eloquent man, with a handsome face, wearing a pair of glasses, and a white suit, he looked very elegant.The other man, on the other hand, was a little bigger than him, with broad shoulders in a suit.The woman in red on the far right kept her face tilted and did not speak, but the half of her face and figure that were only exposed were considered exquisite.

Fan Jiannan didn't dare to look too much, he already felt the murderous look in Feng Yuan's eyes beside him, so he obediently turned his head out of the window.Although Fan Jiannan doesn't know Feng Shui, he is proficient in spells, so he can get a general idea from it. The handsome guy in white and glasses is right.

According to the pattern of Chinese Fengshui, Kunlun Mountain is the pillar of heaven and earth, and the mountains connected with Kunlun Mountain can be called dragon veins.According to the idea of ​​dragon veins, receiving the "qi" that spreads in the ground along the dragon veins can bring auspiciousness and happiness, so it is necessary to seek a place full of vitality.The water converges and the dragon stops, and the place surrounded by water will not be blown away by the wind. Therefore, the composition of this kind of place is a treasure land surrounded by mountains and water.

However, Fan Jiannan is a complete half-assed for this kind of feng shui pattern, and he can only take a rough look.That Mr. Zong seemed to be an expert, Fan Jiannan couldn't help but want to hear more from him.But the other party seemed to be immersed in the beautiful scenery of Wudang, so he didn't speak anymore.

Fan Jiannan made up his mind again: If you don't speak, I won't tease you?
He rolled his eyes, suddenly turned to the young Mr. Zong, and said with a smile, "Isn't Mr. a local? I heard from Mr. that he not only understands Feng Shui, but also seems to be very familiar with Wudang Mountain."

The handsome guy with glasses on the opposite side was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses, smiled kindly at Fan Jiannan and said, "Oh, my surname is Zong. I'm not a local, but a tourist. I just sent it out of my feelings, not to mention What do you know about Feng Shui?"

Fan Jiannan smiled and said, "Mr. Zong is too modest. It is said that Xuanwu is the god of water. And water is an important element in Fengshui theory. There is a saying that 'the method of Fengshui is to get water first'. I wonder what this gentleman thinks about the Wudang water system? "

"Are you interested in this too? Generally speaking, the best pattern of Chinese geomantic omen is the pattern of the four gods in the front of the Suzaku and the back of the Xuanwu, the left green dragon and the right white tiger. There must be a backing in the back, and there must be water in the front. We started from Wudang Mountain Judging from the site selection and layout of major Taoist buildings such as the Nine Palaces and Eight Temples, such as the layout of Zixiao Palace and Yuxu Palace, they all interpret the water-friendly culture in Fengshui to the extreme.” This handsome guy with glasses is very talkative.

Fan Jiannan took the opportunity to say, "It is said that Wudang is a sacred place of Taoism, so Mr. Yizong thinks which location in Wudang is the most suitable for cultivating Taoism?"

"Everything about cultivating Taoism and becoming an immortal is the theory of later generations. Zhu Di, the emperor of Ming Dynasty, usurped the throne, and always believed that there was Emperor Zhenwu protecting him in the dark. That's why there are 'building the Forbidden City in the north, and cultivating Wudang in the south'. Some people who practice Taoism The story of becoming an immortal is just a legend of later generations." The woman on the cable car who hadn't spoken all this time said flatly.Her voice is thin and soft, which is very comfortable to listen to.

Mr. Zong smiled slightly and said, "She is right. The theory of immortality is illusory. Even if there is, it is not something we ordinary people can imagine. Maybe we can experience this feeling of Taoism's tranquility and inaction now, but there are a few people who can Do you want to be single-minded? I haven't asked your name, sir." His gentle smile made people feel good.

"Oh, I'm sorry. My surname is Fan. I'm a reporter and a freelance writer. This time I'm traveling with my girlfriend. But I can't help being curious about some legends. It's probably an occupational disease, haha." Fan Jiannan brazenly pretended to be Feng Yuan's profession.

Several people chatted again, and Fan Jiannan knew that these three people were together.A handsome guy with glasses surnamed Zong, probably a small leader of a certain company, brought two colleagues to travel.Fan Jiannan found that although this person seemed to know some feng shui, he didn't seem to possess magic power, so he didn't take it too seriously.The cable car wobbled to its destination, and several people got off the car together.

