Noble daughter does not want to marry

Chapter 132 Jiang Yi, No One Has Treated Me So Kindly

Chapter 132 Jiang Yi, No One Has Treated Me So Kindly

This throne can be given to any prince of the Feng family, but it cannot be given to someone who is disguised as a normal person. He doesn't even know his identity, and he should be in collusion with foreign thieves. Such a person is not worthy of sitting in his Feng family.

"Anyway, no matter what Feng Lisu does, if he wants to marry tomorrow, then marry him. Anyway, I will not enter the palace, and it has been raining for several days, and the water is flooding everywhere. Even the imperial city will become a sea. Outside Now there is probably a lot of groaning, and besides, I have been rumored to be a disaster for the country and the people, if Feng Lisu doesn't deal with it properly at this time, he will probably be scolded as a fool."

Now standing on a high-rise building, all you see every day is the sea!

Suddenly, Chang Xiangsi's clear water eyes became gloomy, "Let me know who is spreading the rumor about me this time, and I will definitely not let it go!"

At present, there are Chang Huanhuan, Qin Yier, and Concubine Shu who she has not yet taken revenge on!
She Chang Xiangsian can tolerate them hurting her, but she will never let it go easily!

Feng Jiangyi nodded, "I won't let them go! By the way, as for Concubine Shu's group, why don't I ask someone to show them some color first, and when the turmoil on our side is over, you Go and clean them up, I will be your backing!"

Chang Xiang thought for a while, then smiled, "Then...find a few poisonous scorpions that won't sting anyone and throw them into their quilts!"

"There is a kind called the golden scorpion, which is slightly poisonous and can't sting anyone, but it will spit out a liquid when it touches the skin. The liquid will become red, swollen and festered when it touches the skin. It is very painful, but it is not life-threatening, but it can be cured Scars will definitely be left afterwards. If the three of them want to die, then let them be fulfilled! I will give them a lesson in a while!"

Chang Xiangsi nodded in a good mood and agreed, "It is time to teach them some lessons, so that they won't have so much time to study and harm others."

Feng Jiangyi reluctantly let go of her, "I'll give you an order!"

At night, there was constant thunder, and lightning even lit up the entire sky. Even though the doors and windows were tightly closed, they were still blown by the strong wind.

Chang Xiangsi slept alone outside the screen, listening to the sound of rolling thunder and raindrops falling on the roof, she felt that she couldn't sleep because of tossing and turning, and her heart was even more irritable.

Maybe she turned over too much, and Feng Jiangyi, who was sleeping inside the screen, said, "Can't you sleep?"

"Hmm. It's too loud!"

Then I felt like I was doing it, it was like this the past few nights, didn't she sleep well?

But I didn't sleep well last night, I woke up several times, but I didn't feel sleepy during the day.

At this moment, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the room, Feng Jiangyi got up, walked to Chang Xiangsi's bed, lifted the quilt for the last time, got under the bed, and covered her ears with her hands.

"Is the voice a little quieter?"

Chang Xiangsi said, "The voice is quieter, but I don't feel sleepy."

Feng Jiangyi let go of her hand, "How about getting up and playing chess or talking with me if you don't feel sleepy?"

"It's late at night, let's go to sleep! Go back to your bed!" Chang Xiangsi kicked his calf lightly.

How could Feng Jiangyi be such an easy-going person, he immediately hugged her in his arms.

"Hey, just lie down if you don't want to sleep. It's warmer for the two of you to sleep together. It has been raining for the past few days and the temperature has become much colder."

Chang Xiangsi knew it was not good to send him away, so she simply let him go, but she was still a little embarrassed when she thought about his physiological reaction when they slept together last time.

But the two of them are really warm together.

She simply buried herself in his arms, sniffing the clear plum fragrance on his body, only to feel that her irritability gradually improved.

