Invincible Hand

Chapter 284 Gun

Chapter 284 Gun

"The ear and the auricular nerve are close to the brain. After being hit, the arteries in the meninges can be damaged. In mild cases, there is hemorrhage in the ear, and in severe cases, death... There are nerves in the armpits, the consequences of the blows: severe pain or short-term partial paralysis... ...the right rib, the lower side is the liver, where the bones are fragile, and the liver can be severely damaged after being hit, and death can occur in severe cases...the spine, 7-9 cm above the belt. The consequences of the blow: paralysis, death..."

The entire wooden figurine is almost densely covered with these similar standard words, and the circles mark out all the parts they refer to. The content is very detailed!There are even 100 yuan of bones in the limbs of the human body, and the effect of each bone after being hit is marked out one by one!And how to apply the correct blow method to cause dislocation, fracture or ligament tear... Yuan Ye was a little stunned, this is definitely more comprehensive and detailed than the textbook of human anatomy.He couldn't help looking up at him.

Only then did Yuan Ye realize that although he looked energetic, his eyes were red and swollen. Obviously, he wrote these things last night!This discovery immediately made Yuan Ye feel a bit of sincere gratitude to him, and even the weird smile on his face seemed less annoying.

For the next two days, Yuan Ye continued to boil water and chop firewood, clean up, and continue to do his work as an orderly. He spent almost all of the rest of the time studying the puppet!

Like a lunatic, Yuan Ye spent almost all of his time looking at a wooden man every day.From the head to the feet, from the feet to the head, and then recite them one by one.In his memory, he had never worked so hard when he was in college.

You must take it to heart!

Yuan Ye firmly remembered this request.

In fact, it is not difficult to recite something, but it is not so easy to recite it in your heart!His request to Yuan Ye is that when you fight with others, you don't need to think deliberately in your heart, these things must surface in your mind like a conditioned reflex!

Make these things, these skills, all part of your mind!It's like opening your mouth to eat, just like the natural habit of the human body like breathing! !
To achieve this level, it is not easy!

During this period, Yuan Ye knew the names of these two guys. The sneering man called himself "Miao Lao San" and the other called "Lao Yan".This is obviously not the real name, but whether it is true or not is not so important to Yuan Ye.

Yuan Ye memorized it for two days, thinking that he had already memorized it, but Miao Laosan checked it a little, and Yuan Ye was in distress immediately.

His inspection process is very simple. Yuan Ye is standing beside the wooden man, while he is playing with a dagger, saying any part in his mouth at will, and then Yuan Ye has to find it and say something about it within a second. Parts of everything!
Yuan Ye only insisted on talking about seven or eight parts, and the speed obviously couldn't keep up.

Conditioned reflex!

This is also a requirement, but how difficult it must be to achieve these four words! !
Just as Miao Laosan was talking about the eighth part, Yuan Ye thought for a second, and immediately heard a brushing sound!
A white light shot over, grab!!
The dagger was inserted into the body of the wooden man, exactly where he asked just now!Not bad!
"I know you've memorized it...but you can't turn it into your conditional launch! Let me ask you, can you stop and think when you fight someone? Will your opponent give you this time?! I What is required is that you omit the process of 'thinking'! When you can do this, you will be considered qualified!"

Yuan Ye spent another two days. This time, he hugged the wooden figure almost day and night. He almost even put it beside me on the bedside when he slept. Even in his dreams, he seemed to be looking at a wooden man. The wooden man with words written all over his body turned around around me.

Moreover, even when looking at the two of them during the day, Yuan Ye's eyes fell on them, and the first reaction in his mind was to think, where is this part, what is the weakness, where is the key point, where is the blow? What will happen after that... These two days, Yuan Ye's eyes are like a bloodthirsty wolf!

Two days later, Yuan Ye finally passed the assessment.

"Now I can teach you something new."

"There are many tools for killing people. It can be said bluntly that anything can be called a weapon for killing people in my eyes." After Yuan Ye passed the assessment, Miao Laosan's expression became a little more satisfied: "Human There are all kinds of killing tools, and war is the best stage to reflect all these. From cold weapons to hot weapons, it is actually the improvement of human killing skills. Of course, if conditions permit, you will be given enough firearms. Can kill a man with a knife, give you a knife, and you can kill an empty hand. But the problem is, the situation is changeable, we can't always have the killing tool at hand when we need it! And, Sometimes, on some occasions, on some occasions, some traditional killing tools simply cannot be carried on the body."

Yuan Ye could understand what Miao Laosan meant. His meaning was very simple and practical. In many situations, it is impossible for you to go in and fight with people with a gun and a knife.

