Chapter 22

A certain Xiaodie who thought she had escaped by pretending to be dead trembled when she heard the words, oh...the Lun family don't want to go out, this stinky girl must be trying to trick the envoy out, and then abuse and bully the Lun family, thinking twice At the scene of being shot flying, a certain Xiaodie looked terrified, and her small body shook like a dice, woo... The Lun family is so scared, the beauty, Lord, help!

Seeing Feng Yin's sleeves tremble, Xue Yurong sighed softly, and said with regret on her face: "Hey! I was just joking with you just now, even if you don't want to go with me, I won't force you. "

real or fake?A certain Xiaodie who was hiding in her sleeve looked suspicious, would this stinky girl let me go so kindly?
Feng Yin's expression moved, and there was a hint of gloating in his heart, did the butterfly really believe what the brat said?There was a sneer in my heart, what a naive and silly butterfly, maybe it was sold by that stinky boy, and she even counted the money with a silly face!
Xue Yurong's eyes flashed, then she turned around and went to the window without hesitation, she said to herself: "A few days ago, my father gave me the two altars of Baihua wine that have been preserved for more than 20 years, they are really fragrant and delicious. , the aftertaste is endless! Think about the fragrance and sweetness, as well as the unique aroma, which is simply tangy and refreshing, as long as you take a sip, it will leave your lips and teeth fragrant, and the newly brewed wine, if Coupled with the colorful, graceful and exquisite luminous cup, tsk tsk tsk..."

Hundred flowers brewed?And wine?Why didn't the Lun family hear about it?Hearing this, a certain Xiaodie salivated immediately, wiped the suspicious liquid that was about to overflow with her wings, carefully poked her head out of Fengyin's cuff, and secretly looked at Xue Yurong's back, as if being scratched by a cat in her heart Same, with a look of anxiety and anticipation.

Sensing the sight behind her, Xue Yurong's lips curled up slightly, and she continued: "The so-called beauty matches a hero, and good wine matches a wine fairy. I originally wanted to give this fine wine to a real wine fairy. Young master is leaving, it seems that this young master can only give this fine wine to others." After speaking, he put his hand on the edge of the window and was about to jump down, but he was counting silently in his heart: three, two, one.

Sure enough, a certain Xiaodie panicked, and immediately rushed out and flew straight to Xue Yurong, and stopped when she flew in front of Xue Yurong, her small wings fluttered lightly, and her mung bean-sized eyes were fawning and flattering. .

Take the Lun family!The Lun family is the real wine fairy, don't give the wine to others!The Lun family is the most beautiful holy beast in the world, you won't suffer a bit if you bring the Lun family along!
Seeing a certain Xiaodie standing in front of her, Xue Yurong smiled secretly, and said with a "doubtful" face: "Huh? Little fan group, why did you fly to my son?" Then she said with a "sudden realization" face: " Oh, my master knows, does the little fan group want to send this son off?"

No, no, don't get me wrong, the Lun family didn't come to see you off, the Lun family obviously wanted to follow you, and then...

"Goodbye Feng Hufa, goodbye little fan group, I'm leaving first, and there will be no date." Xue Yurong waved her hand, tightened the package on her body, and posed a pose that she thought she was very handsome and jumped out of the window Down.

(End of this chapter)

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