Chapter 385
Shangshan's troops have been in battle for a long time. Although they suffered a small loss, they reacted very quickly. Those who had just finished shooting turned to the back of the line, and the rest took advantage of the gap between the front and back rows of the Sunite people and took ten steps forward, raising their guns. Just shoot.

Teng Jisi's subordinates were all riding horses since childhood. After training in recent months, it is very rare to be able to dismount and form an army. However, the level of using guns is still far below that of the Qing army.

The second row of gunmen on their side squeezed awkwardly to the front, and the opposite side almost raised their guns together, and then the two sides burst into flames at the same time.The difference is that the Qing army fired in full volley under the command of officers, while the Mongols fired their guns in a mess due to lack of practice.

But even so, Shang Shan's soldiers, Ding Niaocu, were still at a disadvantage when they were sixty steps away, and they were killed by the messy lead bullets on the opposite side, killing more than a hundred people.

Shang Shan's face was gloomy, and he simply ordered to get closer to forty steps before shooting.So his army forcefully carried a volley of Duniters, leaving more than a hundred corpses, and they didn't start to fight back until they were at a distance where they could see the appearance of the enemy.

At a distance of forty steps, the three-dollar gun was finally able to penetrate the cotton armor, and immediately a large area of ​​the Mongol battle formation fell.The two sides faced each other and fired two more rows of guns. Chaos began to appear on Teng Jisi's side.

The accuracy of the matchlock gun is very poor. The purpose of the salvo is to increase the chance of hitting, and it is extremely disadvantageous to scatter randomly.

Although the Qing army had killed 600 people, it still maintained four rows of firing guns in turn, fully making up for the disadvantage of the caliber of the guns, and even faintly began to gain an advantage.

However, this situation did not last long, and the more than 1000 people Shang Shan stayed on the flank were dispersed by [-] cavalry led by Mang Gudai.

Afterwards, the Mongolian cavalry divided into two groups, constantly attacking from Shangshan's flanks and behind. The Qing army, which lacked cavalry cover, had to divide their troops to defend again, and the frontal firepower suddenly weakened.

In the past, the Mongols only relied on cavalry, and dared to fight the Manchus when the number of people was close.Now that they have an infantry battle formation, they can contain the Qing army from the front, and the pressure on the cavalry is suddenly reduced several times.

Although Sunit and the Chechen cavalry suffered a lot of casualties under the fire of the Qing army, but because the firepower was not dense enough, they could still grit their teeth and shoot back with arrows or choose a weak link in the enemy's formation to rush in.

In addition, due to the lack of frontal troops of the Qing army, even though Teng Jisi's infantry fired randomly, the firepower still overwhelmed them.

Originally, Shang Shan only wanted to deal with the Mongolian cavalry, but unexpectedly, the infantry and cavalry cooperated in their tactics, and he was at a loss for what to do for a while.Its formation was squeezed in three directions so that it retreated, and gradually gathered into a ball, and it was about to fall into encirclement.

In desperation, Shangshan had no choice but to ask Doduo for help, but Teng Jisi had already led his bodyguards to wait on his east side, and shot and killed five or six of his messengers in a row, and finally Shangshan's nephew was shot six arrows in the body Xia Qiang left a sigh of relief to see Duo Duo.

Duduo's side played smoothly. The Tuxietu and Zasaktu troops were still using the old Mongolian tactics. After repeated charges were blocked by the Qing army's infantry phalanx, they were extremely exhausted. Three thousand brave cavalry raided from the side and rear, immediately causing chaos for the Mobei cavalry.

Duoduo was about to send the infantry to charge forward, when he heard that Shangshan was not supported, he couldn't help feeling depressed, but he didn't dare to ignore the tens of thousands of enemy troops behind him.

He immediately pointed to Mu Long'er, the lieutenant general beside him, and ordered him to lead [-] infantry to support him. After thinking about it, he was afraid that it would be unsafe, so he sent [-] elite soldiers with white flags to go together.

