The chief is in the routine again, Mrs.

Chapter 440 Are You That Woman?

Chapter 440 Are You That Woman?
You Meng's ears twitched, put away the gun and squatted down, walked up to a young lady, and asked excitedly, "Miss sister, what do you want the game to give you gold coins the most!"

A young lady drew circles on the ground, "Yes, I am poor and have no money to buy equipment."

Grandpa agreed, "I'm also poor, and I don't have money to buy equipment."

Loli Xiaowen glanced at her grandpa when she heard the words.

You Meng continued to ask, "How many gold coins are given to you by the game, are you most satisfied?"

A young lady rolled her eyes at Youmeng like an idiot, "Of course, the more the better. It would be the best if you can give me all the equipment. Hey, why are you asking such detailed questions? Could it be that you are a staff member?"

You Meng rubbed her nose, "I'm just curious, just asking casually... When I won the game last time, the system gave me 200 gold coins, which was just enough for me to change a gun. If the game also gave you 200 gold coins, you guys how do you feel?"

"Very good. I also want to change the gun. I don't want to pick up some useless weapons every time. I'm so tired." A young lady shrugged.

You Meng silently wrote it down in her heart.

Luoli frowned and urged, "Hey, you three, stop chatting there. Come and help!"

During the fierce battle, the originally sunny weather was covered by thick dark clouds. At the same time, there was a strong wind and heavy rain on the sea, which had a tendency to sweep away the sailboat.

All players hid in the cabins of their ships.

At this time, a text prompt appears on the game screen: There are plagues, ghosts, and monsters in the cabin, please be vigilant
A young lady pursed her lips, "Again!"

The screen then displays: There are other players nearby, please keep fighting

Everyone raised their guns upon hearing the words, and proceeded cautiously in the silent, musty-smelling cabin.

A young lady looked around and asked You Meng, "Hey, Brother A, I wanted to ask you just now. Last time you said that your wife would not take you to meet her family, and then you talked to your wife about it." Is something wrong?"

Mu Muxi's purse, who had been silent all this time, finally raised his eyebrows slightly at this moment.

You Meng: "We've talked. I told my... wife, when I'm ready, take me to meet his parents."

A young lady frowned, "Prepare? You still need to prepare? What is there to prepare for?"

You Mengyou sighed, "Oh, you don't know, it's probably not easy to deal with my wife's family."

Come to a young lady: "You know it's not easy to do before you've seen it? Are you thinking too seriously?"

You Meng sighed again, "It's not that I'm worrying unfoundedly, it's true... I only now truly understand what people mean when they say that they are in the same family."

Grandpa nodded approvingly.

Luo Li asked, "Master, what are you nodding your head for? Don't tell me you also have a relationship with the wrong family?"

The grandfather was silent for a while, and asked a young lady, "If there is a man with a bad reputation... He is very nice to a certain woman. He behaves very genuinely in front of her, not like pretending." , and it doesn't look like he has a plan. Miss sister, do you think this man really likes that woman?"

A young lady came to look at him, "Are you that woman?"

The grandfather said in a rough voice, "How is it possible! What Brother A said just now reminded me of a female friend I know. So by the way, I will ask for her."
 Haha, can you guys guess who the grandpa is? o(*^▽^*)┛There are still three chapters at 19:30!

(End of this chapter)

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