Chapter 482

After Mrs. Yu was seated, she took a sip of soybean juice, and took a bite of the pancakes handed over by Su Cao.

Her eyes lit up, she nodded in praise and said: "This finger cake is delicious, why didn't you see that Mrs. Zhou sells it?"

"I just figured it out in Mingzhu Town recently, and I didn't have time to partner with Mrs. Zhou to do this business."

Mrs. Yu likes to eat her finger cakes, and I think Yu Runze will like them too: "It's good that grandma likes it. Cao'er makes a lot of it. In the morning, let Xiao Songzi next door call Brother Runze and the others to have breakfast. Don't let them go, I'll leave a few for Brother Runze and the others!"

What happened yesterday really passed away?
Old Madam Yu couldn't believe it, and tentatively said: "What does he do? Grandma wants to go to Changqing Temple later, how about you accompany grandma to visit Changqing Temple?"

"Okay! Cao'er also wants to take grandma to Changqing Temple."

Old Madam Yu came to Xinghua Village to relax. The scenery of Changqing Temple is extremely beautiful, and it is worthwhile to visit Changqing Temple.

I had a relocation banquet at her house last night. Because of the construction of the academy and other matters, Dean Zhou, Supervisor Zhou and Jian Jianshi Han went to Changqing Temple together, and President Gu followed.

Then, a large project like the construction of a resort must be attended by professionals. Su Cao also has something to discuss with Han Jianjian, so she planned to take the old lady Yu to visit Changqing Temple early in the morning.

Yu Runze and the others stayed at Shen's house for breakfast, and Su Cao simply put the extra hand-caught pancakes into the food basket, intending to take them to Changqing Temple for Dean Zhou and the others to taste.

Just after locking the door and going to Changqing Temple, Xiao Songzi ran over carrying a small basket.

"Uncle Su is not at Ye's house. He went to brother Yuning's house for breakfast. Those two bad girls wanted to grab the pancakes made by Sister Cao'er. Fortunately, I ran fast and took all the pancakes to Shen's house." .”

Xiao Songzi raised her head and begged for praise: "Sister Cao'er, the bad girl didn't get pancakes, am I smart?"

"Little pine nuts are so clever!"

Su Cao laughed, and patted his little head: "Sister Cao'er is going to take the old lady to Changqing Temple, you put the basket, come and show us the way."


Xiao Songzi ran into the yard like a gust of wind, threw the basket to Aunt Chang, and then hopped forward to lead the way.

"Go to Changqing to watch..."

Lu Xirou's master and servant were absolutely furious!

Early in the morning, Shen Yuning came to call Su Zhongxian, Su Zhongxian took half a tael of silver, left her and Nanny Li and ran away.

Then, Lu Xirou asked Nanny Li to use the money to go to the neighbors to buy some rice and vegetables, and all the households chased Nanny Li out like a plague god.

Nanny Li managed to find a woman surnamed Wang who was willing to sell her rice noodles and some vegetables, but it turned out that a chicken and a few catties of rice noodles cost half a tael of silver.

Why don't you go grab it?

Nanny Li turned around and left. If she couldn't buy rice noodles in the village, she had to go to Mingzhu Town.

Thinking that Lu Xirou was still in the dilapidated Ye family, waiting for her to go back to eat, Nanny Li had no choice but to grit her teeth and accept this unequal deal.

People are unlucky, drinking water will get stuck between teeth.

Just because she exchanged silver for a chicken, she was fine when she left the Wang's house, but halfway there, the dog of the Wang's house thought she stole the chicken, and chased her and bit her all the way.

She fell to the ground in a panic, and the rice noodles were scattered all over the ground. Then the chicken in her hand was chased by the dog, and she didn't know where to go, and she sprained her leg.

(End of this chapter)

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