Chapter 103
The phone was hung up.

"It's okay, it's just that the nose is crooked, just take it back. It's very good, I'll go back to school tomorrow night, you don't have to come and see me. Don't come! Don't tell anyone!"

Xuexue just said these few words to us, as if it was innocuous, and it seemed to be showing off the scars-injury is nothing serious, I am not afraid at all.This is one of the things boys like to do most, of course, the premise is that it doesn't hurt that much, at least I have never seen a person who is in pain and shows off.

But Xuexue's voice has changed.When the somewhat indistinct kneading sound came to the ears, everyone was more or less uneasy.It should be that the nasal bone is injured, but it is clearly said that if it is serious, it is a broken nose bridge.We all gasped when we heard the word "fracture".

So scary, is he in danger?Miller asked.

Such injuries are relatively common in sports. If a fracture is really broken, surgery must be performed to correct it. The problem will not be too big.Many athletes can return to competition a few days after nasal bone surgery, of course, wearing protective gear.The obvious answer made our hanging hearts slightly drop to the ground, but our faces were still gloomy.

"Why are we still sitting here? Hurry up and go see him!" Looking at us who were at a loss, Ye Ruiyang threw the bag onto his back.Mi Le and Mingming also nodded and got up.

I didn't expect Xuexue to be injured so badly, and it was still on the face.This bastard has been unwilling to tell the truth all his life, and even smashed his teeth and swallowed it in his stomach.But it doesn't have to be that way.If the reason for keeping silent before was to let us play with peace of mind, what is it for now?The game was over and I told him the final score.We are all children, who doesn't want to be cared about, who doesn't want to have the opportunity to act like a baby and be taken care of?If Xuexue said to us, I miss you all, come to the hospital to accompany me, each of us will rush to him without hesitation.He didn't.Why do you have to be so strong?Show manliness?No, Xuexue is not such a person.He also cries, though very seldom.Probably just to reassure us, or to not let us see the helplessness of being manipulated by various instruments in the hospital.He clearly said some details of the corrective surgery, but he shivered just listening to it, and the ice in his nasal cavity was cold.Xuexue was able to stop crying when he was in pain, but when those medical tools were stuck in his nose, he couldn't command himself not to cry.A few years later, I will do a nucleic acid test, and I will understand more deeply that no matter how stubborn the thoughts are, people still cannot control their bodies.

"Don't go." I stopped them, "I understand Xuexue. If he won't let us go, we won't go."

"How can this be?" Old Ye yelled dissatisfiedly, "You are still the captain! Before when your classmate was injured, you went there every time. Why did you lose the chain this time? If you don't go, I will go!"

"I understand you." I put my head on his thick shoulders, almost close to his ears, "Xuexue and I are also very good, he knows about my brother.

Apart from relatives and past friends, there are probably seven people who know about this, including Meimei.Mi Le and Lao Ye are my closest partners, but I didn't tell them the truth about what I found with Mu Zheng last year.Zhao Rui didn't know either.Sometimes people always want to hide from the people who are most important to them. I have been treated like this, and I have learned to treat others like this.

Is Xuexue also hiding it from us?I no longer know.I hope the few words on the phone are just exaggerations.Good brother, we will play the semi-finals again in half a month, and we cannot live without you.But...if you do get hurt, I'd rather you sit in the stands the whole time.I don't want to see you play injured again.

I must tell the coach about this later, even if you treat me as a snitch, I will go with the cheek.And today, we finally decided not to go to the hospital.Having said that, Xu Mu, who is not changing in the locker room, is probably here at this very moment.It doesn't matter if she is with you, maybe she is the one who worried Xuexue the most from the beginning to the end.

