Chapter 208

Long Qianyao opened a door, and Roland walked in anxiously.

I saw a floor-to-ceiling transparent glass head-on, which was a sterile intensive care unit.

"You can go in with this dress on."

Long Qianyao took out a set of sterile clothes from a side cabinet and handed them to Roland.

Roland took it, and the sterile gown was loose, and it was put on the outside directly. She put on her hat before turning on the switch of the glass door.

The whole space smelled faintly of disinfectant. Lu Feifei lay haggard on the hospital bed with an oxygen mask covering his mouth.

All kinds of instruments and medical equipment are attached to the body, and there are little lights flashing on one side, and there is a "beep" sound.

Yin Xiyan sat on the chair next to the bed, although his face was expressionless, he could still see deep anxiety in his eyes.

Looking at his tired face, it seems that he hasn't slept all night.

Roland's steps were a little heavy, and she walked towards Lu Feifan step by step.

It seemed that he was bleeding profusely, his skin was frighteningly white, almost transparent.

Zhang Yang's red hair also seemed to have dimmed.

Sakura's lips were also dry and cracked.

Yin Xiyan took a cotton swab on one side, stained with a little pure water, and wiped it on Lu Feifan's mouth.

Dry lips seemed to become moist all of a sudden.

However, after a while, it became dry again.

Just like that, Yin Xiyan did the same thing again and again.

"Let me do it!"

Roland walked over, and there was an undisguised tremor in her voice.

She wanted to do something for him...

Yin Xiyan raised his eyes to look at her, stood up, and handed her the things in his hand.

Roland took the swab and water, and sat down on the side.

She touched the wet cotton swab to Lu Feifan's lips, and she could feel the softness of his lips.

"How is he—"

Her voice suddenly became dry. She looked at Lu Feifan, who was well dressed, and she couldn't see any injuries at all.

Moreover, she had no idea what happened when they rescued her yesterday! ! !
"My cousin was shot. Fortunately, the bullet grazed the edge of his heart, but the doctor said, as long as Ai can wake up within 72 hours, then nothing will happen. If he can't wake up, then will never wake up."

Yin Xiyan said lightly, he could see Roland's hand holding the cotton swab trembling slightly.

After listening to him, Roland's hands froze in mid-air.

If you can't wake up, you will never wake up.


Something seemed to collapse in her heart, her heart became fragmented, she didn't want that, he didn't want that.

Seeing Roland's changes, Yin Xiyan sighed inaudibly.

I thought she would still act calmly. Seeing her like this, it was worth it for my cousin to do so much for her.

"Cousin, he treats you..."

He glanced at Roland, and still told all the things that Lu Feifan did. Some things, if you don't tell them, no one will ever know.

Following Yin Xiyan's words one after another, Roland's eyes became deeper.

She suddenly felt her nose sour, as if some liquid was about to gush out of her eyes.

She bit her lip hard, trying to restrain herself.

(End of this chapter)

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