"For example, the person you want to kill, where he is, has strict security. It is impossible for you to approach him with a gun. At this time, you need to quickly find the best tool and cooperate with the most effective method to kill him. Dead opponent!"

His tone was very cold, a complete coldness!

It seemed that the word "kill" was as simple as "eating" or "sleeping" to him.

In the following days, Miao Laosan showed Yuan Ye countless killing techniques!The variety of types made him almost dizzy!
It was as if anything could quickly become a killing tool in his hands!
A rope, chopsticks, a book, a chair, a spoon, a toothbrush... Even a toothpick is enough to kill someone in his hands!

"You can't finish what I teach you in a short period of time. I can only teach you a general idea and specific details. When you have a chance in the future, you can explore it yourself. You can learn what I have shown you first. But this kind of thing is not a back-to-back, but a flexible use! Whenever you go to a strange place, you can immediately find at least three or five kinds of killing tools from various things around you, then you are considered qualified... Barely qualified."

Then he looked at Yuan Ye and said with a smile: "The last thing I want to say to you is: Anything can be turned into a murder tool, you should remember this."

Yuan Ye knew that what Miao Lao San taught ended here.

These days, Yuan Ye has gradually felt that he is absolutely extraordinary!Because although he always has a smile on his face, but that kind of smile makes people feel very cold!
His eyes are full of indifference, which is indifference to life!Not just the lives of others, but also his own life!
" last question." Yuan Ye couldn't help but said, "how many people have you... killed?"

He glanced at Yuan Ye and said coldly, "I can't remember."

The next morning, it was not Miao Laosan who woke Yuan Ye up, but Lao Yan!

This is something that makes Yuan Ye very depressed.

Every morning he is woken up by them!No matter how alert he was, they could quietly stand by Yuan Ye's side and make him wake up in a cold sweat.

No matter how prepared Yuan Ye was, they would always find a way to quietly come to him without him noticing!
Unless Yuan Ye kept his eyes open all night!

But after a long time, Yuan Ye got used to it.In the words of Miao Laosan, if he wants to detect their sneaking approach, he will have to learn for at least a few years.

Obviously, they are all hidden masters!
This morning, it was Lao Yan who woke him up instead of Miao Laosan.Yuan Ye knew in his heart that Lao Mao's class was over!

Lao Yan is a quiet person, he always has a cold face, and it often takes a long time to utter a short sentence.

Fortunately, this is not the first time I have dealt with people of this character.Because his adoptive father, Li Zhong, has such a personality.

That day, Lao Yan took Yuan Ye to the back of the farm.Yuan Ye saw that the wooden figure he was holding and studying for the past two days had been placed in the distance, where it was standing upright.

Then Lao Yan came over with a travel bag, which was exactly the bag he had brought when he came.

He dropped the bag on the ground and unzipped it, and I froze instantly!
It's all guns!
Long guns, short guns, large caliber, small caliber... Slowly a big travel bag, full of guns! !

There is nothing to say about the process of learning a gun.This is a very boring process, very boring!

But Yuan Ye at least understood one truth.

There is actually a big difference between a person who can use a gun and a person who can't use a gun!
Don't think that people who don't know how to use guns on TV can easily shoot people with a gun... That's absolutely impossible!
First of all, anyone who calls a gun has recoil!This is not a very slight force.

Secondly... If people who have not experienced it will not understand, it is that if you give a gun to a person who has never used a gun and let him shoot him in the head at a distance of five meters, then I can be responsible Let me tell you that out of ten people, at least half of them will miss the shot! !And it will be outrageous that you can't imagine.

It took Yuan Ye a month to learn the gun!

In the first week, Lao Yan only asked Yuan Ye to hold an empty gun, and he was not allowed to fire bullets. He was asked to practice the posture of holding the gun and the posture of aiming.In Lao Yan's words, although Yuan Ye is quick, he still needs to emphasize the importance of basic skills.

Only after that did he allow Yuan Ye to shoot live ammunition. Yuan Ye practiced for a month... Lao Yan always had a toothache expression on his face.Yuan Ye could clearly feel that he was not satisfied with himself.

Very dissatisfied! !
He's an insanely good marksman!When Yuan Ye saw him making a bet with Miao Laosan, he threw the empty cans on the ground into the sky in one breath!A dozen cans were shot by him before they hit the ground!
Spearmanship cannot be mastered in a short period of time. After a month, Yuan Ye can only be considered familiar with some firearms. At the same time...according to Lao Yan's words, "At least you can be regarded as a person who can use a gun, much better than ordinary people. , is far worse than a professional soldier, but if you work with the police, you won’t suffer.”

This is his evaluation of Yuan Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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