Mrs. Shey fought again today

Chapter 441 Pregnancy Difficulty

Chapter 441 Pregnancy Difficulty

But...if the elder brother is Li Yang, it seems not bad.

Zhong Li didn't think much, and nodded happily, "Brother."

"Yeah!" Li Yang quickly agreed, and said softly, "Recently, the restaurant has a new dish, and the taste is not to be chosen. I'm the host today."


The three of them entered the private room before, Li Yang ordered some dishes and gave the menu to Xi Yuchen.

Xi Yuchen chose a few of Zhongli's favorite dishes, Li Yang looked at him and frowned: "vodka (vodka)?"

Before Xi Yuchen could answer, Zhongli next to him kept clapping his hands excitedly, "Okay, okay, just vodka!"

What kind of wine did Zhongli not drink when he was in the nightclub before?Vodka is more common.

Now that I haven't touched a bit of alcohol after being a new person, I almost want her to death.

As soon as Zhongli's voice fell, he received the man's indifferent gaze. Zhongli was so frightened that he froze, and immediately hid himself from speaking.

Although Xi Yuchen didn't speak, Zhong Li could see what he wanted to express!
The general idea is: If you want to drink again, you will not be able to leave the bedroom for three days.

Damn...too ruthless.

Li Yang has investigated Zhongli's life for these years since he knew that Zhongli was his cousin.

After Zhong Luo passed away, Zhong Debang's family took over the magpie's nest, and ordinary trivial matters could not be found out, but since Zhong Luo was a child, Zhong Luo was covered with famous brands and Zhong Li was simple and simple. He was treated unfairly by Zhong Debang and Cao Xiuqin.

Zhongli started rebelling when he was 14 years old, his grades in the second grade were a mess, he started drinking, smoking, fighting, swearing, clubbing and playing games...

Skipped class, scolded the teacher, smashed the eraser, tore up the test paper, only unexpected things that Zhongli hadn't done.

After finding out these things, Li Yang's mood was very complicated.

A teenage girl who has been through so much.

If she was born in the Li family, she would be the little princess of the Li family now...

Subconsciously, Li Yang wants to spoil Zhongli, as long as he can do it, he wants to be satisfied.

So seeing Zhong Li being so wronged, Li Yang couldn't help but speak.

"It's just a bottle of wine, there's no need..."

Xi Yuchen glanced at him indifferently, Li Yang immediately shut up.

"A cup of hot milk." The man lightly ordered a drink for Zhongli.

"Okay." The waiter bowed while holding the menu, and exited respectfully.

Xi Yuchen turned his head to look at Zhongli who was beside him, the little girl had her mouth flattened, extremely aggrieved.

The man held her little hand and said softly, "Are you angry?"

"Hmph!" Zhong Li pouted.

She didn't speak, but her attitude has already shown it.

The man was full of helplessness, and coaxed in a low voice, "Be obedient, I will take you out in two days."

Zhongli became interested, "Where are you going?"

"Don't tell you."

Zhong Li's face collapsed again.

"Be obedient and obedient, and you will be satisfied."

The man stroked her black hair.

Xi Yuchen gave her a full body check-up before, and she wasted too much of her body these years, and there were many problems at the age of 20.

Because she overused her eyes by playing games for a long time, now whenever she stays up late, her eyes are red and bloodshot.

Also, her long-term smoking and drinking is not good for her health. They have been together for so long and Zhongli is still not pregnant because Zhongli smokes too much.

She used to skip meals to drink, and she had stomach problems. If she didn't take good care of her, she would be prone to accidents.

That's why Xi Yuchen strictly controlled her daily routine and meals. If she had followed Zhongli's lifestyle, her body would have collapsed long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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