Chapter 2
According to memory, walking to school, she felt very tired when she walked to school, but Lin Xuexian still walked to school with her head held high. They all aim to be admitted to the high schools in the city, but only one or two people can be admitted, and the schools they are admitted to are only ordinary high schools.

Most people are unable to attend high school because of economic conditions.My father's greatest wish is that she can go to the city to go to high school and then go to university, hoping that she will be successful. Such an ordinary request, but the effort he has put in is very great.

Going to her class, at this time, class is about to start, she walked in, and heard lively discussions, she didn't speak, walked to her seat, and not many people paid attention to her, because her personality was in their class His eyes were gloomy.

However, there were also many people who looked at Lin Xuexian strangely. After all, a few days ago, some teachers heard that Lin Xuexian would also take the high school entrance examination, because Lin Xuexian's grades were really poor. A teacher usually doesn't like Lin Xuexian, so she directly responded to her. She said, "You still want to take the high school entrance examination? You should think about how to farm."

Such irony made the real Lin Xuexian cry. The teacher was even more upset when she saw Lin Xuexian crying, "Your father is working so hard, and he can't afford you to study. A child without a mother is just like this, so ignorant."

These words hurt Lin Xuexian, that's why she got sick after returning home.Only then did the current Lin Xuexian appear.

This was also said in front of the whole class, without giving her any face.

Lin Xuexian doesn't like this teacher. This teacher has no professional ethics and no educational accomplishment, but she won't stay here, and she is about to take the high school entrance examination, so she also ignores this teacher. After all, there is no need to care what such a teacher says .

But she also knows the financial situation of the family, and money is really important.But now she has no money at all, her father only earns 350 yuan a month, and only 500 yuan for working overtime, so how can she make money?She can play the violin and piano, but who would believe that a 12-year-old girl has the ability to instruct?And it's just a town, no one has the money to learn this.

Invest, but she has no funds.novel?It might work, and detective stories and mysteries are what she knows best.She had a friend who was an editor, and accidentally saw an article she wrote, and insisted on letting her publish it, but she refused, because after all, she was a businessman, and the novel was only an amateur.But now, writing novels is also a way to make money without funds.

After thinking about it, she must go to the town to find a place where she can access the Internet. She quickly searched for a publishing house in her mind, which was more trustworthy.

Suddenly being pushed, Lin Xuexian recovered, looked at the person who pushed her, it was a little girl with eyes, she pointed to the podium, Lin Xuexian nodded, the teacher is here, this teacher is just trying to show her face in public Chinese teacher, she always dislikes this and that, but she is actually just a teacher in a small town.

After seeing the same thing, Lin Xuexian said to the person who reminded her, "Thank you."

Just turned around, took out the textbook, and started flipping through it.

When the Chinese teacher saw that Lin Xuexian had come with a cheeky face, she looked displeased. Since she overestimated her abilities, it was her own business, and the same goes for embarrassment.

In class, when the teacher asks questions, only those few people answer. They are the top students in the class, and these top students are also from the town. Their family conditions are not very good, but they can still go to high school, so most of the teachers We focus on cultivating these people, and hope that they will be able to enter high school this time, so that they will have face as teachers.

Everyone doesn't care what the teacher does. After all, they don't want to go to high school. After finishing junior high school, they go back to work as helpers.

Lin Xuexian looked at these contents, and went through them quickly in her brain. Although it took a long time, the knowledge was very simple. There were five subjects in total. I used the teacher's class time to review them.

The teacher also noticed that Lin Xuexian was reading textbooks. Although she worked hard and was serious, she was stupid and there was nothing she could do. No matter how carefully she taught such a student, her test results would still be the same, so she ignored Lin Xuexian.

They finished class after 3 o'clock, and only those good students stayed to participate in the unified senior high school entrance examination sprint class for the whole grade. For Lin Xuexian, there was no need. It is necessary to listen.

Leaving school, Lin Xuexian didn't go back directly, but came to a small Internet cafe in the town, two cents and half an hour, which was very cheap, but considering her current situation, it was a high consumption. Walking into the Internet cafe, this Internet cafe is very Little, the boss saw Lin Xuexian, a little girl, and didn't stop her from coming. For those who make money like them, there is no adulthood, as long as they give money.

Find a last seat, sit down, turn on this broken computer, start to operate, open a document, think for a while, then quickly type on the computer with both hands, the ideas come out very quickly, to have such a speed, It was also because of her years of habits that even if her body changed, it was only a matter of hands and feet.

In more than two hours, 1 words were completed. For her, it was not easy to write. After all, she has also written. According to memory, she has many subjects.

The owner of the Internet cafe couldn't help muttering, "This girl is also strange, she doesn't even know what to type, so fast."

Then send it to an editor of a publishing house, and finally explain that my contact information is only this email address, and it is really troublesome without a mobile phone.

There are still things that need to be paid attention to, I left them all, then turned off the computer, gave 5 cents, and then left under the weird gaze of the Internet cafe owner.

After a few days, come to the Internet cafe again.In the past few days, Lin Xuexian has also saved the two yuan that her father gave her every day. This publishing house is in city A, and she will go to the city when the time comes, and the bus fare will be expensive.

Lin Xuexian is also living a leisurely life these days, only 3 months away from the senior high school entrance examination.

Snowflake Publishing House has not released any good works recently, and the editors are in a hurry. Just in time, Editor Li found that he had received an email, which was sent yesterday.Click it to see, it is a contribution, pen name, Luoxue.When Editor Li read the beginning, he was attracted, and then he read it slowly, and at the end, it was gone, and he felt itchy in his heart, and the cut was just right.And the writing is fluent. Although the text is gorgeous, the content is also very powerful, and the details are also described very carefully. At the end, the contact information left by this person is this email.

Without further ado, Editor Li sent his feeling after reading his own text, his contact information, and the cooperation plan to Lin Xuexian's mailbox.

(End of this chapter)

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