Chapter 263 Do Bad Things Together
Chapter 263 Do Bad Things Together
"With father's temper, he can't be persuaded," He Guangming said weakly.

He Leiluo nodded and looked at Su Fang'er.


Su Fang'er's spineless heart was beating wildly, and now she was afraid of facing such a decision.

In fact, it is better not to participate or not to participate?In this way, you don't have to face a choice, and it can be easier, isn't it?

But now... She is participating as the elder sister-in-law, so... she can't avoid it.


Su Fang'er swallowed, and looked at He Xiangqian, can she listen to her man?

It's easier that way.

He Shanshan didn't expect her native-born sister-in-law of the ancients to have women's autonomy, which is unreasonable.

Of course, if she can have the idea of ​​autonomy, He Shanshan will only be happier, then she will not be an outlier.

"How?" He Shanshan urged.

He Guangming sighed heavily, and said, "Yes, but you have to do what you can, and you can't go too far."

He Shanshan looked at He Leiluo again.

He Leiluo nodded desperately, with such vigor that he wanted to nod his head down, was there any reason for his refusal?

Of the four people in the main room, it was basically confirmed that all three of them agreed to do this, so Su Fang'er didn't make a statement, and the result would not change.

Su Fang'er nodded: "Success, that's it."

"This is a decision made after the four of us discussed together," He Guangming summed up solemnly and word by word.

His idea is that if things don't go well at that time, he won't be able to shirk responsibility, and they are a family!
He Lei looked down, understood what He Guangming meant, and nodded solemnly.

"Yes, brother, I know!" He Leiluo solemnly replied.

Su Fang'er was a little flustered, and didn't understand why she said this again now.

"Little sister is just giving her opinion, the decision is up to us," He Guangming reminded Su Fang'er.

Su Fang'er understood, she took a short breath, nodded uneasily, and understood.

He Shanshan looked at her elder brother, second brother, and new sister-in-law who cared for her, her eyes were all smiling.

"It's good to have you," He Shanshan sighed from the bottom of her heart.

"What silly words?" He Leiluo rolled his eyes.

He Guangming smiled warmly, and he said, "It should be that we have a little girl like you, it's great."

He Shanshan opened her mouth and giggled.

Su Fang'er was a little overwhelmed, and a puzzled look flashed across her eyes. When she met the eyes of the three brothers and sisters, she seemed to understand in a daze.

"Yes," Su Fang'er nodded. She didn't know why she felt happy, but she just felt very happy.

She likes this feeling very much, and will maintain this relationship with everyone.

What is the fastest way to deepen the relationship... probably doing bad things together?
The four discussed it, and they all made up their minds not to tell He Xiangqian and Zhang Qiaoshou.

At this time, they heard the sound of He Xiangqian in their room.

He Shanshan jumped up and rushed over quickly, only to see her parents twisted together.

"Uh... Parents, am I... Uh..."

He Shanshan was very flustered, because she was discovered, and she couldn't leave without a sound.

He Xiangqian thought that the four of them, He Shanshan and the others, should have gone to Jiang's family to retire. When they saw their daughter was still here, He Xiangqian was a little surprised.

Zhang Qiaoshou was also a little surprised, and unconsciously let go of He Xiangqian.

"Cough," He Xiangqian got up and asked, "Where's your eldest brother and second brother?!"

"In the main room," He Shanshan blinked her big eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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