super battleship

Chapter 157 The Metal Demon Strikes

Chapter 157 The Metal Demon Strikes
It has been a year since the establishment of the new Earth Federation, and the entire human society has undergone tremendous changes.First of all, the major media began to call for human beings to enter the universe, which caused a surge in the number of people participating in the space army and space construction, and the entire space development plan was greatly improved.In addition, a large number of advanced technologies began to spread rapidly to the entire society, and a large number of super projects began to break ground. These construction plans brought about a new round of economic prosperity in the entire human society. An unprecedented scene of prosperity!This has made the Earth Federation's support rate on the entire planet rise steadily, the entire human group's sense of identity with the Earth Federation has greatly improved, and the control of the Earth Federation has also reached its peak!However, even though the Earth Federation has made great achievements this year, there are still many people who have doubts about the existence of this huge Federation, and this number is not a small number. Humans who have doubts about the necessity of the Federation at least occupy [-]% of the entire human race. Although these people have been unable to prevent the federation from being integrated, their spokespersons are still a considerable opposition force in the federation system. What about separatism, don't they know that in the vast universe, if human beings are not unified, they have no power to compete with other civilizations!
But soon an opportunity appeared in front of Zhang Fan, and he and others came to this world to search for the real master, the trace of the metal demon appeared!
A long time ago, Zhang Fan recalled Yolanda and Alexei's squadron and made improvements using Gundam World's technology!More importantly, after the establishment of the Earth Federation, the solar system defense plan was put on the agenda.Relying on the new technologies provided by the Astral Legion and the Celestial Organization, a variety of new space warships have been manufactured.These new warships have high-thrust GN particle engines, equipped with GN particle cannons and GN particle missiles, and can be quickly deployed in the solar system.Moreover, the Star World Legion also kindly provided a simplified version of the mandatory wave armor, which greatly improved the defense of these warships!And these new warships are divided into three parts, one part is stationed in lunar orbit as the escort fleet of the mother planet Earth, and this escort fleet includes Zhang Fan's first fleet!It's just that the people on Earth don't know that this special fleet comes from another world, but the conscription work of the Astral Corps has already started. As an independent fleet, the Astral Corps has the priority to recruit elites from the major federal fleets.

In addition to the Earth Guard Fleet stationed on the moon, there is also a Jupiter fleet stationed in Jupiter's orbit to support the production of solar furnaces on Jupiter. This mysterious technology is a super black technology that Zhang Fan has been coveting for a long time!The solar furnace is a mechanism that can generate semi-permanent energy. When the GN particles in the solar furnace evaporate and cause mass collapse, huge positive electrons and photons will be generated, so it can generate huge energy.Not only can it be easily miniaturized, but it can also reduce heat dissipation, so it has excellent privacy.However, the manufacture of this thing is also extremely troublesome. The factory satellite ship must be placed in a high-gravity state with high energy. After a period of time, the so-called [cosmic egg] will be produced when the material shape undergoes a phase change, which is the original particle. , this primordial particle will release a subspecies of particle indefinitely: GN particle.As long as these primary particles can be sealed and the particle control function can be added, the real solar furnace will be completed.

At first, when the Celestial Organization first joined the Astral Legion, there were still a large number of people in the entire organization who had great resistance to this Astral Legion of unknown origin, especially the other party actually wanted Celestial's housekeeping treasure-the solar furnace.However, these people's recalcitrance is nothing more than a mantis' arm. Under the guidance of the leading party, the boss of the Heavenly Man, Aiolia, Zhang Fan directly names those families or consortiums that are not obedient.Zhang Fan doesn't care about the specific implementation steps. Anyway, the final result is that all discordant voices disappear, and most families and consortiums remain neutral or compromise. As for the stubborn ones, they have to let Yuriko come forward !During this period, Iolia himself had some objections to this method, but when Zhang Fan brought out a large amount of different world technology, this lonely technical geek immediately put all these nonsense things aside, and enjoyed himself. Go learn and absorb these new knowledge and technologies!As for those families and financial groups who are not obedient?Aiolia said that you wish for good luck!In fact, since a long time ago, he has looked down on these families and consortiums who always say No. It seems that if they don’t say NO at the meeting, they can’t reflect their maverick!If it weren't for the Celestial Organization really needing the support of these large organizations and financial groups, Aiolia would have given them sky lanterns long ago.You must know that this super autistic patient is not a good man and a faithful woman. In order to complete the great cause of human evolution, this super scientist dares to do anything, even doing things that violate ethics and morals like man-made humans, he is willing to do it!

In addition to the two previous fleets in the inner ring of the solar system, the last early warning fleet, the Pluto Fleet, is stationed on the distant Pluto. It takes nearly four months for this fleet to rotate every time. This makes this fleet hanging alone at the outermost edge of the solar system not become a forgotten fleet!But this fleet is always used by a large number of anti-federalization people to criticize the Federation as a waste of taxpayers' money. After all, it does not make any sense to deploy a fleet in such a remote place!
But how do these people know that Zhang Fan's purpose of deploying this fleet is to give early warning!Once the Pluto fleet discovers the metal demon, the entire planet will have enough time to prepare!
However, on the first anniversary of the establishment of the Earth Federation, Zhang Fan's long-awaited metal demon finally came to the outer reaches of the solar system.

At this time, Kleist, the commander of the Pluto fleet, was listening to the report of the fleet explorer: "Commander, the border reconnaissance satellite has detected a strange signal! It seems that something is flying in the direction of outer Pluto, but it seems that the satellite's detection The data is wrong, the size of this thing is too big!"

Hearing the feedback from the detection personnel, Fleet Commander Kleist said dissatisfiedly: "Bastard, give me another inspection, we are the portal of the solar system, and unidentified objects are not allowed to enter the solar system at will. This is what the Earth Federation has given us. mission!"

 Thanks for the rewards of 100 starting coins for buying a canned food to eat hot pot, 100 starting coins for Yinyue Tianxin, 500 starting coins for the overlapping area of ​​the triangle shadow, and 1000 starting coins for Yunling Shuangxue!

(End of this chapter)

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