Cool and handsome girls' vests

Chapter 77 An accident at the entrance of the cafe

Chapter 77 An accident at the entrance of the cafe

Seeing that Mo Xi didn't object, the other people had no objections even more.

Seeing this, Ling Aoxue clapped her hands: "Since everyone has no objections, let's go. It just so happens that there is a big shopping mall there. Let's go buy some fruits and supplements."

"Okay." Several people answered, and walked to the mall.

As soon as they arrived at the door, there was a rush of screams: "Ah, help, you're killing someone!"

Mo Xi paused for a moment, and followed the voice to look over.

Not far ahead, the crowd fled in all directions, and everyone screamed.

Ling Aoran grabbed a man who was passing by: "Brother, did something happen there?"

The man was pulled back suddenly and almost fell down. Hearing Ling Aoran's question, his expression was flustered and his voice was trembling: "There are three terrorists, all with knives in their hands. Blood"

After he finished speaking, he broke away from Ling Aoran's hand and ran away quickly.

Mo Xi glanced into the distance again, frowned slightly, and then said unhurriedly: "You go in to buy things, I'll go over and have a look."

Xia Shiyan and the others knew that she was good at reaching out, but the other party was carrying a knife, so they were somewhat worried: "Sister Xi, let's leave, the police will come later, leave everything to the police."

Mo Xi glanced at them and said calmly, "Don't worry, they won't hurt me."

After speaking, she walked in that direction.

"Don't worry, Sister Xi's skills have been specially trained, even people from the special forces can't beat her." Ling Aoran looked at Mo Xi's figure who hadn't gone far.

Ling Aoxue also added: "That's right, what you saw before is probably only one-tenth of her strength, so don't worry, let's go in and buy something."

Xia Shiyan, Huo Nan and Tang Qin froze in place.

No one from the special forces can beat Sister Xi?

The previous one was only one-tenth of the strength?
Mo Xi followed the screams and walked over.

Along the way, I bumped into a few people who were in a panic, and some of them were still covered in blood.

She frowned slightly, quickened her pace, and quickly saw the situation clearly.

The accident happened at the entrance of a coffee shop. Three men with knives stood at the entrance. The one standing in the middle held a five or six-year-old boy in his arms. The knife in his hand was placed on the boy's chest. neck.

The ground around the three people was covered in blood, and there were several people lying on the ground. Among them, two men fell on the ground. They seemed to have been cut several times on their bodies, and their bodies were covered in blood. They were motionless, and their life and death were unknown.

"You all don't move. If anyone dares to move, I will stab him to death." The man shouted, his face was full of madness and ferocity.

Mo Xi glanced at the three of them. Everyone's face was covered with blood, and with the crazy expression on their faces, they looked very hideous and terrifying.

The little boy who was held hostage was terrified, tears kept falling, and he kept shouting: "Mom save me, mom save me."

Mo Xi approached calmly and took a look. The three men stood in a triangle with their backs leaning on each other.

And the sharp knife was very tight against the little boy's neck, as long as it was hard enough, it could cut the arteries in his neck, and there was no way to save him quietly.

Mo Xi looked around again, there was already a circle of people around, most of them were young people.

Among them was an aunt who seemed to be in her 40s. Her face was terrified, and her face was covered with tears. She kept begging those people: "I beg you, please return my son to me. Please, don't hurt me." He, he is only five or six years old, you will leave a shadow on him, can you take me as a hostage?"

Some people in the crowd also spoke up.

"Yes, let the child go, we can all be your hostages."

"Yes, children are only so old, let's change."

One of them looked at the woman like this, and was a little moved, "Brother, why don't you change the hostage, it's true that children shouldn't be taken."

The man with the knife glanced at the woman and thought about it, "Okay, come here."

"Okay, I'll go there now." Saying that, the woman walked forward.

At this moment, someone in the crowd shouted, "The police are here."

Immediately, more than a dozen people in police uniforms surrounded the place.

The knife-wielding man who had agreed to change the hostages changed his expression when he saw the policemen. His hand holding the knife trembled, and a bloodstain was drawn on the little boy's neck.

The little boy cried out immediately in pain: "It hurts, it hurts, mom, I hurt."

Seeing this, the woman immediately knelt down to the three men: "I beg you, please let my son go, please."

The leading police officer ordered two female police officers to help the woman up.

Then he looked at the three men holding the knife, raised the gun in his hand, and pointed the gun at the man holding the little boy: "Put down the weapon and let the kid go."

The three of them laughed wildly as if they couldn't see their guns.

One of them shouted loudly: "Why do you come here so fast now? When we called the police, none of you were seen."

As he spoke, he kicked the man lying on the ground whose life and death were unknown, "Do you know him? Drunk driving killed my mother, raped my sister, my father asked him for justice, and he sent my father to the hospital. It's not clear whether he is alive or dead now, but he is lucky, he killed three people, and he is still alive and well."

The other also kicked another man lying on the ground: "He beat my dad, and the situation is worse than he is now."

"I'll talk about these things when I return to the police station. Now, please let go of that kid." The leading policeman still pointed his gun at them.

Hearing this, they became even more excited, "It's useless to tell you guys, this thing has happened for more than a month, we have reported to the police dozens of times, and I haven't seen any movement from you, so tell me Put the gun down, or I'll stab him to death."

"Yes, you all put down your guns. Anyway, our house has been destroyed by this beast, and we don't mind if we die."

As soon as he finished speaking, the woman who had not stood up for a long time knelt down again: "No, please, give me back my son, I will be your hostage, really, I will be your hostage, I'm very good, please."

"Let them put down their guns first." The man holding the knife thought for a while and said.

The woman was so excited that she tugged on the sleeve of the lead policeman and begged, "Please, let them put their guns down."

The leading policeman helped her up: "You just wait aside, we will save your son."

The woman wouldn't leave and kept begging him to let them put the gun down.

"Hurry up, tell them to put down their guns, and get out of the way, or I'll kill this kid." The policeman holding the boy didn't move for a long time, impatient, and yelled loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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