slave seven seven

Chapter 255 Falling into the River

Chapter 255 Falling into the River
After a long time, several guards rushed in and dragged Xiao Xi's body down, Qiqi stood up with her legs so stiff that she was paralyzed, and staggered towards the outside, but she couldn't reach the threshold that was not too far away , the high-hanging carved cage was so red that it hurt her eyes.

Why did she return to the capital...

Why can't she stay in Jiangnan forever...

Qiqi walks out of the Chenxiang Garden like a walking corpse, the moonlight occasionally casts on the dark road, Qiqi slips, stumbles and falls into the pool, the water at the end of the year is icy cold.

"When did you say you gave birth to a son for me?"

"Ma'am, I'm going to cook lotus seed soup for you myself."

"Lotus seeds, lotus seeds, give birth to precious children early, and give birth to precious children continuously."

"I'm pregnant, less than one month old."

"Qiqi, it's time to wake up from your spring and autumn dream."


Without any struggle, Qi Qi let the cold water flow over her body, covering her head little by little, and the water poured into her nose. Qi Qi simply stopped breathing, and her body gradually sank to the bottom of the water.

Young master, she is too emotional, she really should wake up from her big dream of spring and autumn.


A white figure dived into the water and exploded like thunder.

Qi Qi felt her hands grabbing her, her fingertips pinching her arm fiercely, her whole body was dragged out of the water, a mouthful of water was spit out from her mouth, and her lax will slowly came to her senses.

Qiqi opened her wet eyes, and Xia Houling's face under the moonlight came into view, with her black hair draped wetly on her shoulders.

He saved her?
Her life was ironic to the extreme from beginning to end, he was the one who hurt her, and he was the one who saved her.

Qiqi sat on the grass and coughed a few times from the cold, then pushed Xia Houling's hand away, stood up staggeringly and walked towards Qiushuiyuan, her weak arm was grabbed back by Xia Houling.

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(End of this chapter)

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