So we broke up.The companions bid farewell to each other and left Beichuan Middle School.The sycamore trees sprouted new buds among the branches, eagerly waiting for the thick summer.The seasons change and the time passes. In the eyes of these sycamore trees that have witnessed a century-old history, it may be just a short moment.I heard from my brother that an old professor in their college graduated from here.The slogan at that time was saving the country by industry, and he met an excellent chemistry teacher in middle school, so he became very interested in chemistry.But after entering the university, he found that the fees for each subject were different. The old man was from a poor family, so he finally missed his beloved chemistry major and changed to the Chinese department.As a result, China lost a possible chemist and gained a literary historian and educator.And the sycamore leaves that accompanied the old man fell and grew again, and we finally walked to their feet by coincidence. "The sun is setting and the spring is boundless". Today's game ended earlier than before, and the sun has not yet set. I couldn't help but think of this sentence. There seems to be a sentence "Contemplating the past, like a dream", and I don't remember the others. . [1]
The warm and soft light is like a cat's paws slapping on the body. In Jiangyuan, spring is always temporary, "spring has a short neck".March is still cold and windy, and I have to pick up down jackets or cotton-padded clothes from time to time. Only in April can I change into spring clothes with peace of mind, but the sun will be scorching soon.So we seem to cherish spring very much. Playing football on the court is very good, but there are better options.For example, walking slowly along the city wall surrounding the city, blowing the spring breeze and humming softly.The city wall undulates and twists along with the outline of the hill, and on both sides are moats that shimmer like silver ribbons and peach or cherry blossoms that form clouds.Run as you want, we are not too big, we can chase and fight with our friends, and listen to the brisk footsteps echoing on the thick city walls engraved with the names of the builders, accompanied by the spring breeze blowing a blue sky. The blue sky hovers with the slightly trembling kites.

But we don't have much time to go out and play now.Tutoring and evening tests took up most of the day, as well as homework and ball games, I couldn't get enough sleep.I'm afraid that only when I go to college like my brother will I have time to go out and have fun.Of course, if I fill in the chemistry department, I may have to soak in the laboratory every day.However, spring is always outside the door, and you don't even need to step out of the door, you can still see it through the window.

"Are you going to have something to do soon? I want to ask you to do me a favor. It won't be in vain. I invite you to drink milk tea, or do you want to eat ice cream?"

It was Li Baichuan who spoke.At about 04:30, I walked to the gate of Beichuan Middle School, and there were only me, Mi Le, Lao Ye, Yue Yin, Mingming and him.Of course we agreed.In my impression, Brother Chuan is also "omnipotent", and there is no one in the city that he does not know.If he speaks, it must be something important.More importantly, after a big battle, I really wanted the whole super luxurious ice cream cone to be half original and half strawberry.

Brother Chuan created a small group, uploaded a few photos, and a video.A beautiful parrot with bright red wings and back, well-behaved golden abdomen, light green wing tips and tail, a slightly larger beak that is a bit clumsy and blunt, but eyes that look at this bird cleverly and bravely world.It is called Hogg, Hogg, which can mean a lamb that is one to two years old and has not been sheared.It belongs to Brother Chuan's cousin, she is five years old this year.Hogg is her best friend, very smart, not only can talk, but sometimes he can sing a line or two.The two of them were inseparable, and even when they fell asleep they couldn't bear to dream of it.It sits obediently on the branch in the dream, the moonlight streams, the waterfall gurgles, and the wind blows through the red and green woods, sending Hogg's singing to the distant valleys and gardens.she loves it.

But just today, my sister woke up from her sleep and found that Hogg was gone.In fact, it fell silently in the cage the night before. Mom saw it turned its head slightly for the last time, lifted half of its wings wearily, then lowered them slowly, and closed its eyes immediately , there seems to be no pain or sorrow, just the indispensible gaze that always ends and begins.There is only the sound of water in the waterfall, only the wind in the woods, and pale snowflakes behind the moon.Spring is here, and the gardens in the community are full, but without the singing of this little bird, how monotonous they are.

How should I explain to my sister that Hogg can no longer be with her?It's not just mom and dad who are facing this problem, but Brother Chuan as well.Near Beichuan Middle School is a commercial street, and walking along it is the largest flower and bird market in Jiangyuan City.He had an idea, let's split up to find a parrot that looks exactly like Hogg, so we can tell my sister that your good friend just went out for a walk and is now back.

But there are no two identical leaves in the world, and there must be no two identical parrots.Miller said.

I know, but maybe there is?How do you know if you don't try?Very similar can also be.Brother Chuan said.I don't want to see my sister cry.

I understand.If Evan suddenly disappeared, I would be sad to death.I dare not even think about it.As Yue Yin said, he patted Brother Chuan on the shoulder.Let's split up, Ke Ke and Mi Le, Brother Chuan and Ming Ming, Xiao Ye and me.The flower and bird market closes at six o'clock, we must hurry up.

"I really can't see that Brother Chuan is such a good brother. I can't even guess that he has a younger sister and still dotes on her so much." After arriving at the flower and bird market, Mi Le took a look at the shops around while holding his mobile phone, "He My sister must be very happy. But..."

He shivered.

"But what?" I asked.

