Chapter 756
Soon, he suppressed the surprise on his face, pointed to the painting on the wall and said with a smile, "You are really good at painting, better than New Year pictures. Later, you can also draw two pictures for sister-in-law, just like this Painting is fine, I also hang it in the house, look at your house hanging this, it’s really pretty.”

Yu Xiaowan poured a glass of water, handed it to Song Meiyu, and replied with a smile, "This is all nonsense, it can't compare to New Year paintings, sister-in-law, drink water."

Song Meiyu took the water, saw the flower arrangement on one side of the table, and touched it, "Ah, it's true, how did you come up with it? Don't talk about dried flowers, it's just dried flowers arranged like this Isn’t it ugly? Is this a peach tree branch?”

"Sister-in-law, you have really good eyesight, it's a peach branch."

"Can this peach branch sprout and bloom next year?"

Yu Xiaowan shook her head, "It was originally a dry branch, used for decoration, it must not be able to sprout or bloom."

"No wonder Lu Mu watches you closely, Xiao Wan, you really impress my sister-in-law."

Song Meiyu looked around the room while talking, saw the bedroom door was open, and stepped into the bedroom.

"Hey, have you lit the stove in this room? No wonder I feel warm when I enter this room. Your Lu Mu really loves people."

"I'm afraid of the cold, and my hands always get cold when the weather cools down. This year I bought coal for my home, and after buying coal, Lu Mu lit the fire."

Yu Xiaowan didn't think it was a big deal, it was just a few extra pieces of coal burned every day, and a piece of coal didn't cost much.

Song Meiyu's smile froze a little, and a flash of emotion flashed in her eyes.

"If you don't say that Lu Mu will hurt people, you are really lucky to find a man like Lu Mu. If you look at my big Liu, you won't pay attention to these things. Don't say whether my hands are cold or not, even if I am sick and have a headache. Yes, I don’t stand in front of him and say that he doesn’t even know.”

"How could it be? Brother Liu doesn't look like the kind of rough-and-tumble person with a restrained personality, does he?"

"Huh? Thick lines? That's a good description. Brother Liu is just a thick line. You're already a rough man. Where can you find thin lines? Compared with Lu Mu, it's like a sky and a ground."

Just as Yu Xiaowan was about to explain something, the door opened, and someone stood at the door calling Mrs. Lu.

Although Yu Xiaowan is young, as Lu Mu's family member, there are still many employees who will call her sister-in-law.

"Someone called me, I'll go and see."

Yu Xiaowan told Song Meiyu to go out, Song Meiyu also stretched her neck to look out, and could still hear the two talking.

"Sister-in-law Lu, our Duan Zhang went to the city for a meeting, and he couldn't come back at noon. He asked me to come home and tell my sister-in-law that we don't have to wait for him to eat at noon."

"Okay, I see, thank you for making a special trip."

"It's okay, I just came out to get some air, oh yes, I almost forgot, Duan Zhang specifically told me that it's okay to leave the coal fire alone for a day, you don't need to move."

After the man finished speaking, he realized something, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he asked, "Sister-in-law, don't you know how to handle that coal-fired stove? Last year, I often heard our Duan Zhang talk about going back to get a stove. I thought sister-in-law Often not at home."

Being pointed out, Yu Xiaowan was also a little embarrassed. Just as she was about to explain something, the little comrade laughed again, "It's okay, anyway, our Duan Zhang is happy, I think he can't wait to go home twice a day to fix the stove. But sister-in-law, if you mess with this coal stove, don’t touch it, it’s fine if it’s sealed, if you mess with it, it’s easy to get poisoned, okay sister-in-law, you’re busy, I’m going back.”

(End of this chapter)

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