super battleship

Chapter 166 Human VS Metal Demon

Chapter 166 Human VS Metal Demon
The huge metal demon mother star has skimmed the orbit of Jupiter, and the Earth Federation factory stationed in the orbit of Jupiter has long been empty.This huge space factory with a diameter of five kilometers is the production base of the solar furnace. Only in Jupiter, a planet with a structure close to the original sun, can humans manufacture the original solar furnace.And now the entire factory has been evacuated, and even the spaceships that dived into the atmosphere of Jupiter to manufacture primary particles have all returned to the earth circle, and by the way, all the solar furnaces that have been manufactured have been brought back to the earth. Get the original Solar Furnace one last time.If this formidable enemy cannot be defeated, humanity will no longer be able to obtain the original Solar Furnace!
A huge shadow quickly covered the entire parent star space factory. Through the remote monitoring device, the humans on the earth have already known that the enemy is crossing Jupiter.Now the opponent is one Mars away from the Earth's circle.According to the current speed, it only takes ten days for the opponent to reach the Earth's sphere and launch a final attack on the human world!
"Buzz!" It seemed that the Jupiter space factory was peeping at him, and a metal demon cone surged out of the huge metal ocean, and the target was the Jupiter space factory.

At this time, the personnel who were monitoring the opponent on the earth couldn't help being very surprised to see that the opponent actually sent a group of metal demon cones to attack the unmanned Jupiter space factory.What Zhang Fan told him before actually came true, and the other party was not as proficient in strategy as humans.Maybe the opponent has never encountered a race that can pose a threat to it, so the opponent's fighting method is extremely simple, that is, to use crowd tactics to submerge the opponent!If it is based on human thinking, if you want to explore such an empty place, you must send a small group of troops to prevent the enemy from setting traps here and causing huge casualties!
But quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. Even with such a simple tactic, when the number of enemies is in the hundreds of millions, no ingenious tactic can make up for the absolute difference in combat power!
Soon, a large number of metal devil cones ruthlessly stuck on the shell of Jupiter's space factory, and began to penetrate it quickly!
A large number of metal demons have all invaded the abandoned space factory. They are crazily eroding the entire structure of the space factory, trying to find their favorite food-human beings.This kind of creature with advanced intelligence is the most favorite resource of metal demons, devouring other intelligent races is the source of their evolution!
But these metal devils never imagined that in this abandoned space factory, there is a mysterious object protected by a radiation-proof lead container, waiting for these evil guests to come to the door!

Seeing that most of the metal demon fragments had penetrated into the space factory, the two surveillance personnel glanced at each other and pressed a red detonation button at the same time.

Over the dim sky of Jupiter, a flash of light suddenly appeared, and the light was so dazzling!It even illuminated Jupiter's atmosphere in an instant, and the huge light radiation instantly pierced through these small metal demons, causing them to quickly melt, deform and explode in the excess light radiation!

The source of this flash came from the interior of the Jupiter space factory. Under the incomparable force, the hard shell of the entire Jupiter space factory was easily torn into tiny pieces, and vaporized in an instant!Countless metal demon fragments corroding the space factory were all destroyed, and even the metal devil fragments surrounding the space factory were also affected, causing heavy losses!
What caused this huge explosion was a super hydrogen bomb with an equivalent of over [-] million TNT!This is Zhang Fan's special greeting gift to the metal demon. This is the clarion call for counterattack launched by human beings, which indicates that human beings will never sit still, but rise up to resist!

An invisible wave began to erupt in the entire metal ocean. It was the anger of the metal demon mother planet. In its eyes, a small earth dared to resist the great metal devourer and the supreme master.This is absolutely unforgivable, human beings must be destroyed!The earth will also be destroyed, he will completely destroy the entire human world, use the death of a civilization as a sacrifice, and use this to please the supreme master!

The angry metal demon mother star accelerated its action speed again, heading towards the earth circle at an even faster speed!

Nine days later, at a place about 50 kilometers away from the earth-moon orbit, the largest fleet in human history assembled here, with a total of 23 fleets of about 450 warships of various types and 180 mobile suits of various types. All fighters and deformed fighters are stationed in this airspace!The total number of participants reached a staggering [-] million!And there are tens of millions of people in charge of logistics maintenance in the rear!
Behind this astonishing number of battleships is an interstellar fortress with a diameter of fifteen kilometers!The entire fortress is fully armed to the teeth, with various gun barrels inserted all over the body.

And this is just the beginning, Zhang Fan has completely controlled the rights of the Earth Federation, and deliberately named himself the commander-in-chief of the Earth Federation Defense Fleet!Unify all 23 fleets!And implement military control around the world, collecting all nuclear weapons in the world. Although the attack efficiency of these old-age weapons is not high, compared with ordinary particle missiles, the ultra-high temperature and terrible light radiation of nuclear weapons can destroy metal demons in a small range Sexual lethal effect!Therefore, in order to enrich the arsenal as much as possible, all these old-age weapons have also been transformed to launch ultra-long-range cruise missiles!

According to the opinion of Captain Qin Jia, the senior staff officer of the fleet, the entire fleet has been arranged in a huge circular formation. There will be [-] fleets in the circular formation to form a huge firepower network, and the other two fleets will be used as backup fleets to replace them at any time. Keep the whole battle array intact!
The two fleets directly under Zhang Fan will carry out covert operations.Since the enemy's metal ocean has more than [-] million metal demon fragments, without completely stripping off this layer of protection, the attack of the fleet can't penetrate the defense of the opponent's home planet at all, causing a devastating blow to it!Therefore, after a lot of tactical deduction, the most effective tactic at present is to attack the east and attack the west, hoping to lure out all the metal demon fragments of the opponent, and then Zhang Fan's two direct fleets will implement the beheading tactic!

Although this tactic is theoretically feasible, in fact, due to the large number of opponents, according to the calculation of the super quantum computer Veda, the frontal fleet may be completely defeated within [-] hours. If within this time, Zhang Fan's If the two fleets fail to break through each other's defense circle and attack the core of their parent star, the entire defense fleet will collapse.The results were disastrous!After the fleet is completely destroyed, the human world will no longer have any defensive measures. At that time, the entire human world will be ruthlessly destroyed by the opponent, and human beings will perish!
(End of this chapter)

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