"Can you... find a parrot for me?" He "tactically leaned back" a bit, showing a row of neat white teeth and a harmless expression for humans and animals.


"Let's say it first, it's not that I don't want to help Brother Chuan, but... I don't want to see the feed of those little birds!" As he said that, he hid behind his back and pushed me out of the street like a human shield. "Just looking at it makes my scalp tingle. Cover me."

I also saw the "feeds".Packed in a blue frame, there are hundreds of thousands, how they are coquettish or not described.I instantly understood Mi Le.

But I don't want to see them either!

"Ke Ke, good Ke Ke, just this time, okay? Do me a favor." After confirming that there was no "fodder" in his field of vision, Mi Le flattered me for the first time, "I won't go far , I’ll wait for you nearby, okay? I treat you like an older brother, you’re like Brother Chuan, be a good older brother, take care of me.”

I agreed without hesitation, and said that I would leave everything to me.I really can't bear to be begged by others, let alone Mi Le.To this day, as long as someone begs me like this, I will carry it when the sky falls.

I'm actually more afraid of bugs than I thought, and I've discovered this when I'm alone.I seem to learn to face them passively. If one person is afraid, the other must be brave and strong, and leave the opportunity of fear to the other person.Therefore, the things I am afraid of are staggered, and even many things I am good at are also staggered.He doesn't know the way, so I have to learn to memorize streets and road signs.When I can't get out of bed in the morning, he has to get up first.It turned out that the two of us took care of each other in this way when we were ignorant, but I hated him, thinking that he deliberately wanted to be better than me in every aspect.In fact, he still needs me a lot, just like Mi Le needs me to help him today.It is really a blessing to have someone who can beg to do something, and it is the same to be begged to do something.There is no need for any conditions or price at all, and there is no need to consider any stakes, just be so willing.

I acted, bit the bullet, and tried to order myself to look away from the "feed", going in and out of one pet store after another.But it is too difficult to find another Hogg, it is impossible.I have always been skeptical about photos, they are unpredictable light and shadow, not the real appearance of things themselves.The root cause is probably that I feel that I always don’t take photos, and the photos I take are not good-looking.I know Brother Chuan cares about my sister, but I can't get rid of a thought in my heart: I can't lie to her.Young children are often bright and perceptive, able to see things that we who are becoming adults cannot.Just like the beginning of "The Little Prince", when I saw the illustration for the first time, I thought it was a hat. Maybe Brother Chuan's five-year-old sister would think that the snake ate the elephant.Even if we can find a parrot that is not much different from Hogg, it is only a substitute for him.One's best friend has been secretly replaced, and the most stupid person can detect suspicious points that outsiders cannot.

What's more, the new parrot should also have its own name. Using it to replace Hogg would neither respect Hogg nor him.And, now that you have decided to have a pet, you should be prepared.Not only to enjoy the joy of companionship, but also to assume the responsibility of taking care of them.Life is not about eternal enjoyment, but about eating, drinking, lazing, birth, old age, sickness and death.If you raise it, you must know that it will go before you, and you must bear the pain of losing it.

Fortunately, I never had cats or dogs when I was a child.My sister raised a rabbit named Wangcai and often took it to play with us.I and Xianxian thought about the day Wangcai would die, and discussed how to comfort my sister.

Wangcai should still be alive now, but my sister gave it away.

But why am I still tirelessly eyeing every bird that winks or turns its head at me?Is it for that super luxurious ice cream?Or to help my best friend?Can't tell.I clearly know that concealing and cheating are the worst things. People who dare not face up to life are cowardly, and it is frivolous and shameful to try every means to deceive or cover up.But am I qualified to say such things?I can hide and lie, as long as I hide one thing, people will make up a lie accordingly, and try every means to make it perfect and invulnerable.I still keep some things from Mi Le.But... I admit that this is a bit of an excuse, but I think it is understandable to have a kind of concealment and deception.That is, for various reasons, you hide one thing from others, but you still take the responsibility without shirk, shoulder everything, and do not evade at all.This is lying and cheating, but it cannot be said to be cowardly, frivolous or shameful.

But I obviously don't want to see this kind of thing.I don't want to watch Xuexue go into battle with injuries again, and I don't want to watch Mi Le being driven crazy by those bugs and forcing himself to stay by my side.There is no need for such persistence. Be afraid when you should be afraid, and don't hold back when you should shrink back.People don't have to force themselves.It seems that seeing you fear makes me love you more and be brave.As for me... I can handle it most of the time.

