Chapter 583

Chapter 583
"Mother, am I good?" He Shanshan handed the rescued little coat to Zhang Qiaoshou.

"Yes, yes, you are amazing, really..." Zhang Qiaoshou muttered in his heart, just now he saw his daughter jumping into the river, but she was frightened.

"Mother, isn't sister-in-law going to be born in about two months? Why did you prepare so early? You put it in the water to wash it. After washing it, won't it make you old?"

"You child, mother told you that children's skin is delicate, and new clothes can't stand it, but this clothes will be soft and soft when you wear them after washing and drying them. It won't hurt the children's skin, you know? ?”

He Shanshan nodded.

Zhang Qiaoshou, however, seemed to have been touched, and continued talking.

"When your elder brother was born, mother didn't understand this, so she made him wear new clothes, thinking it was good for him...and it hurt his delicate skin..."

"Later when your second brother was born, mother knew what to do. When you were born, mother knew what to do..."

"Look, your delicate skin is not all raised by your mother? Mother likes girls who are delicate and tender..."

Zhang Qiao's hands didn't stop, and his mouth didn't stop, opening and closing...

At first, He Shanshan was able to keep her spirits up and listen, but gradually she became bored, so she just went in one ear and out the other.

Then, taking advantage of Zhang Qiao's lack of attention, she took the clothes and rinsed them again.

She has followed to the river, why can't she just stand by the river and watch her mother wash clothes?
"Mother can tell you, the water in the river is rushing this spring, we'll leave as soon as the clothes are washed, don't stay in the river, do you understand?"


It is not only Zhang Qiaoshou, but also other people in the village who see that the river is running water, flowing, and washing clothes quickly.

Seeing that He Shanshan had washed the clothes again, Zhang Qiaoshou reached out to grab them again.

"You child, I told you not to let you touch the cold water, why didn't you listen? You are still a girl now, you should pay more attention, you know?" Zhang Qiaoshou muttered.

He Shanshan took the clothes away from Zhang Qiaoshou, giggled, but refused to give them.

"You... ugh..."

Zhang Qiaoshou thought that He Shanshan was going to get married, she was going to get married, maybe she would wash the clothes of his uncles in the future, just thinking about it made him feel distressed, his precious daughter was going to marry and go to someone else's house to suffer.

"The He family, do you still love your daughter so much? Are you not afraid of spoiling the child?"

There was a conversation by the river.

"Let's talk, my daughter is well-behaved, sensible and obedient!" Zhang Qiaoshou did not allow anyone to question her.

There was also a daughter from someone else's family who came to wash with clothes, looking at Zhang Qiaoshou and He Shanshan with indescribable envy and jealousy in her eyes.

That is at this time——


The sound of everything falling into the water sounded, and everyone stood up in surprise, only to see a girl fall into the water.

He Shanshan frowned, she already recognized who the girl was.

Zhang Qiaoshou made a distinction and wrote the letter: "It's my little niece, why does she..."

Zhang Qiaoshou was a little at a loss.

He Shanshan was puzzled, why did He Qian'er fall into the water?She fell into the water, and she fell into something inexplicable, right?

When she was puzzled, He Shanshan turned her head and noticed Yang Jiu not far from the river.

He Shanshan was only stunned for a moment, as if someone had lit a lamp in her head, it instantly lit up.

He Qian'er wouldn't watch Yang Jiu rescue her after she fell into the water, right?
Isn't this how this body is related to Yang Jiu?

Thinking about it this way, He Shanshan felt...that's a lot of money.

"Hurry up and save people, hurry up and save people..." The people on the shore were already in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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