Feeling the person in his arms settled down, Feng Jiangyi closed his eyes, but when he was about to fall asleep, the person in his arms became restless again, turned over and sighed, as if irritable look.

"Acacia, what's the matter?"

"Irritable! Some chest tightness, want to sleep but the consciousness is very clear, can't fall asleep. As soon as I close my eyes, I can't wait to open them again. I don't feel sleepy at all."

Chang Xiangsi took a deep breath, lay back on Feng Jiangyi's arms and sniffed the scent of plum fragrance, and calmed down slowly after a while, but not long after, she continued to be irritable, tossing like this.

Feng Jiangyi also finds it strange that Chang Xiangsia sleeps well on weekdays, and fell asleep after lying down for a while, but she seemed to get up several times yesterday, especially in the middle of the night, he was also hardly slept by her noise.

"Today's diet is the same as mine, and I didn't drink tea, and I didn't eat anything refreshing..."

In the darkness, Feng Jiangyi frowned, "I'll ask the doctor to show you how things are going tomorrow."

Chang Xiangsi also felt that there must be something wrong with her, she didn't sleep well yesterday, and today she is suffering from insomnia, obviously her body is exhausted enough, but her spirit is so full of vigor.

Chang Xiangsi nodded and nestled quietly in his arms, "Go to sleep!"

Feng Jiangyi didn't fall asleep, but raised her hand and patted her on the back lightly, Chang Xiangsi was slightly stunned, because no one had ever treated her like this.

She has no memory of her childhood, and she has been independent since she was sensible, and she doesn't even know who her mother is, and naturally no mother has cared for her like this.

And Chang Xiangsi didn't have such a memory in her memory, perhaps Chang Xiang or Mrs. Chang had treated Chang Xiangsai like this, but her childhood memories were too chaotic, and she didn't even have Mrs. Chang's appearance.

"Jiang Yi, no one has ever treated me like this." She muffled in his arms.

"From now on, I will treat you like this, only for you alone."

Feng Jiangyi smiled lightly, hugged her body tightly with one hand, and patted her back lightly with the other hand.

It was stormy and thunderous outside, but inside the house he felt warm and peaceful.

Finally willing to call him Jiang Yi!

Even though Chang Xiangsi didn't feel sleepy, she still calmed down and nestled in his arms like this, with her eyes open, listening to his heartbeat.

After finally surviving until dawn, Feng Jiangyi stayed up all night, and Chang Xiangsi also stayed up all night, but Feng Jiangyi is a person who practiced martial arts all the year round. Although he was poisoned and weak, but after all, his inner strength is strong and he can still sleep without sleep for two or three days. good.

But Chang Xiangsi's body wasn't her original after all, so she didn't sleep well for two days, she seemed to be a bit sluggish, her complexion started to turn bad, and she felt a little sick.

Feng Jiangyi saw that she looked haggard, but she didn't feel sleepy at all, so she immediately asked Xiaoer to invite the doctor over early in the morning.

The heavy rain outside is still there, and the stagnant water downstairs has flooded in, and the water on the first floor has risen to knee height.

The whole street was deserted, and the stagnant water had already reached the thighs. Xiaoer got the order and immediately walked towards the deserted street in a coir raincoat. After about half an hour, he invited a young doctor over. In the restaurant, the two of them were soaked from top to bottom. They took off their coir raincoats, and the clothes inside were almost soaked.

At this time, Feng Jiangyi and Chang Xiangsi both changed their appearances, Chang Xiangsi still didn't change her clothes, but Feng Jiangyi's red robe had been changed, and she had put on another white robe, dressed as a scholar.

"My lord, the doctor is here!" Xiao Er knocked on the door.

"come in!"

The door was pushed open, and the doctor walked in carrying the medicine box. When he saw the two people in the room, his gaze finally fell on Chang Xiangsi.

"Is this girl going to see a doctor?"

Chang Xiangsi nodded, "Please trouble the doctor to come here in such a rainy day."