It seems that I still have a "double standard".

I don't think I can ask Brother Chuan not to do this.Even if there is a nature of deceit and deceit, why must a child face the grief of losing a friend at the age of five?A person's life is very long, and one day he will know death, face death, and finally bear death.Brother Chuan did this not to cover up, but to be gentle, and wanted to keep his sister out for a while longer.Although I already know that it is precisely because of death that life is more meaningful, but it is still good to live a few more days without worries.I have tasted that cold and empty taste myself, so let my brothers and sisters sleep in sweet dreams for a while, and when they want to wake up, I will naturally tell them my story.

That's my decision.

When the electronic clock on the phone screen jumped to six o'clock, I still couldn't find Hogg's stand-in.I took Mi Le out of a small bookstore dully, and I met Boss Yue and Lao Ye who were also downcast.Perhaps failure is doomed, and life cannot be copied, whether it is shape or soul.

But there are always exceptions to everything!In the afterglow of the setting sun, Brother Chuan and Mingming walked over from the end of the endless street, holding a big white birdcage in their hands, and another person followed them.Huo Yuqi, to be able to meet here—an hour and a half ago we learned that he will be our next opponent in half a month, but today he is the hero who saves the world.The parrot in the cage was brought by him, and it is exactly the same as the vivid Hogg in the pictures and videos, and even the posture of turning his head is extremely similar.What's commendable is that its tongue skills are also excellent, and its demeanor and tone can be imitated vividly, which is an eye-opener for us.And after it was released from the cage, it sat on the top calmly and skillfully, without any attempt to escape.

This is Aqi's domestic parrot.His family lived on this street, so I happened to meet him.

"But you've kept it for so long, do you want to give it away like this?" Yue Yin's camera kept ringing, and after taking the photo contentedly, she turned to ask Aqi.

"To be honest, I'm very reluctant." Aqi stretched out his fingers in front of the little bird, and it tacitly pecked lightly with the bird's beak. The captain of the science and engineering team showed a gratified smile on his face, "There are feelings after all."

"Actually, I can find other parrots." Brother Chuan came over and patted Aqi on the shoulder.

"It's okay. My parrot and I have a heart-to-heart connection. It knows that there is a little sister in the world who needs it very much, and it will be happy to be friends with her." He looked at his partner calmly, bent down a little, let I got closer to it, as if asking for its opinion, "Is that right?"

And his parrot really answered "Yes, yes, yes" with a loud voice, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, flapping its wings.I don't know if this is the result of training or if it really understands the meaning of the master.Let's hope neither of them is trying to hold on.

The sun was setting slowly, and the street lamps that were gradually lighting up warmed the tall branches. Aqi sent us off for a while, and also sent off his partner. He will go to an unknown little place with dreamlike hopes next to my sister.I originally thought that Aqi and Mingming were classmates and teammates in elementary school, so they got so close.After chatting, I realized that they had never fought side by side on the court. The two had been rivals since the first day they met in the third grade.Aqi's attacking, obviously defending, is like a spear and a shield.They played from the third grade to the second grade, and they played against each other once or twice a year, which was almost a mutual repertoire.He was the first opponent in junior high school, and now there are only four teams left in the Mayor's Cup, and it is inevitable that everyone will meet.However, with Aceh's character, even his opponents would like it.According to Ye Ruiyang, the midfielder named Iniesta that Pu Yun imitated would win applause at the home of his arch-enemy. It is really admirable to have such a charismatic person, and it makes people look forward to competing with him.

But can it really work?Nobody knows, any more than I don't know how I'm going to learn to spend the night.Brother Chuan bought each of us a deluxe ice cream despite not contributing anything.Mi Le and I looked at each other, and silently transferred the money to Brother Chuan on WeChat.It's not good to be rewarded for nothing.Brother Chuan confiscated it, saying that he hadn't played with everyone much, and it was rare to invite us to eat, not to mention that he made it to the semi-finals today.After returning to the dormitory, I fell on the bed dully and didn't want to move anymore. Fortunately, tomorrow is the only day in a week that I can sleep in.

