The wicked girl of the farm gate is a group pet

Chapter 605 A Blind Cat Hit A Dead Mouse

Chapter 605 A Blind Cat Hit A Dead Mouse
The little prince was very satisfied with his painting, and was about to color the portrait when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps outside the hall, followed by Emperor Zeming's voice.

"The little prince is asleep?"

"It's time to sleep! Is the emperor looking for the little prince for something important?"

The little eunuch asked flatteringly: "Do you want the servant to go in and pass it on?"

"No need to communicate!"

The little prince froze for a moment while holding the pen, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Emperor Zeming outside say, "I'll go in and have a look at him, don't disturb him."

Seeing that Emperor Zeming was about to open the door and enter, the little prince became anxious, and hurriedly pulled the map of Yunze Kingdom and covered it on the painting.

When Emperor Zeming came in, he got up and said, "Your welcome, Father!"

"It's so late, why haven't you rested yet?"

Emperor Zeming came to hold him, and then looked at the map he had laid out on the table: "What is Yao'er doing?"

What are you doing?

What is he doing?

Ah Mo said that before her sister entered the capital, she must not reveal her identity. It is very likely that the royal family members have their own purposes and will intercept and kill her halfway.

Even if my sister enters the capital, she still has to wait for a suitable time to mention this matter to her father.

He had an idea and said: "Yao'er came back from Yulong County all the way, and saw the green mountains and green waters, but the map of Yunze Country only has mountains, rivers and rivers, but no color. Today, I heard Mr. Zhuge talk about military affairs, and I want to give the map of Yunze Country With coloring, the terrain can be more clearly understood."

"You actually have such thoughts?"

Emperor Zeming looked at him appreciatively: "Working hard is a good thing, but you are still young, so you should rest well. How about father watching you sleep?"

The crown prince and the second prince had accidents one after another. For Emperor Zeming, who had a few heirs, the little prince who was sick before became extremely precious.

Before closing his eyes, the little prince muttered: "Father, the elder brother of the prince and the second brother are not in the palace anymore, Yao'er feels lonely."

It was because of the crown prince and the second prince that your concubine died unexpectedly.

Did the national teacher hide the truth about your concubine's death from Yao'er?

Emperor Zeming comforted him: "Yao'er can also play with your imperial sister."

"Those imperial sisters don't like Yao'er..."

The little prince fell asleep muttering, Emperor Zeming watched him for a few breaths, heard him making a slight sound, and walked out of Chonghua Palace lightly.

The county magistrate of Yu is returning to Beijing to return to his order, so there is no delay on the way.

The old matriarch hired a merchant ship from the Yuan family to go back to Beijing, so regardless of the luggage carried by the Yu family, there were still a lot of servants coming back to Beijing, and one boat was enough to hold it.

Go all the way to the capital, and keep replenishing when passing through states and counties on the way.

After seeing Yunmeng County and Zechuan County, they entered the territory of Zhonggu County.

The merchant ship of the Yuan family was stable, and the wind and the sun were beautiful along the way. Except for the cold weather, there were no storms. The old lady and Su Cao went out to bask in the sun during the day, and went back to the house at night. It's fun.

Shen Yuning occasionally communicated with Yu County Magistrate to discuss current affairs, and then locked himself in the cabin to read, and chatted with Yu Runze about poetry and articles. He always felt that he had passed the examination of the county chief and Yulong County's Xie Yuan. Dead rat.

The capital is full of outstanding people, if he goes to the capital, he may not even be able to stir up a wave.

Therefore, only by working harder can one be able to rank among the capital and have a place in the capital.

Entering the territory of Zhonggu County, it was a sunny day, the old matriarch asked Mother Xu and the others to put the fruits they bought when they passed by the state and counties, and went out of the cabin with Su Cao to bask in the sun.

"Cao'er, if we pass here, we have entered Zhonggu County, and we will be able to reach the capital soon."

(End of this chapter)

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