The blackened heroine is very ill

Chapter 188 Butcher Dog

Chapter 188 Butcher Dog
This kind of large-scale car accident scene is really not suitable for someone like him who is obviously handsome but relies on talent.

It seemed to feel the resentment in Yan Xuyang's heart.

The girl tilted her head slightly and glanced at him.

The dark eyes are beautiful and exquisite.

Like an extremely precious diamond, it has a unique and innate sense of nobility.

At this time, Yan Xuyang suddenly felt a cold breath spreading directly from the bottom of his feet.

It made him shiver uncontrollably.

However, when the girl looked away, Yan Xuyang suddenly felt such a breath disappear.

He was relieved.

It turned out that without knowing it, a large area of ​​my back was already wet.

But because Rong Qing looked away too quickly.

Yan Xuyang also couldn't tell whether the cold breath just now came from Rong Qing.

However, regardless of whether this aura was emitted by Rong Qing or not, Yan Xuyang also felt somewhat contested in his heart.

The people in this room.

Rong Qing and Baili Yu.

Both of them are very difficult.


Rong Qing didn't drive, he and Baili Yu were both in Yan Xuyang's car.

As a well-known director, Yan Xuyang's car is also very expensive.

But it's not as good as Rong Qing and Baili Yu's car.

The girl sat in the back seat, and Bailiyu sat beside her.

Rong Qing put one hand on Baili Yu's leg.

Bailiyu's hand directly covered Rong Qing, then he closed his eyes and smiled and curled the corners of his lips.

Yan Xuyang, who was driving in front: "..."

He is not a driver! ! !
Why let him drive!
These two people are still in his car, abusing him!This is a large-scale dog slaughter scene, right?
He wants to stop!

He wants to hit someone!

No one should stop him!
Yan Xuyang's resentment almost overflowed the screen.

He couldn't help stepping on the heavy accelerator and accelerated the speed.

If this continues, Yan Xuyang feels that he will become the first person to die of anger because of being abused.

So unfair!
He couldn't help gripping the steering wheel and glanced back in the rearview mirror.

Ran goose ...

Just in time to see Baili Yu grab Rong Qing's hand, and then put it on the edge of the lips and kiss it lightly.

Yan Xuyang: "..." He is really old!

But why is Yan Xuyang reluctant to look away!
The picture is too delicate, too beautiful, too beautiful.

Yan Xuyang was a little reluctant to look away.

However, Yan Xuyang was greeted by the next round of dog slaughter.

Watching Baili Yu put Rong Qing's fingers in his mouth one by one.

Yan Xuyang felt: "..." He wants to get out of the car! ! !
Are these two people the devil?

Rong Qing smiled slightly.

Withdrew his hand.

Then he took out a tissue from his bag, just about to wipe his hands.

Baili Yu grabbed Rong Qing's wrist again.

Then, take a paper towel and wipe it off little by little.

Yan Xuyang: "..." Poke your eyes and forget it!
These two men were devils, sure enough.

He lowered the lifting board, simply out of sight and out of sight.

An Anxin drove his own car.

He still doesn't participate in the world of young people.


People are getting old!


The car quickly arrived at the crew.

Yan Xuyang got out of the car first.

Then he went to the studio without looking back.

This pair of young and angry him!

Yan Xuyang poured himself a big mouthful of water.

Then, he looked at the assistant director.

"The notice will go on, and the filming will start in an hour."

 Four changes starting tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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