If possible, I would like to sleep from beginning to end.But I still had to get up, the Chinese excerpt homework was not finished, and more importantly, Mi Le sat at the table. "A Moment in the "Spring Dynasty" is Worth a Thousand Gold", the author Liang Yuchun, I copied this article, it is written from the bottom of my heart, and the whole article talks about the benefits of staying in bed. [2]
"In the past ten years, I have been seeking teachers and friends, and traveled all over the world. In retrospect, the most beneficial thing for me is 'late rising', because all the clever ideas in my mind now, the flexible meaning is mostly lazily lying in the morning. I thought it up on my bed. I really should write a few words to praise it, and at the same time, I can tell people who are interested in the art of late rise. Although I am a layman when it comes to art, I am not familiar with the art of late rise. I say that I am an expert, because I have both the critical ability to see clearly and the practical spirit to bear hardships. I always stay on the bed as much as possible every day—it is our temple—watching The sunlight shining on the quilt, secretly laughing at the unnecessary haste of the people around, reminiscing about the silly dream of the night before—that is more interesting than dreaming——thinking about the benefits of getting up late, lying alone in a small room that is tilted from east to west Instantly become a happy palace."

I wrote this paragraph into the excerpt. Anyway, Teacher Huang never scolded me, and maybe he would give me an "Excellent".After copying and copying, my mood calmed down a little, and I couldn't help but glance to the side, it turned out that Mi Le was doing the same thing.He bought a book in a small bookstore. I only glanced at the title, and felt that it was somewhat similar to the prose that I regard as my creed in life - "The Knowledge of Stretching Your Back".Exchanging excerpts from each other, we both couldn't help laughing.Each other.

At this moment, the phone rang, and Brother Chuan told us the story in the group.The first moment I saw it, Aqi's parrot spread its wings like a hug, as if reuniting with a long-lost friend.Seeing this little bird that was almost exactly the same as Hogg, the little sister embraced the cage with joy at first, and suddenly burst into tears without warning.Maybe one day's parting was enough to make her fearful, and all the anxiety was finally released; maybe she already knew the concept of death, and knew that she would never see Hogg again in this life.Brother Chuan didn't ask, maybe there's no need to ask—that's what he said.Because, when I heard the parrot crowing through the cage again, my sister said only two words to my brother: Thank you.After a while, she wiped away her tears indiscriminately and thanked again.It may be because I believe that there are still fairy tales about resurrection in the world, and the life that has left can return to my side one day; it may be that I saw the efforts of my brother running around for her, and tried my best to reproduce the old days.In any case, this may be a night that the little girl can remember for a lifetime.

Maybe there will be a day to see you again, whether it is in front of you or in a dream, whether you see reality or a phantom, after all, you haven't had time to forget what you lost.At least that's what I thought tonight.It is spring now.It's getting late, it's time to sleep.Sleep well, lovely companions and children.

[1] "Setting Sun, Ran Ran, Spring Promise" comes from "Lanling King Willow" written by Zhou Bangyan, a poet of the Song Dynasty.Zhou Bangyan (1057-1121), courtesy name Meicheng, nicknamed Halal Lay, was born in Qiantang (now Hangzhou, Zhejiang), a writer of the Northern Song Dynasty.Zhou Bangyan is proficient in temperament and has created many new words and tones.Most of the works are about boudoir love and wandering, and there are also works of chanting things.The rhythm is rigorous, the language is beautiful and elegant, and the long tune is especially good at narrating.It was inherited by the later metrical poets.His works have long been respected as "authentic" among graceful poets.In the old Ci theory, he was called "the crown of poets" or "Old Du in Ci".

Lanling King Liu
Liu Yin is straight, and there are traces of blue in the smoke.On the embankment in the Sui Dynasty, I have seen it several times, and the water is blown to see you off.When you visit the homeland, who knows the tired guest in Jinghua?Changting Road, every year, should be folded over a thousand feet.

Looking for the old traces leisurely, and taking advantage of the mourning strings, the lights shining away from the table.Pear elm fire promotes cold food.With a quick arrow and warmth, I turned around and handed over to the station, looking at people in the north of the sky.

Miserable, hate piles up!Gradually Biepu lingers back, Jinhou is silent, and the setting sun is slowly springing.Nianyue Pavilion joins hands, and Luqiao hears the flute.Contemplating the past, like a dream, tears dripping darkly.

[2] Liang Yuchun (1906-1932), a famous essayist in my country, studied under Ye Gongchao and other famous teachers.In his short life of 26 years, he left behind 37 essays and [-] or [-] translations.His prose style is different, with both Chinese and Western cultural characteristics. The overall tone can be summarized as "tears in laughter", and he is known as "China's Ilya".Representative works "Spring Mash Collection", "Tears and Laughter".

(End of this chapter)

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