Invincible Hand

Chapter 493 Late again!

Chapter 493 Late again!

Although he has lived in Mizhou for nearly 20 years, Yuan Ye does not have much impression of Mizhou. His student life was as simple as a blank sheet of paper. He always entered the class after the teacher’s bell rang. In the classroom, when the bell rang for the end of get out of class, he would grab his schoolbag and go home. It was not because he was playful, but because he was really worried about the family. His sister would get sick from time to time, and his younger sister was young, so Yuan Ye could only arrange as much as possible. Because of this, when he thinks of Mizhou, he can't even think of a friend's name.

After thinking alone for a long time, Yuan Ye finally gave up the idea of ​​finding a trustworthy person to inquire about this person's information first.

"It seems that I have to go back in person, but speaking of it, I still have one unfinished business in Mizhou!" Yuan Ye looked at the content of the MMS and said to himself with a smile.

This man is Wang Taichun, 46 years old, and is the owner of a well-known tire factory in Mizhou. Yuan Ye knew that when he was young, the black-and-white TV with only three channels would have this tire factory as soon as an advertisement was inserted. The commercials were not because Yuan Ye paid attention to details, but that at that time almost half of a 10-minute TV series was broadcasting commercials.So much so that when Yuan Ye sees the name of this tire factory, he still remembers the slogan: Luhe Tires, travel the world in style with you!
Yes, this man named Wang Taichun is the boss of Luhe Tire!

Mizhou is a small county. As far as agriculture is concerned, the economy is relatively underdeveloped, but the Luhe Tire Factory has developed quite well. It is no wonder that local TV stations broadcast advertisements so frequently.

Although he had a deep impression of the Luhe Tire Factory, Yuan Ye didn't know much about Wang Taichun. The only impression he had was the fat man with brown glasses and a high waistband who stayed on the TV.

However, there is going to be a meeting at the company tomorrow, and Su Bing will talk about that. Naturally, Yuan Ye won’t be absent anymore. In addition, Kaixin and Yuan Yuan have to go to work, so he naturally has to take care of it. Come on, I guess it will be the day after tomorrow before I can go to Mizhou at the earliest.

In this trip to Mizhou, apart from looking for Wang Taichun, Yuan Ye has another arrangement, that is the guy who took him 30 yuan back then!Yuan Ye has always been brooding about this matter. Yuan Ye's money is not that easy for him. At that time, he had too many concerns, so he didn't delve into the matter. However, it is different now, and Yuan Ye must make things clear To figure out the ins and outs, Yuan Ye felt that this matter was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, because the other party obviously came for his adoptive father, and the more Yuan Ye knew about him, the more he felt that he was He is a mysterious and unpredictable figure.So, this time I have to do it by the way.

After making a plan in his heart, Yuan Ye went to sleep. He didn't think too much about the company's plans for the next day. Anyway, he felt that everything was due to Su Bing and Hu Jing, and now he had three brothers. He was extremely firm. I think they're sure to get it all sorted out.

The next morning, when Yuan Ye got up, he found that Su Bing and the others had left first, which made him a little depressed. However, seeing that it was still early, he should not be late, so he slowly excepted breakfast, Then he drove his jeep to the company.

Hongyuan Company is located in a prime location where every inch of land is very expensive. All the high-end companies in the capital city are proud to have an office building in this location. Of course, if there is no office building on the first floor, they will feel that even if there is an office. It's an honor.

Yuan Ye also spent some thought on renting this venue. Facts have proved that Yuan Ye's decision was correct. Hongyuan Company has only been on the market for a short time, but it has already gained popularity in the capital city. Of course, due to It is a prime location, and naturally the traffic is congested, which directly caused Yuan Ye to be late!

right!Yuan Ye was late again, but, the conscience of heaven and earth, this time, he really didn't mean it!
After finally parking the car, after reaching the 26th floor, Yuan Ye had already prepared a draft of how to explain to Su Bing that he was late today.

However, after the elevator arrived, Yuan Ye did not see the tender young girl at the front desk. Of course, Yuan Ye had been to the new company a few times, but he always left after just a glance, without remembering anything important, but But I remembered a few beautiful girls at the front desk.

"How dare you be late? See if I don't deduct your wages?" Yuan Ye felt very upset when he didn't see the beautiful little girl, and couldn't help but secretly swearing in his heart, but he completely forgot that he was also late.

"Well, if you are willing to apologize to me, I might forgive this time first..." Yuan Ye thought and walked towards the office area.

Although Hongyuan Company has not been established for a long time, and there are not many employees, the office space is not crowded at all. On the contrary, their office is definitely a rare high-end luxury in this area where every inch of land is expensive.

Yuan Ye turned around and didn't find a single figure. Just as he was wondering, he saw the enchanting and beautiful girl at the front desk running from the side with an anxious expression on her face. The wild look is really eye-catching, I saw the beautiful girl enter the bar, and then quickly dialed a number..
Almost at the same time, Yuan Ye's cell phone rang.

Yuan Ye shook his head with a wry smile, stepped forward, and lightly patted the pretty girl on the shoulder.

The little girl was startled, but when she looked up and saw that it was Yuan Ye, she smiled sweetly, "President, it's you, you scared me to death!"

"There's nothing to be afraid of. I'm not a man-eating tiger." Yuan Ye grimaced.

The little girl laughed and the flowers trembled wildly, and the pair of nipples swayed up and down again.

Yuan Ye watched it for a long time, and finally felt satisfied. Then he remembered that the girl who came in a hurry just now was calling him.
"Why did you call me just now? Is there something wrong?" Yuan Ye asked casually.

"Oh, it's broken, President, Mr. Su asked me to call you and said that there is a very urgent matter waiting for you to make a decision. No matter where you are, you must come..." The little girl remembered own task.

"What's urgent? What's the matter? By the way, where are they? Where are they?" Yuan Ye searched in his mind, but couldn't think of anything important, so he continued to ask.

"President Su and President Hu are in the conference room, and people from Huatai have also arrived, and they are all waiting for you." The little girl whispered, secretly annoyed that she had forgotten her business just now.

"Huatai?" Yuan Ye remembered immediately when he heard this.

Speaking of Huatai, everyone in the business circles in the capital city knows everyone. Huatai is a legendary existence in the capital city. Two years ago, a little-known small company was registered in the capital city. At that time, There are only three people with a registered capital of 100 million. In the situation of dozens of companies opening every day in the capital city, naturally no one pays attention to it. However, one month later, Huatai received a large order from abroad. After that, Huatai grew steadily like mushrooms after a spring rain. There were one or two stories about Huatai almost every month. Two years later, Huatai had become one of the famous big companies in the capital. one.

The cooperation with Hongyuan this time was not contacted by Hongyuan, but Huatai proposed it on its own initiative. At that time, Su Bing felt a little uncertain, so he reported it to Yuan Ye. At that time, Yuan Ye was driving on the expressway. Hearing what Su Bing said, he didn't think much about it, and said that he would definitely be there when discussing cooperation. Unexpectedly, he forgot about it!
(End of this chapter)

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