The Rise of Ming Dynasty 1646

Chapter 277 Eliminate the Old Warlords

Chapter 277 Eliminate the Old Warlords
Even Lang Jingye, who had the strongest military force and was stationed near Zheng Zhilong's hometown, accepted the transformation of the imperial court. The warlords in Fujing basically gave up resistance when they saw this, and handed over their troops to the Ministry of War to reorganize the police.

As for the soldiers, they returned to their hometowns happily, and all of them sincerely appreciated the kindness of His Royal Highness the Assistant King.

Of course, there are exceptions, such as the Jianning government and general Wei Ang, because he did not want to lose his military power, he led his [-] troops to sneak out of Xianxia Pass and go north to Zhejiang to join Fang Guoan.

However, Zhu Linmi had already strictly ordered Xianxia to guard the gate, and no one was allowed to leave the gate until the imperial court ordered it.Wei Ang lied to the pass that there was no hope, and seeing that there were less than a thousand defenders at the pass, he ordered an attack on the pass.

But Xianxia Pass is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If Zheng Chenggong hadn't used a plan to capture the city gate, or if the Dragon Guards wanted to capture it, they would have to pay a lot of casualties, let alone Wei Ang's miscellaneous troops.

Liu Guoxuan heard that there was something wrong with Xianxia Pass, so he and Lin Yaotian immediately sent reinforcements from Quzhou to the south.They didn't want to wait until they arrived at Xianxia Pass three days later, most of Wei Ang's troops had already fled.

Lin Yaotian's rebel army defeated it completely with only one surprise attack, and captured Wei Ang alive in front of the battle.

The civil servants of Tianxing Mansion have such a keen sense of smell. Seeing that His Royal Highness the Assistant Government ordered the Ministry of War to be reorganized, in fact, to overtake the warlords from all over the world, they knew that a storm was coming, and this was a good opportunity to gain political capital.

They were struggling to participate in it, so they heard that Wei Ang gathered troops to plot rebellion.

All of a sudden, the officials headed by the Metropolitan Procuratorate felt as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and the memorial to impeach Wei Ang was piled up three feet thick in Wenyuan Pavilion.

Soon, the officials found that impeaching Wei Ang was nothing new, and then turned their attention to other officers whose military power had been cut.

None of these warlords had a clean buttocks. In the past, these people were self-respecting soldiers, and civil officials were quite afraid of them.But now that they are all polished commanders, who still takes them seriously, all the crap was exposed at once, and the number of memorials is so large that Huang Daozhou barely read it after staying up for two nights.

Soon, some smart people wrote a lot about the fact that these warlords did not follow the order of the auxiliary king a few months ago and passively avoided the war, and immediately set off a wave of impeachment.

Zhu Linmei originally planned to stabilize these warlords first, and then clean them up after he returned to Tianxing Mansion.But I didn't expect that when he was still in Quanzhou, the cabinet had already drawn up the handling regulations, and quickly sent them to Nan'an to ask him for instructions-Tianxing Mansion is really "excited", and the efficiency is not high.

A total of 74 military officers were involved this time, ranging from the ranks of generals and commanders to thousands of generals and hundreds of households.Looking at the crimes behind each name, at least there are more than a dozen, "cooperating with captives" and "conspiracy" can be found everywhere.As for such things as corruption, living on empty pay, cowardly fighting and avoiding the enemy, almost everyone did not run away.

The handling opinions are basically the same, ranging from extermination of the clan to execution of the decision, followed by the signatures of the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Punishment, which shows that the court's opinions are completely consistent.

Zhu Linming was not polite, and at the construction site of Nan'an Shipyard, she signed on a beech wood ship more than ten meters long, stamped it, and handed it over to the officials sent by the cabinet, "That's how it is done. Go back and use the seal, and immediately release it to all parts of Fujing for implementation."

Then he wrote another letter to Zhang Jiayu, asking him to closely monitor the movements of the impeached officers, and beware of them jumping over the wall in a hurry.If necessary, you can lead the army to quell the chaos first, and then ask the Ministry of War to transfer orders.

It is conceivable that after the large-scale disposal of officers who were not dispatched from the court this time, the internal discipline of the Ming army will definitely improve significantly.The lessons learned from the past are here, who would dare to eat a leopard and not take the imperial court's order seriously?

Moreover, disposing of these stubborn old-style warlords will be more conducive to the smooth development of subsequent military reforms.

When a large number of students from the two military academies graduate and join the Dragon Guard Army and Polu Camp, it will be a new beginning for the Ming Army—elite, efficient, and high-morale. With a large number of advanced weapons, the result is bound to be invincible!
Even though the transformation of the army has come to an end, Zhu Linmi also breathed a sigh of relief, and now she can concentrate on the resumption of production at the Nan'an Shipyard.

He turned his head and looked at the flat and gentle slopes on the seashore in the distance. If no one told him, he would never have thought that it was the slipway.

According to Wailang Pangzhu, a member of the Ministry of Industry, when a ship needs to be built, a large number of inclined wooden slats will be laid on the gentle slope, and then the keel will be laid on the wooden slats and supported by a large number of wooden supports.

As the hull continues to be built, more and more wooden frames are used to support it.It was not until the whole boat was built that the brackets were dismantled, and the bottom of the ship was made of logs, supplemented with a lot of grease. The hull was dragged by a winch, and slowly rowed into the sea along the logs.

So far, the ship has been built.

And there is still a lot of open space around the so-called slipway, and some simple sheds have been built on it, which are places for stacking tools, ropes, processing wood, and casting iron parts.

There is also a place that has been smoked by smoke and fire. It is the place where the timber used for shipbuilding is piled up. Zheng Zhilong burned all the materials with a fire.

It wasn't until Zhu Lin came here a few days ago that people cleaned up the waste left on the ground, and asked Pang Zhu to find craftsmen to rebuild the warehouse.

Overall, this is far from the meticulous and well-organized shipyard he imagined.It can be predicted that with the efficiency of such a crude shipyard, by the time the Daming navy he needs is built, the court's finances will probably have collapsed several times.

Fortunately, after he found out the overall situation of the shipyard in the past two days, he already had some rectification plans in mind.

For example, on the berth, wooden slide rails can be built first, with criss-crossing wooden bars on the top to form a frame, and a large number of wheels are installed under the wooden frame.The new ship will be built on this platform.

This kind of berth can keep the hull away from the ground and avoid being soaked in dirty water in rainy days.

You should know that once the wooden keel is over-soaked, you must wait for it to dry before continuing the subsequent process, otherwise the wet wood is extremely difficult to open holes and easily deformed.If there is continuous rainy weather, dozens of days will be wasted just waiting for the wood to dry.

Secondly, this kind of slide rail is very helpful for new boats to enter the water.The old method of using logs to slide a boat into the water required laying the logs and applying grease, a step that took days alone.And there will be a lot of wear and tear on the hull.

However, if slide rails are used to row the hull together with the wooden frame below into the water, it will save time and effort, and will not wear the hull.

Moreover, after a ship is launched into the sea, the wooden frame is towed back, and the construction of a new ship can be started almost immediately.With the traditional method, the logs and grease need to be cleaned first, and then the inclined wooden strips are laid from scratch, which will take at least several days.

This is not counting the price of thousands of catties of "lubricating oil" used.Grease is expensive in this era. Although the oil used for launching a new ship is tung oil and all kinds of messy grease, and part of it can be recycled, but even so, the price of grease consumed for launching a large ship with a thousand materials is also high. More than a hundred taels.

(End of this chapter)

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