Wealthy businesswoman

Chapter 391 Amazing

Chapter 391 Amazing (1)
Lin Hao knocked Zi Yi on the head.

"This semester, Ziyi will be in the sixth grade." Lin Xuexian looked at Ziyi with a smile, saw that his mouth was full of food, and wiped him with a tissue.

The man next to him was not happy, but he couldn't get angry, a little brat.

Put your hand on Lin Xuexian's waist and tighten it.

Lin Xuexian also knew what he was thinking, a child is also jealous, it is really a jealous vat, if one accidentally knocks over, it will be troublesome, and the previous one was knocked over once.

"Yeah, I'm still a class leader, and my English score is the best in the class. The teacher always praises me." Lin Ziyi began to be complacent, boasting how his teacher praised him, and how he shouldered the heavy responsibility. .

Lin Ruotong disdained it, it was only elementary school, everyone had the same grades, it was too simple, "When you get to junior high school, you will know the difficulty, good grades in elementary school don't mean good grades in junior high school."

"Jingtong!" Lin Dui looked at Lin Ruotong. She was like this when she was a child, and she came here like this. "Since you know it's different, you should do well in the high school entrance examination. You don't need to be admitted to high school A. It's a key point for you to be admitted to city A." high school."

Meng Hemei pushed Lin Dui a little bit, why did she say it here, it made Lu Tong feel so uncomfortable.

"You think I'm you." Lin Ziyi is also a boy, and his mind is relatively precocious. Hearing her words, he refuted.

After a while, the two children started arguing, one was 11 years old and the other was 14 years old, only 3 years apart.

Lin Ruotong scolded without thinking, "You are just a bastard!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Dui's expression changed, "Lin Ruotong."

But Lin Ruotong and Lin Ziyi were scolding each other, blushing and thick-necked, and didn't respond for a while.

This is what Lin Ziyi hates the most. He is an orphan and was adopted into this family. His parents and sister gave him warmth. He has long regarded himself as a member of this family. When he was scolded like this, he immediately became very angry and went forward When they fought with Lin Ruotong, Lin Ruotong was three years older than Zi Yi, so she had a slight advantage, but she was a girl after all, and later on, she couldn't do what she wanted, and cried a lot.

Immediately, both children cried.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Xuexian didn't stop her, because she was thinking, kid, it's normal to have a fight.Lin Ruotong's nonsensical words made Lin Xuexian frown, "Second Uncle, it seems that Lu Tong's tutoring is still not good enough."

"Oh, this child." Lin Dui didn't have the eyes to look at it, this child's education has failed too much.

Lin Bingming was stunned. The fight between these two children was indeed a bit funny.My sister started crying when she suffered a loss, and the other party also started crying. You must know that Ziyi is three years younger than his sister, and she really doesn't have the demeanor of being a sister.

Lin Yuqiu didn't care about these things, and began to look at Jun Linghan wantonly. Lin Xuexian and Jun Linghan were only in a relationship, and it was normal for couples to break up. He was not a mistress anyway, and they were not married.But it is unreasonable to say something hastily, so she hopes that Xuexian can bring him here on her birthday, and then put on makeup and wear an evening dress. Things are also reasonable and logical.

Ziyi was crying, because thinking of the past, no one loved her, so she cried very miserably.

Lin Hao looked at it distressedly, Lin Xuexian took a quick step, and comforted Ziyi, "Don't cry, a boy, crying, what does it look like? What do you want? My sister will buy it for you."

Jun Linghan also came over, "Ziyi, what do you want, I'll buy it for you."

Ziyi's sobs became smaller and smaller, and when she looked up, her red eyes were like a rabbit, "I want to go to the amusement park, and I want to see the 3D Ice Age, and I want to eat cake."

As soon as Lin Hao heard it, this kid, but it’s true, because he and his wife both have to work, and although they will be on vacation, they seldom meet together, and they are even busier during the holidays, so they don’t have time to take Ziyi out to play, alas, but he doesn’t He made a promise that once he called over there, he would have to go to work again. At that time, Zi Yi would probably be even more sad.

"Okay, I'll take you to finish it tomorrow!" Jun Linghan smiled, although he brought a child with him, but this child is his brother-in-law, thinking about it now, he feels a smile.

"Really?" Ziyi looked at her sister and Jun Linghan expectantly.

I have accepted my brother-in-law in my heart.

When Jun Linghan and Lin Xuexian nodded at the same time, Ziyi shouted excitedly, "Brother-in-law!"

Jun Linghan felt happy, and his smile widened. This address was very pleasant, "Zi Yi, tell brother-in-law what you want."

Seeing Jun Linghan's shy look, Lin Xuexian pinched his waist heavily.Jun Linghan didn't respond at all, and his smile grew bigger and bigger.He patted Ziyi on the head very satisfied, there was no problem with his address, he and Lin Xuexian were still husband and wife.Immediately, he had a good impression of Zi Yi.

Seeing that no one was coaxing her, Lin Ruotong cried even louder. When Lin Ziyi cried, she got everything she wanted, but she was ignored by no one, and immediately felt very wronged.

"Woo, ah ah."


Meng Hemei hastily coaxed her child.

The next day that Ziyi was looking forward to came, he got up early, dressed, and sat in the living room waiting, feeling very excited.

Lin Xuexian also woke up very early, wearing a simple casual suit.The hair is neatly coiled up, looking very refreshing.Jun Linghan also came to Lin Xuexian's house, Lin Hao had already prepared breakfast, and invited Jun Linghan and Ziyi to eat.

After Lin Xuexian finished eating, the three of them set off.Jun Linghan changed to a Bentley, Lin Xuexian sat in the passenger seat, Ziyi sat in the back, carrying a small backpack, looking out the window expectantly, humming a certain anime song.

A newly opened playground, there are many exciting items in it, and there are also things that children like to play. It is rare to come out to play. Ziyi intends to play enough and play everything once.Jun Linghan and Lin Xuexian also made a special trip to accompany Ziyi. Jun Linghan was very satisfied. Basically, when Ziyi went to play, he and Xuexian could be together.

This day passed quickly, and Ziyi also had a good time, and went to have a big meal in the evening, German food.

They went to a German restaurant in the city center. This German restaurant tasted good, but the price was expensive, and the main customers were the wealthy class.The flow of people is fairly stable, and this German restaurant has been open for many years. It is said that it was opened by a returning student who once studied in Germany.

The three of them walked in, and the male waiter in a tuxedo stepped forward to consult them, and then led them to their seats.Three exquisite menus were delivered. Ziyi looked at the menu, ordered what he liked, looked at the pictures, and ordered what he thought was delicious, but he also had restraint, and he was not a child who likes to waste.

(End of this chapter)

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