"It's okay!" The young doctor shook his head and asked, "The girl looks haggard, but there's something wrong with her."

Chang Xiangsi then mentioned all the symptoms of the past two days, "Uneasy, unreasonable irritability, chest tightness, I haven't slept well for two days, especially last night, my body is obviously very tired, but my spirit is extremely exhausted. Well, I don’t know doctor, what kind of disease am I suffering from?”

"How's the diet?"

"Normal diet."

"Can you take any refreshing medicine?"

Chang Xiangsi shakes her head.

The doctor took out a silk handkerchief from his bosom and put it on Chang Xiangsi's wrist, and then caught her pulse. Feng Jiangyi watched from the side, with obvious worry in his eyes.

After a long while, the doctor said, "There is nothing wrong with the pulse condition. Sorry, I don't see any other problems, but I will give Zhang Ningshen medicine a try. It may be effective!"

Feng Jiangyi frowned, "If there is no problem, why can't you sleep for two days in a row? Hey, are you a quack doctor?"

The doctor hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, but the girl has nothing wrong with her and her pulse is normal. Maybe... Does this girl have something on her mind? If so, it will also cause insomnia."

Could it be because of today's concubine ceremony?
Feng Jiangyi was silent for a while, and looked at Chang Xiangsi, "Do you have something on your mind?"

Chang Xiangsi shook her head, "No!" What can she have on her mind that can make her insomnia?
Even when she was imprisoned by Chang Xiangsi, she couldn't sleep well on the first day, and after she figured out the rest, she slept all day long.

She didn't care about the imperial concubine even more, Feng Lisu made those up, so what's the matter with her?

So she said, "Doctor, please write Zhang Ningshen's prescription and try it!"

The doctor nodded.

Feng Jiangyi snorted softly and fetched a pen, ink, paper and inkstone for him. Seeing that the doctor quickly wrote down the prescription, he took out a piece of gold from his bosom and handed it to him, "If the prescription is effective, there will be a lot of rewards later!"

The doctor was a little terrified when he saw that what he gave was gold, "My lord, I don't need so much, I just prescribed a prescription."

Xiaoer came in very cleverly and immediately picked up the prescription, "Sir, you can accept the money if you give it to you. If the prescription is effective, we will reward you later! It's raining and there is water everywhere, bothering the doctor. I will send the doctor back, and grab some medicine along the way."

When Xiaoer sent the doctor back, Chang Xiangsi lay back lazily, but she didn't feel sleepy at all.

Thinking about how hard and tiring she was as a killer back then, even when her life was hanging by a thread, she could sleep soundly. Now, is it true that she really suffers from insomnia because today is the day when the emperor is going to marry her?
How can it be!

Could she still be so annoyed by such a thing that she could not sleep for two days?
Feng Jiangyi sat down beside the bed again, and held her weak little hand, "Acacia, do you really have something on your mind?"

Chang Xiangsi wanted to cry without tears, "No! I really don't care! Chang Xiang's rebellion has now been known by the emperor, and Chang Xiang was disguised by someone else, so it has nothing to do with me. As for my father's whereabouts, to be honest He has ignored me for so many years, and I have been crazy for ten years. Do I have to worry about him? The emperor wants to marry me, it is his wishful thinking, and now I have food and drink here, and the wind is not blowing The rain won't catch me, and the thunder won't hit me."

The sky is falling, and there is a tall man standing on top of it, so what does it have to do with her lovesickness?

Feng Jiangyi sighed, "Wait to see if it works after drinking the medicine. If you can't sleep again, I'll send someone to find a miracle doctor to come over to show you. It's just that the journey is far away, and with the weather like this, it's okay to ask him to come here." It will take some time."

The seven consecutive days of violent wind and rain never stopped, not to mention the road outside was flooded to thigh height, washing away a lot of people, even the emperor's drainage has been good over the years, and now it is flooded.

(End of this chapter)

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