After Mu Long's forehead was counted, the men and horses hurried westward, but just after walking two miles away, they suddenly heard shouts from the side. There were hundreds of corpses, and they fled far away like flying.

The Qing army's rearranged formation started again, and Teng Jisi also arrived as scheduled, and Mu Longe had to stop to form a burst of gunfire to block.

Teng Jisi got Dai Xiuyuan's orders, so he turned his head and left without further entanglement.

Mu Long'er was so harassed that he couldn't get out of the four miles for half an hour, so he had to ask Duoduo to send cavalry reinforcements.The latter was so annoyed that he sent 700 people from Wakda's Xiaoqi to follow Teng Jisi, so that Mulong'er was able to move forward.

Nearly [-] enemy troops were lost in the Tuxietu and Zhasaktu tribes, and the pressure suddenly dropped, and the already dangerous situation stabilized again.

Let's talk about Mu Long'er's side, when he finally got rid of the entanglement and rushed to the west side, Shangshan's army was surrounded, arrows rained down all around, screams of dying were endless, and soldiers knelt down from time to time beg for surrender.

And Mu Long'e also received the same "reception" from Shang Shan, and he only had [-] people, and he was surrounded within a short time.

Seeing that the army and the Khalkhas were at a stalemate, Doduo became more and more anxious. He tried to force the army to move forward several times but failed, so he wanted to lead his henchmen to attack the enemy's position again.

At this moment, he only heard the sound of horseshoes behind him, and when he hurriedly turned his head, he saw Mang Gudai galloping with two thousand cavalry.Behind him, there are more than 2000 soldiers carrying guns, swords and spears, jumping off their horses and forming an array nearby...

There was no suspense in the ensuing battle. Although there were only more than 4000 Dunites behind the Duduo army, it was enough to break the balance.

Many people from the Tuxietu and Zhasaktu tribes died at the hands of the Manchus before, and at this time they went crazy and repeatedly attacked the Qing army's positions.

However, Gebush escaped from danger for Prince Baoyu and personally led the remnants of the Xiangbai Banner to resist desperately, but he also killed many Mongolian soldiers in his desperate efforts.

Dai Xiuyuan watched from a distance as the soldiers and horses on both sides continued to die under the light of swords and bullets, and he couldn't help sighing inwardly.In fact, based on the current situation, the Mongolian ministries should be surrounded instead of attacked. It only takes half a day for the Jianlu to lose their morale and surrender.

But he just watched silently, the more the Manchu and Mongolian races fight each other, the more beneficial it will be for Daming.In this battle just now, although the three major tribes in Mobei united with the Sunite Department and nearly wiped out the [-] Doduo army, their combat power was still slightly weaker than that of the Qing army, so their casualties were definitely not rare.

After this battle, Jianlu's power outside the Great Wall is bound to be severely hit, and the tribes including Khalkha, Tumed, Chahar, and Horqin will find it difficult to slow down for a long time.

It wasn't until dawn the next day that Teng Jisi and Mobei's troops cleaned up the remnants of the Qing army.Except that Duoduo fled to Hailin Grotto with more than 300 guards, more than [-]% of his [-] troops were killed or beheaded by Teng Jisi to vent his anger, and the rest were distributed to various tribes of Khalkha as slaves on the spot.

Teng Jisi was drinking with the generals of Khalkha's various ministries to celebrate the great victory, when he saw Ha Erhu approaching and said in a low voice: "Brother, we lost a total of [-] warriors in the battle yesterday..."

Teng Jisi looked at the blood-soaked grassland and sighed in his heart, but then he stuffed a bowl of wine into Halhu's hand, smiled and chatted with the others again.

Men in the desert are like wolves in the cold winter, either desperately killing bison for a full meal, or being pushed to death by the horns, they have long been used to death.

He knew that Sunit's losses were not the biggest. Just now he heard from the people of Zasaktu that nearly 5000 people died in total yesterday.

But the loss of the [-] Manchu army is the most important thing!
(End of this chapter)

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