The Rise of Ming Dynasty 1646

Chapter 138 Robbery Camp

Chapter 138 Robbery Camp
The sound of four blades slashing at the human body appeared one after another, accompanied by the sound of "plopping" and falling to the ground.

These killers were clearly prepared long ago, not only did they strike fiercely, but until now, none of the dead had issued a cry, only a muffled "uh" sound could be heard vaguely.

Durd, who had been through battle for a long time, listened attentively, and roughly estimated that no less than four or fifty people had been killed in this moment.

The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer to his cage. Finally, the assailant seemed to have made a mistake, and someone shouted: "The camp was robbed! Someone intercepted..."

Immediately, a sharp knife was heard piercing into the body, and the shouting stopped abruptly.

"Hack the camp?!" Dould was ecstatic when he heard these two words, but he didn't know the identity of these people who hijacked the camp. He was hesitating whether to call for help when he heard someone not far away shouting: "I Here! Hero, help!"

It's Mu Teng'er.

After the continuous sound of heavy axes chopping wood, Mu Teng's voice reappeared, "Thank you, hero!"

Durd couldn't hold back any longer, and hurriedly said in the direction of the voice: "I am Durd, save me!"

"Master Meilezhangjing?!" The sound of chaotic footsteps came towards him immediately.

At the same time, there were bursts of urgent horn sounds in the distance, and then the sound of orders and footsteps covered the surrounding area for several miles. Obviously, the Ming army had discovered that someone had robbed the camp and was mobilizing troops to stop it.

"Quick, quick! The Ming army is coming!" The man who hacked the prison cage did not cut off the wooden fence three times in a row, so Durd couldn't help urging him.

"My lord, be safe and don't be impatient. I've been prepared for it, so I'll be sure that nothing will go wrong." Immediately someone comforted him.

Before the man finished speaking, he heard several muffled noises from two miles away, and then the entire northwest side was ablaze, the Ming army suddenly fell into panic, and all kinds of shouts rang out.

"Go away!"

"Someone is burning food and grass."

"The enemy is attacking the general camp, hurry to support!"

With the light of the fire in the distance, Durd finally saw the vague outlines of his rescuers. There were about 40 or [-] people running around, breaking open the cage to release his men.

With a sound of "click", the cage was finally shattered. Durd desperately got out of the hole, but because of being locked up for too long, his legs were numb, and he staggered and fell to the ground.

Just then a group of Ming soldiers shouted, "Thieves are robbing prisoners!" They rushed over with torches, knives and guns.

"Defend the enemy!" Someone from the camp robbers gave an order, and immediately there was a continuous sound of arrows piercing through the air. The knife and axe who ravaged the body took a few hits to save his life.

Someone quickly extinguished the torches with a soil cover.

Taking advantage of the light of the torch that only appeared for a moment, Durd saw several corpses of Ming soldiers lying five steps away in front of him, all with a knife wound on their necks, and blood dripping all over the ground.

He propped up his upper body vigorously, and saw many corpses in that strange dark green military uniform scattered in the distance. They were the Ming army responsible for guarding the prisoners.

When the fire was extinguished, they heard the sound of horseshoes approaching from far to near. Someone immediately helped Durd up, "My lord, the torch just now must have attracted the Ming army. Follow me!"

Then the man greeted his subordinates again, "Master Meilezhangjing has been rescued, it's too late for the others, get out!"

Several people dragged Durd for a while, and when they reached a pile of bushes, someone led the horse out again.Dozens of people jumped on the saddles one after another, kicked the horse's belly and galloped away.

Those who were intercepted by a small group of Ming soldiers along the way were immediately cut down by the few camp robbers who rushed to the front with their knives.Fortunately, most of the Ming army was busy dealing with the arsonists on the northwest side, and Durd's blocking force was not too great.

Du De looked back with lingering fear, and the camp of the Ming army had been left several miles behind him, and the flames rose more than ten feet high, obviously the fire was extremely intense.

He collected himself, looked left and right, and didn't know who to talk to, so he said loudly: "I don't know which benefactor rescued me?"

Then I heard a rather young voice say: "I don't dare to take the word 'benefactor'. I, Zheng Sen, passed by here and learned that Lord Meile Zhangjing fell into the enemy's hands, so I came to help."

"Zheng Sen?" Durd obviously didn't know him.

On the side, Mu Teng'er immediately continued: "You are Zheng Zhilong... the eldest son of Governor Zheng?"

"It's down."

"Thank you Mr. Zheng for saving me..."

"My lord, wait a moment..." Mu Teng'e hurriedly interrupted him, "I heard that Zheng Zhilong's second and third sons have all pledged their allegiance to our dynasty, but his eldest son has always been stubborn The minister lives on his own."

"Oh?" Du De frowned and looked at Zheng Chenggong, but there were only a few torches in the team, and he couldn't see his appearance clearly, "Is this true?"

"Hmph!" Zheng Chenggong sneered, "It's true. The emperor of Nanming was kind to me earlier, so he couldn't bear to abandon him. Who would have expected that guy to be suspicious of me because of my father, and his treacherous subordinates would come back to me?" The slander wants to put someone to death!

"I just regretted not listening to my father's words. Fortunately, my subordinates fought with their lives and rescued me.

"My father, who has already studied books, went to serve under the command of General Zhengnan, and I am leading my family to Jianning Mansion."

Du De nodded when he heard this. Zheng Zhilong has surrendered, and the Han people value filial piety. His son has no reason to continue to be an enemy of the Qing Dynasty.He praised: "Knowing kindness and repaying it is the work of a hero! Nanming's foolish king doesn't know a hero, so he deserves the ruin of his country. But Mr. Zheng is going to Jianning at this time, I'm afraid I won't see Lord Baylor..."

"My lord!" Mu Teng'er whispered next to Du De, "Under suspicion, could it be that the southerners are trying to trick you into trusting your lord?"

Dould frowned again and nodded slightly.Although he didn't really believe that Zheng Zhilong's eldest son would die loyal to Nanming, but the Han people are so cunning and guarding against others is indispensable, and it won't be too late to tell them apart when they arrive at the Qing army camp in Jianning.

Suddenly, a rumbling horseshoe was heard from the side and rear, accompanied by a few short whistles.

Immediately, someone rode their horses side by side with Zheng Chenggong, and hurriedly reported: "General, the Ming army is chasing after us, and there are estimated to be more than a hundred horses!"

Mu Teng sneered and said, "My lord, the bidder was right! This Zheng Zheng didn't mean to save us at all!"

"My lord is loyal, don't listen to his nonsense!" Zheng Chenggong said anxiously, "My lord comes with me. I have sent someone to meet him at Jiazhudu dozens of miles away, as long as we get on the boat, we can get rid of the pursuers! "

Now that his whereabouts were discovered, Zheng Chenggong simply ordered someone to light a torch, carefully distinguish the road, and steed his horse into a rough path.

Durd had no other choice right now, thinking to himself that at most he would be captured again, pulled the reins, and kicked his horse to follow.

The Ming army followed closely behind, but they should have chased out in a hurry, each with only one rider, although they didn't stay behind and shouted loudly, they were always three or four hundred paces away from Zheng Chenggong and his party and couldn't get close.

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  In ancient times, the boundless sky has nurtured infinite mysteries, what should be the next step?How strong can a living being be?What are the differences between civilizations?All in between Qing Ming!

(End of this chapter)

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