Stunning Daddy Takes a Treasure

Chapter 240 Min'er's Life Experience

Chapter 240 Min'er's Life Experience (1)
Many things are not as simple as they imagined, and everything seems to be changing step by step towards the gears of fate, which they cannot understand.

The baby didn't know what else he could do now, he just stared blankly at Min'er's leaving figure, and at the same time took out the crystal ball, staring blankly at the crystal ball, what does the appearance of this crystal ball imply? happened?Why does it feel like a big storm is coming?
Min'er staggered and walked towards the hall of Qingxin Pavilion. She felt that she was really weak now. She had already felt that she had adjusted herself just now, but why did things really happen one by one? ?Min'er felt that she really didn't want to pay attention to these things anymore, but these things happened around her, how could she ignore them?Everything is so tempting, it seems to be guiding her to do the next thing.

When Min'er walked to the living room, she saw that Su was still waiting for her in the living room, and then looked at Su with a sad expression.She didn't seem to know how to explain to Sui what happened in the baby's room just now.Originally, she was just a soul who traveled here. If she left, she would only take one soul with her.But what about Sui and the baby?Could it be that he just watched him leave?If she explained to him now that she was just a soul, how could she believe it?
"Min'er, let's go upstairs first." Sui had been sitting in the lobby waiting for Min'er's arrival, blankly thinking about what happened recently.But I didn't expect Min'er to come back after a while.The expression was the same as when Min'er was squatting on the ground at the beginning, so fragile, so pity, she didn't know what happened to Min'er in the baby's room just now.But he knew that he couldn't ask Min'er anything now.He knew that Miner would tell him everything.Sui stood up.

Min'er looked at Yan with a pale face, her lips seemed to be murmuring what she wanted to say, but Min'er immediately heard what Yan said, so she nodded and walked to Xuan's side.After seeing Min'er approaching, Sui hurried forward a few steps to support Min'er.I was afraid that Min'er would fall if she was not careful next time.Then Sui gently supported Min'er up the stairs.

Min'er was supported tightly by Xuan, and Min'er seemed to be able to go upstairs relying on Xuan's strength.I kept thinking about what just happened in my head.The appearance of that incredible crystal ball.Make her feel scared!
Sui gently helped Min'er to the edge of the bed, letting Min'er lean against the edge of the bed.Then he sat on a stool not far away and looked at Min'er.He hoped that Min'er could seriously tell him what happened today?Why did Min'er feel so haggard, so vulnerable.This is not like the Min'er he knew before, so stubborn, so tenacious.

Min'er looked at Ying looking at herself like this, with a very sincere look in her eyes.Then there was a pause.She knew that what she had done today had to be clarified, so she thought about it and prepared to tell Sui the next thing.

"Yuan, do you think there is such a thing as soul travel in this world?" Min'er's choked voice seemed to be explaining the facts of the whole thing.She actually didn't know how to say it, but when facing Sui.She felt really nervous and scared.She was afraid that he would not believe her and treat her as a lunatic.

"Soul travel?" Sui was very hesitant about Min'er's question, thinking about the relationship between soul travel and what happened today?But looking at Min'er like this, it is obvious that there is a connection.He only hesitated for a while before turning back to real life.Then, looking into Min'er's eyes, she unconsciously believed what Min'er said, and told Min'er her own opinion in a very low voice: "Believe it."

(End of this chapter)

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