The chief is in the routine again, Mrs.

Chapter 485 Rewards for Future Children

Chapter 485 Rewards for Future Children
"Husband, when are you coming back?"Eaten dinner yet? 』

Chu Yuqing was sitting in the back seat of the luxury car on his way back to M City, resting with his eyes closed.

After receiving You Meng's WeChat message, he immediately replied: "I will be there in half an hour.Have not eat yet. 』

You Meng frowned at the WeChat message he sent.

It's already ten o'clock, and you haven't had dinner yet?Don't even care about your body when you work!

You Meng poked back and said: "My husband, although it is important to make money to support me, it is more important that you eat on time.How uncomfortable it is to have a stomachache.In order to reward you for working so hard to earn money to support me, I will personally cook noodles for you~ Come back soon and eat my loving noodles~』

A faint smile escaped from the corner of Chu Yuqing's lips: "OK"

Putting down the phone, Chu Yuqing said to Wan Zhuo who was in the front seat, "Go to the flower shop first."


To be honest, You Meng hasn't cooked for a long time.She couldn't be sure whether the noodles she cooked could be eaten...

Before she married Chu Yuqing, when she lived alone, she would cook instant noodles and quick-frozen dumplings at most.Or it was that You Mao had prepared a lot of dishes in advance, and she heated them up every day and ate them slowly.

After marrying Chu Yuqing, she never stepped into the kitchen.

So when You Mao disliked Chu Yuqing's inability to cook, You Meng was very upset.

Chu Yuqing didn't dislike her for not knowing how to cook, so why did her father dislike Chu Yuqing!

Although in normal times, You Meng had thought about cooking for Chu Yuqing himself.

However, every time she saw the exquisite dishes cooked by their chef, she retreated.

Well, if she cooks, Chu Yuqing probably won't have to eat...

But this time, it's just cooking noodles, it shouldn't be a problem... right...

Chu Yuqing cooked noodles for her once, and it was very delicious.She should be able to do the same.

You Meng makes shredded pork and egg noodles.

It took her 10 minutes to chop the shredded pork finely.

In the end, she put a single-sided fried egg Chu Yuqing's favorite on top.

When the noodles were almost ready, she heard footsteps getting closer and closer outside the kitchen, and at the same time there was a burst of fragrance of lilies.

You Meng turned around, and saw Chu Yuqing just in time holding a large bouquet of perfumed lilies.

Chu Yuqing's cool air, coupled with the elegance and holiness of the perfume lily, made You Meng dazed.

Chu Yuqing handed her the flower, "This is your reward."

You Meng blinked, but didn't understand for a while.

The corners of Chu Yuqing's lips curved slightly, "Ai Hua Award for Best Copywriting Silver Award."

You Meng took the perfume lily and groaned, "So that's a reward for yourself this afternoon?"

The smile in Chu Yuqing's black eyes grew stronger, "That's a reward for our future children."

You Meng: "..."

She was really defeated by him...

You Meng lowered her head and sniffed the perfume lily in her arms, feeling happy.

In fact, she has always preferred lilies to roses.It is purely because the lily blooms beautifully and the fragrance is particularly pleasant.

Moreover, the flower language of the perfume lily is: love forever...

Chu Yuqing smelled the fragrance of the noodles, and noticed You Meng's good noodles, his face brightened slightly, "Did you cook the noodles?"

You Meng said proudly, "How about it? It looks good! Let me tell you, it tastes good too. I tasted it secretly."

The shredded pork and vegetables in the noodles are distinct, and there is a single-sided burnt egg that is slightly burnt on the surface.Not bad for his wife who rarely cooks...

(End of this chapter)

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