In front of the Golden Palace, you can see the beautiful scenery of Wudang for [-] miles in all directions. The undulating peaks are like the waves of the sea rushing in the moment of stillness.At the same time, you can also appreciate many strange natural astronomical wonders and many myths and stories.

The peak of Wudang Mountain, commonly known as "Jinding", is the place where the legendary Emperor Zhenwu sits.Standing on the Golden Dome, there will be an invisible shock that makes people thrilled, and a heart of reverence and piety will arise spontaneously.Especially for practitioners like Fan Jiannan, they are infinitely more sensitive to external auras than ordinary people.

After walking a few steps, Fan Jiannan's footsteps were slightly stagnant, and he suddenly felt the surrounding air rushing in like a tide, enveloping him.His movements stopped, as if being strangled to death, he was almost out of breath.Everything around seems to disappear, only a sea of ​​chaos.After an unknown amount of time, the air around his body suddenly loosened, he recovered his breath, and a sound came out from his nasal cavity, almost like a bell.

When he opened his eyes, it was no longer the previous world, everything had a hazy background, as if wearing a pair of sunglasses.If you focus on one object, the weird color will disappear, and the object will regain its solid sense of volume.If you don't focus, it will emerge again, making objects like reflections in water, without reality.This is an indescribable feeling, between reality and fantasy.

There was something strange in his eyes, but Fan Jiannan didn't panic in his heart. Instead, he felt a sense of stability that he had never felt before.He took a long breath, and the fresh air from the mountains permeated his lungs, making one feel as if he was in the clouds, leisurely and intoxicated. "How long have I been standing?" he whispered.

"How long have you been standing? What are you talking about, didn't we just come up?" Feng Yuan looked at him in surprise.Fan Jiannan looked down at his watch. It was only 15 minutes since he got off the cable car, and it took at least 15 minutes to get here from the cable car platform.He seems to have just stopped, but it seems to have been standing here for a long time.

"Break down limbs, get rid of intelligence, leave form to know, it's the same as Datong, this is called sitting and forgetting." Fan Jiannan murmured.

Yes, his feeling is very similar to the state of sitting and forgetting that Zhuangzi said.To put it bluntly, it is to make the mind as still as water, and at this time, the mental state of "clear mind and taste" can be achieved.In terms of spirituality, returning to basics means that one’s mind is completely liberated, one’s state of mind becomes quiet, indifferent, lonely, and inaction, and one’s mind permeates with thoughts, as if one has merged with the universe and sublimated to the state of “self-enlightenment”. realm.

What the "sitting and forgetting" method can achieve is a kind of static state of people, and in this special static state, people can recover their life functions, achieve the best balance of physical and mental health, and even develop the potential of the human body.It's just that this kind of state can only appear in people who have practiced Taoism for many years. Fan Jiannan didn't know what happened, but he also sat on the golden roof and forgot.

"What are you talking about?" Feng Yuan began to worry about him a little bit.

"It's okay, I just sent it out of feeling. I remembered Zhuangzi's words. Let's go, let's continue." Fan Jiannan said with a smile, but his eyes were full of misty tears.He didn't know why this happened, but he felt that the magic power in his body was surging like weeds, and this feeling accompanied him all the way to the Wudang Golden Palace at the highest point.

The tour guide on the mountain is constantly explaining the historical story of the Golden Temple, and the tourists are amazed by this miraculous Taoist building.

The Golden Palace is also known as Dayue Taihe Palace.It is located at the top of Tianzhu Peak in Wudang Mountains.Coming here is like being in a fairyland, with double eaves and hippocampus-style roofs, and ridges decorated with dragons, phoenixes, lions, seahorses, celestial horses and other birds and beasts.

The ceiling and walls of the hall are decorated with flowing cloud patterns, the lines are round and smooth, and the ground is made of purple marine fossil stones, polished and polished, making it look magnificent.The hall is made of copper and weighs [-] jin.The whole body is gilded with red gold.The golden plaque of "Golden Light and Wonderful Phase" hangs above the hall, which is written by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty.

Feng Yuan was almost stunned by the beautiful scenery above the Golden Palace, and even forgot to pick up his camera.But Fan Jiannan still seems to be immersed in that indescribable mysterious state, looking at mountains is not a mountain, and seeing water is not water.Neither the noisy crowd nor the majestic and magnificent scenery could affect him in the slightest.

(End of this chapter)

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