Immortal Emperor of the World Proud

Chapter 34 All things earn their lives

Chapter 34 All things earn their lives
Wang Qianyue lived upstairs from the inorganic boy Zhao Miyue.The room is bright and clean, and the decoration is generous and simple. The room is more than [-] square meters, and it is equipped with an optical brain work table and a bathroom cubicle.

After putting away the few salutes, Wang Qianyue began to carefully inspect various places to see if there were any surveillance equipment inside.

"Little Red Bird, don't come out for now, I have no way to determine whether it is safe here!"

Wang Qianyue said vigilantly that although the dragon group treats her well now, she is not really relieved in her heart!
"I won't come out. There are many pairs of eyes looking at you now, so you have to be careful everywhere."

Little Red Bird highly praised Wang Qianyue for being so cautious. On other people's territory, she did not relax herself, but immediately checked whether there was any surveillance equipment here, which is very good!
You must know that the cultivation world is full of dangers, if you don't pay attention, you will capsize in the gutter!
Since ancient times, there has never been a fight for an artifact, not to mention that she is such a little girl, who would care about her life!
There is no harvest for the time being, and no monitors have been searched.

But the little red bird reminded: "The eyes of the woman who sent you in just now have the ability to search and monitor. Don't look at her too much. She can capture other people's vision in a short time."

Wang Qianyue sat on the bed, looking dazed, and said "hmm" in her heart.

The little red bird fluttered again, seeming to be flapping its wings in its mind, and sighed a little: "I have been dormant for 500 years, and the world has changed so fast. At that time, I didn't have so many strange abilities! That boy... tsk tsk! People in this era really dare to think!"

Wang Qianyue immediately became interested, and asked in her heart: "You said that you were an artifact in the Tang Dynasty. At that time, was the world like this? What did cultivators look like at that time?"

The little red bird said: "First of all, let me correct your mistake. I am not some magical tool in the Tang Dynasty. I have existed for a long time, which can be regarded as a long history. It was just that in the Tang Dynasty, I was used by Ling Daozi and became known to everyone. .During the Tang Dynasty, the aura was a hundred times more abundant than it is now. At that time, the world had never undergone such drastic changes. The aura was very pure. Cultivators had excellent physical fitness and did not have so many chaotic thoughts, so the progress of cultivation was also very fast... Although the road to heaven It's hard to go, but after all, there were still many ascenders in that era... But after the Tang Dynasty, the aura of heaven and earth began to decrease, and reached its peak in the Song and Ming Dynasties. In the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Sanfeng, a famous ascender, appeared. , the aura plummeted, and by the time of the Qing Dynasty, the world changed drastically, and it was almost gone... Until this era, the aura was chaotic and complex, with various types, and there were many weird things in the world, especially in the West. Bian, it’s interesting, it’s really interesting, it’s just that it’s all trails, and it’s hard to achieve!”

The little red bird also sighed.

"Every time the spiritual energy is scarce, it is because of the great changes in the world, the change of the dynasty, the war, the corpses are everywhere, the souls are countless, and the resentment is soaring. It is because of this reason that the Wuhu chaos, the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty, the founding of the Qing Dynasty, and the massacre of countless Han people , did the aura decrease?"

The little red bird was shocked, never thought that little Qianyue would be able to say such an opinion.

"What you said is also one of the reasons, um, a very important reason. Since the ancient mighty Emperor Yan and the Yellow Emperor descended to the world to reproduce their offspring, the blood of the Chinese descendants has the blood of the God of Yan and Huang, which can be continuously improved through cultivation. To achieve the most perfect state by oneself. The eras you mentioned were all catastrophes for the descendants of Yan and Huang! Although individual power is too small to shake the sky, thousands of descendants of Yan and Huang share a common vision. If they are angry and resentful, they will It can influence the sky to send down the wrath of the sky, and if it is a good blessing, it can also affect the blessings of the sky!"

Little Red Bird said seriously, although it is too early to say these things, but since Xiao Qianyue has already thought of these things, telling her will plant a seed of Dao for her.

"There is divinity in the blood of the Chinese Yanhuang descendants?" Xiao Qianyue was indeed shocked, but when she thought about it carefully, it was no wonder that only in Huaxia, there was such a unique, constantly improving, and extremely perfect cultivation system!It can make people cultivate to the gods!
"It's no wonder that every time there is a disaster, there are a lot of people praying. It turns out that it is really useful!"

The little red bird smiled: "How can it be useless? If it is the souls who died in the disaster, after praying, they will be sent to the Eastern Paradise Pure Land - the Eastern Extreme Miaoyan Palace. The east is the place where the sun rises, and the dead Entering a new life here, you don’t have to enter the suffering of samsara! This is the effect of human wishes!”

Wang Qianyue widened her eyes and ears, and said in amazement: "I originally thought that people would enter the underworld after death, but I didn't expect... there is also the Eastern Paradise Pure Land, the Eastern Extreme Miaoyan Palace!"

"That's because you don't know much, and you don't know much! This is not for everyone, at least it is the place where people with meritorious virtues in the world, or cultivators with upright hearts go after death. It does not enter reincarnation. Purity and divinity will be preserved!"

"On the day of the apocalypse a hundred years ago, the earth became a hundred times bigger, and the aura increased. What happened?"

Wang Qianyue asked very curiously. She was very interested in this period of history and read a lot of classics, but there was no satisfactory explanation.

"Apocalypse Day..." Little Red Bird couldn't help feeling confident, "I don't know, but this is something that has never happened before in history, and it is also an opportunity!"

"what chance?"

"An opportunity for all things to earn their lives!"

Little Red Bird said solemnly.

After the little red bird finished speaking, it didn't say anything more, no matter what questions Wang Qianyue asked, it refused to answer.

"Does everything survive..."

With deep doubts, Wang Qianyue lay down on the bed and fell asleep!
Treetops on the moon.

Wang Qianyue, who was sleeping, didn't know that there was a dark shadow sneaking in against the ground, piercing in through the gap in the window.

(End of this chapter)

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