The chief is in the routine again, Mrs.

Chapter 260 Darthway's Big Boss

Chapter 260 Darthway's Big Boss
Not one person, but the footsteps of several people.

After seeing the faces of the five or six men who came up, Chen Jiabei stood still.

Instead, the two female colleagues behind her went up to greet her, and said respectfully: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Li, Mr. Jiang, Mr. Liu, Mr. Wu, please come this way."

Two female colleagues led the six shareholders to the conference room.

Both Zhao Dong and Alisa didn't show up, which means that there is still a big shot...

This legendary big boss, Chen Jiabei has worked in Daenwei for several years, but he has never seen him.

In previous years' shareholder meetings, these small shareholders came here, and the big boss never showed up.

It's rare for the big boss to come this year, so she naturally wants to seize this opportunity to gain a sense of presence.

If the big boss takes a fancy to her, then she will be on the rise!
There were footsteps in the stairwell again, and Zhao Shoujun's flattering voice.

Chen Jiabei immediately stood upright, and brushed her hair back enchantingly.

You Meng sat on the workstation, looking sideways at the stairs curiously.

She just wanted to see who was the big man who made the whole company sit upright and Zhao Shoujun stood guard below to greet him.

When the figure of the man appeared at the stairs, everyone in the company gasped.

This man is too handsome, too tall, too powerful!
Compared with the previous six who are either short or have beer bellies, they are simply an imposing and clear stream!
Tall and straight, well-proportioned body shape, sharp and deep facial features, indifferent and cold eyes, noble and intimidating temperament...

With steady steps and thin red lips pursed, he walked through the office hall indifferently like a king, and entered the meeting room.

He ignored Chen Jiabei who was following behind him chattering and making friends...

Not to mention the employees of Darthway who were so shocked by his flourishing beauty and ascetic temperament that they forgot to blink their eyes...

But no one noticed, he inadvertently glanced at the astonished You Meng several times from the corner of his eye.

You Meng just stared at Chu Yuqing as he disappeared at the end of the road and turned into the meeting room.

Darthway's big boss turned out to be... Chu Yuqing? ! !

While everyone was still reminiscing about the beauty of the big boss, You Meng quickly opened the webpage.

She had read Darthway's encyclopedia introduction several years ago, and did not write that it belonged to Diwei Group.

She entered "Darth Wei Diwei Group" in the search box, flipped through several pages, and finally found a post where someone asked "What is the relationship between Darth Wei and Di Wei Group".

Someone replied under the post: "Darthway is a company controlled by Diwei Group. In recent years, Darthway has developed more prosperously, almost monopolizing the advertising industry. It has a lot to do with Diwei's acquisition of Darthway. "

You dreamed that when she was in Chu Yuqing's office, Chu Yuqing took the initiative to ask her: "Da Siwei, do you want to go?"

She also half-jokingly said: "Are you going to open the back door for me? Do you know Darthway's boss?"

Dare to feel that she was facing the big boss at that time...

He really opened the back door for her...


The shareholder meeting has been held for a long time.

It's lunch break time, the employees have gone out to eat, and the door of the meeting room is still closed.

When You Meng went downstairs, she ran into Alisa and a boy, and they took the boxed lunch from Bazhenlou to the conference room.

Is this the rhythm of having lunch while having a meeting?

I stayed up late at work the night before and didn't sleep. Last night... I fell asleep later than her and woke up earlier than her. I must have not slept for a few hours...

Will his body be able to bear such high-intensity work?

(End of this chapter)

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