The Rise of Ming Dynasty 1646

Chapter 729 The Great Ming Navy Has Arrived

Chapter 729 The Great Ming Navy Has Arrived
Tokugawa Iemitsu had also learned about the recent wars in Ming Dynasty, and immediately said with a sullen face: "This time, Ming Dynasty took the initiative to provoke, but I don't want to tear my face... You bastard! You want me to end the lock-up?!"

Monk Guanghai hurriedly said: "The lock country is the cornerstone of the shogunate's stability, and it must not be changed."

Closing the door and closing the country, a thing that would appear to be brain-dead to future generations, was absolutely reasonable in Japan at the time.

The first is to cut off the communication channels between the major names and the outside world, and to prevent other countries from exerting influence on Japan.

Secondly, and most importantly, Nagasaki is the only place in Japan that can trade with foreign countries, and the trade here is controlled by the Tokugawa shogunate.It means that the Tokugawa family has monopolized the country's foreign trade, thus providing a strong financial guarantee for consolidating their own strength. The longer the time, the less the other daimyos will be the opponents of the Tokugawa family.

Iemitsu Tokugawa pressed his anger and said, "Since that's the case, how can we defeat the envoys of the Ming Dynasty?"

Guang Haidao: "My lord, according to my understanding of the Ming Dynasty, they value face the most. As long as we express a little bit and give them some face, this matter will be exposed soon."

"what do you mean?"

"Speaking of which, the entourage of the important minister of the Ming Dynasty was indeed killed and injured, and their warship was also damaged. It is reasonable to ask for some compensation. How about giving them 30 taels."

"30 taels, more than 60 guan!" Tokugawa Iemitsu glared at him, "How could so much money be given to Ming Dynasty casually?!"

Guang Hai laughed and said, "The Shimadzu family killed him, so the money is naturally paid by them."

Tokugawa Iemitsu was taken aback when he heard the words, and then smiled.That's right, although Shimadzu's invasion of Ryukyu was acquiesced by himself, the shogunate never allowed it on the surface, and of course they are responsible for what happened now.

Shimadzu, as the most powerful of the foreign daimyos, has always been a serious problem for the Tokugawa family, and the shogunate always finds excuses to beat them.Now such a good excuse, how can it be easily let go.

60 guan, this one is enough to hurt the Shimadzu family, and I am afraid it will be difficult to recover in three to fifty years.

He nodded immediately, "Okay, let's do this."


"The Tokugawa family asked the Shimadzu family to take out the 30 taels?" Dai Xiuyuan, dressed in a kimono, looked at the pool in the courtyard and said with a smile, "He really helped a lot. How did the Shimadzu family react?"

A middle-aged man who shaved his head hurriedly said: "Master, Shimadzu's family is already struggling to make ends meet. The gold mine was confiscated earlier, and they are worried that their retainers will not be able to get their salaries next year. If they are forced to spend another 60 guan, The Shimadzu family will collapse.

"Right now, everyone in the Satsuma domain is extremely angry, but they dare not speak out. However, there are a few elders who advocate the preparation of the army and are determined not to bow to the shogunate."

"Okay, I see. You go down."

"Hi!" The man was a Japanese, a samurai from the Shimadzu family who was bought by Dai Xiuyuan with a lot of money.

Dai Xiuyuan waited for him to leave, and immediately wrote a secret letter, which was quickly handed over to the sailors waiting outside Nagasaki Port.

Three days later.

A fleet of ten Galen warships sailed into the Uraga coastal waters, the key point guarding Edo Bay.

The leader is the fourth-class cruiser Shaowu of the Daming Navy.

The Japanese warships fortified nearby hurriedly came to intercept them, but these Anzhai ships were only [-] to [-] tons in size, and they were like a mantis in front of the Ming army's warships.

The Daming Marine Division didn't even bother to fire their cannons, they just formed a neat line of battle and crashed all the way. After the 500-ton Shaowu crushed four Anzhai ships, no one dared to provoke them anymore.

Afterwards, the ten warships lay across the mouth of the Edo Bay, and informed the Tokugawa shogunate that they must give an affirmative reply to the previous letter of credentials within five days, otherwise the fleet would sail into Edo Bay.

Everyone in Edo was shocked, and the shogunate government office exploded.

Tokugawa Iemitsu didn't expect Ming Dynasty to be so pressing, the battleship was about to ride on his face, and his face turned livid.

Matsudaira Nobuzuna said loudly: "We must teach these bearded men a lesson!"

Immediately, there was a voice of approval, "Yes! They are simply too arrogant!"

"We must kill them!"

Sakai Tadakatsu said, "I heard that the warships of the Ming Dynasty were as tall as a city wall, and the navy directly under the Shogunate had already damaged more than a dozen ships. How can we teach them a lesson?"

After a moment of silence, Abe said again: "At the moment, we can only send the warships of the Shimadzu family to disperse the Ming Dynasty people."

Satsuma Domain has been the strongest sea power in Japan since the Battle of Imjin.However, Tokugawa Iemitsu had just cut their fief and confiscated their gold mines, and now they let the Shimadzu family send out a navy, which is really hard to say.

The Tokugawa family thought about it for a while, but there was no other way, so they had to order: "Send an order to Mitsuhisa Shimadzu to send troops immediately. If they can repel the warships of the Ming Dynasty, I will pardon them for attacking Ryukyu without authorization."


However, to the surprise of all the high-level shogunate officials, the Satsuma clan's fleet fled back to Kagoshima without looking back after only looking at the Daming Navy from a distance in the Uraga Sea.Shimadzu is an expert in naval warfare, and he knows that just one Shaowu is enough to wipe out their fleet. Wouldn't it be the same as dying if they really rushed up?
The five-day period that Daming left for the Tokugawa shogunate soon passed. The Shaowu sailed into Edo Bay with five warships including the Jianning and Quanzhou, and the other five ships were on guard at the mouth of the sea.

Many forts were also built on both sides of Edo Bay. After all, they were the gateway to the capital, and some of them were built with the help of Lan and the British earlier.

Tokugawa Iemitsu learned that the Daming Navy was heading towards Edo, and without hesitation ordered the coastal forts to sink the enemy ships with all their strength.

However, the level of the Japanese's gun casting is really bad. The bronze clay cannons made by themselves are simply scratching the itch on the Shaowu. Only a few six-pound guns purchased from Helan are slightly powerful, but it is difficult to defeat Shaowu. Hull of the number.

The Daming Navy, under the leadership of the Shaowu, surrounded the fort in a fan shape and began to bombard it with tens of thousands of artillery pieces.The Japanese gunners had never seen such a scene before. After seeing a dozen people dead, they abandoned their guns and fled.

Then the naval infantry went ashore to occupy the fort, destroyed the cannon, and returned to the ship.The fleet sails to the next fort...

In less than a day, four forts were lost along the coast of Edo Bay.The people near Edo Castle had been frightened after hearing the roar of cannons all day long.

The next day, [-] soldiers from the Daming Naval Division landed on the north bank of Yokohama, fifty miles away from Edo Castle.

Nobuzuna Matsudaira hastily dispatched [-] Japanese soldiers to defend Edo to resist.Although these men and horses were the elite of the shogunate, the Ming army was supported by heavy artillery from warships behind them. They were wearing stainless steel breastplates and held the latest rifled guns.

When the Tokugawa shogunate heard the news of the earthquake, it immediately dispatched [-] troops to protect Edo Castle, and ordered the nearby daimyo to lead the army to reinforce it.

 Thanks: Black Saki Falcon for your generosity!I am so grateful, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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