The chief is in the routine again, Mrs.

Chapter 299 I want your life!

Chapter 299 I want your life!

The one who spoke was a girl about the same age as You Meng, with a ponytail, fair and tall, but her pretty face revealed a coldness that was completely contrary to her delicate appearance, looking at the man with a gun in his apricot eyes with Fortitude.

She looked at You Meng and Ming Sui, "You two are from country S, right? So am I, and my name is Chi Yao."

This girl could calmly introduce herself when she might be killed by a gun at any time, which is extraordinary...

You Meng looked at her with a bit of inquiry, "You also think it is difficult for us to escape?"

"You must have noticed it too. The two shots he shot on the iron gate of the exit just now could actually hit people. But he shot right above the heads of the crowd. It shows that his marksmanship is very accurate, and he enjoys it very much." Right now he controls everyone's sense of dominance over life and death."

You Meng was about to speak, when the man with the gun pointed his gun at this side, and said in K Mandarin, "Be quiet and talk again, I'll shoot you all!"

You Meng fell silent, pulled Mingsui, and together with Chi Yao, leaned against the chair, and retreated carefully.

The man with the gun swept his gun across all the people who were huddled behind and on both sides, "Give me all to that corner!"

He pointed the gun at the innermost corner of the front.

"Hurry up! Do you want me to shoot!" He said and fired a shot into the air.

The sound of gunfire so close made everyone's ears ringing, and even more so that everyone's heart was about to go wrong.

Everyone obediently and quickly fled to the corner, for fear that if they were too slow, they would be shot in the back.

A somewhat chubby middle-aged woman from country K ran for a few steps, then stopped suddenly, covered her chest, opened her eyes wide, and fell to the ground.

Her husband knelt beside her, calling her name, shaking her.

The middle-aged man was sweating profusely. He raised his head and said to the man holding the gun, "My wife has a heart attack. She may have had a heart attack. If she is not sent to the hospital in time, she will die!"

The gun-wielding man shouldered the gun and glanced indifferently at the middle-aged woman on the ground whose life was in danger.

"Please, take my wife to the hospital. I can give you whatever you want," the middle-aged man searched through his pockets and found all the money and wallets. "This is all the money I have on me." .If you want more, I can give it to you later. As long as it can send my wife to the hospital, you can spend as much money as you want."

The gunman spat and kicked him on the shoulder.

The middle-aged man felt that the bones on his shoulders were about to shatter, but he didn't dare to call out the pain.

"Money? I look like I'm short of money! I want money, so I went to rob the bank!" the man with the gun yelled.

The middle-aged man's complexion changed, and he said in an almost begging tone, "What do you want to send my wife to the hospital?"

The man with the gun laughed maniacally, "I want my life! I want your life! Hahaha!"

The middle-aged man's lips were blue and he was sweating profusely, "Okay. As long as you can send my wife to the hospital, you can take my life!"

The man holding the gun kicked the middle-aged man again, "Who the hell is going to kill you! Your lives are worthless."

He swaggered towards the crowd squatting in the corner.

The middle-aged man rushed forward and hugged his leg, "Please, please save my wife. Please..."

The man holding the gun kicked him away impatiently, "If you care about your wife so much, I will help you."

The middle-aged man was overjoyed, thinking that the man holding the gun had shown mercy and agreed to him.

(End of this chapter)

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